
ELAB is an electronic lab notebook hosted by RCI and designed to help researchers record and track their experiments efficiently. It is a secure, modern, and compliant system created by researchers for researchers, allowing them to manage their labs with a powerful and versatile database. ELAB facilitates tracking work and collaborating easily with team members.

All researchers across Montana State University who perform experimental research can access and use ELAB for free. This instanse is approved for data which is classified as “Public” (data which may be released to the general public in a controlled manner) or “Restricted” (such as FERPA protected data, financial transactions which don’t include confidential data, contracts, etc.) by the Bozeman Data Stewardship Standards

To learn how to use ELAB, please watch the ELAB Training

Existing Users

Log in to Elab using your net ID or student/grad worker account. 

New Users Getting Started with a New Team

If you are a PI, advisor, or other team lead, please log in to Elab to create your account, then fill out the new ELAB group form with the required details.

Once your Elab Team is created, you will be assigned admin rights to it and will be notified that is it ready via email from the helpdesk. You will then be able to log back in and start using ELAB. 

New Users Getting Started with an Existing Team

To begin, login to Elab 

ELABFTW Login Page

You can log in with your net ID or student/grad worker account (FirstnameLastname).

Once logged in, you should see the following screen. To proceed, select the team you would like to join from the dropdown menu. Your request to join the team will be forwarded to your group/team admin.

Note: You can only be in multiple teams at a time and switch between them in ELAB.

Elab Group Member

Once a team is selected, you should see a similar message as shown below. Your team admin will need to approve your request before you can access the team.

Elab Team join Success

You will receive an email from ELAB when your team admin has approved your request to join the team. You will then be able to log back in to begin using ELAB and should land on the team dashboard as shown below. 

ELAB FTW Landing Page


 To learn more about Elab Groups / Teams or to receive technical support, email rci-support@montana.edu.