Wednesday, February 5, 2025

8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
SUB, Alumni Legacy Lounge
Printable Minutes



Waded Cruzado, Dean Adams, Fran Albrecht, Justin Arndt, Sreekala Bajwa, Jason Browning, Matt Caires, Leon Costello, Chris Dobbs, Ariel Donohue, Molly Lammers, Tracy Ellig, Stephanie McCalla, Stephanie Erdmann, Stephanie Gray, Jeannette Grey Gilbert, Brian Gillespie, Brett Gunnink, Alison Harmon, Debbie Haynes, Stefani Hicswa, John How, Greg Kegel, Ryan Knutson, Chere LeClair, Durward Sobek, Terry Leist, Bob Mokwa, Sally Mudiamu, Doralyn Rossmann, Tricia Seifert, Steve Swinford, Kim Obbink, Kellie Peterson, Sarah Shannon, Cody Stone, Will Thomas, James Tobin, Brad White, Jacob Zink


  1. Call to Order

       Called to order at 8:30am

  2. Approval of Minutes for January 15, 2024
       Terry Leist moved to approved
       Durward Sobek 2nd 
       Unanimous Approval
  3. University Wide Information/Announcements
  4. Public Comment
  5. New Items
  6. Old Items 
    1. Leave of Absence Policy and Retroactive Withdrawal Policy RevisionsHR Policy Revisions
      Justin Arndt, Chief Complaince Officer 

                      No opposition to move to vite
                      Unanimous Approval

VII. Information Items 

    1. South Campus Update (Grant St., Gianforte Hall, Facilities Yard, MRJCON)
      John How, Associate Vice President, Facilities Management

                             Increase communication to campus/community in June/July

                             Add design photos to a webpage

VIII. Updates 


NOTE:  The next University Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 5, 2025, from 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM in SUB, Alumni Legacy Lounge.