Office of the Provost

Welcome from Provost Robert Mokwa

Greetings Students, Faculty and Friends of MSU;Mokwa082016

As Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, it is my pleasure to welcome you to Montana State University — a premier land grant research university! I serve as the chief academic officer and work closely with the university president, the deans of our academic colleges and other campus leaders to ensure that we provide students a top-notch, world class education to meet their career goals and learning aspirations. My office manages academic programs, procedures and policies for the academic life at Montana State University including faculty development and shared governance, academic program and curriculum establishment, course scheduling and enrollment management, accreditation and assessment.

We are proud of the breadth and quality of the academic programs that MSU offers to students across the state, the country and the globe in a beautiful place for a reasonable cost. MSU offers baccalaureate degrees in over 60 areas with many different options, master's degrees in 56 programs with additional graduate certificate options and doctoral degrees in 33 fields. We offer several fully online graduate programs and online undergraduate degree completion options.

MSU has over 570 full-time, tenured or tenure-track faculty members who teach classes and conduct research in seven academic colleges. Our faculty are teachers and scholars — they come to MSU from some of the leading institutions in the world and many are recognized as top scholars in their fields. Our faculty and staff take seriously our mission to provide an outstanding education to our students, to further knowledge and scholarship through research and creative activity, and to serve others by sharing our expertise.

Last year over 3,000 students earned degrees in an array of exciting discipline areas, including: nursing, engineering, computer science, business and finance, agriculture, social science, mathematics and statistics, humanities and arts, education, architecture, the physical sciences and many more. We truly embrace our role of providing the highest quality learning experience to each and every student at Montana State University by living our vision of improving the human prospect through excellence in education, research, creativity and civic responsibility.

We’d love to hear from you — whether your interest is in participating in one of our many undergraduate degree programs, learning more about our cutting edge research and graduate programs, completing a degree that you started at another place or time, or collaborating with our exceptional scholars and teachers. I encourage you to browse our web pages and to learn more about the work we do to support students, faculty, staff, the state of Montana and distant corners of the world. Come and visit. We look forward to meeting you! 

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