Request for Proposals-CFAC and EFAC FY26
January 13, 2025
TO: Deans, Directors and Department Heads
FR: Robert L. Mokwa
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
RE: Request for Proposals – CFAC and EFAC FY26 Funds
Proposals are requested for FY2026 Student Computer Fee and Student Equipment Fee funding. The deadline for proposals to the Computer Fee Allocation Committee (CFAC) and the Equipment Fee Allocation Committee (EFAC) is Friday, March 7th, 2025, at 5:00pm.
Deans shall collect, rank and submit a consolidated request from the College or other given unit by the deadline. Important updates to the guidelines for proposal preparation and reporting are attached to this RFP. The review committees will meet in early April; allocations for FY26 will be announced shortly after the committees conclude their deliberations.
Computer Fee Requests (submit to
- Student computer fee funds are generated by a student fee and may be used to purchase, lease or maintain computer equipment and/or software in support of the instructional program at MSU. Section 940.3 of the Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education Policy and Procedures Manual ( provides the specific regulations associated with the use of these funds.
- Academic Technology and Outreach (ATO), University Information Technology (UIT) and the Library will receive set proportions of the total computer fee funding to support classrooms and global computing labs throughout the campus.
- Units may request multi-year funding.
- The request form is attached. Please note the guidelines for prioritization of requests. Please complete all sections of the request form.
Equipment Fee Requests (submit to
- Student equipment fee funds are generated by a student fee and may be used to purchase, lease or maintain equipment in support of the instructional program at MSU. Section 940.3 of the Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education Policy and Procedures Manual ( provides the specific regulations associated with the use of these funds.
- Academic Technology and Outreach (ATO) and the Registrar’s Office will receive set proportions of the equipment fee funding to support classroom equipment throughout the campus.
- The request form is attached. Please note the guidelines for prioritization of requests. Please complete all sections of the request form.
These Guidelines from the Office of Academic Affairs aim to initiate a process of continuous improvement in the review, funding, expenditure, and reporting process that simplifies application and makes better use of these student funds to benefit our students and to support unit individual and institutional goals.
- The CFAC and EFAC expect to receive focused proposals from the units, with accompanying prioritization of the individual proposals from the colleges. Unit proposals bundled in a single, omnibus college proposal will not be considered as compliant with proposal guidelines and will not be eligible for review.
- Proposal narratives should be submitted as separate files, using a file naming convention that corresponds to the college’s prioritization, e.g., COAA_EFAC_01.
- Proposal narratives should highlight the alignment of the proposed outcomes with the strategic goals of MSU.
- Proposal narratives should address plans for installation and sustainability of operation. Budgets may include the labor costs to support the installation of new equipment, but ongoing operating labor costs may not be funded with computer or equipment fees.
- Proposal narratives should include realistic estimates for the anticipated amount of use by Montana State University students in classrooms and in computer, instructional, and research laboratories.
- Proposal development should involve collaboration with UIT (University Information Technology), wherever appropriate. UIT should be consulted on computer and software choices, vetting of computer replacement schedules, and sign-off on any necessary collaboration in installation and continuing support. Units should seek to leverage existing institutional capabilities and resources in their proposals, and, whenever possible, make selections that facilitate institutional support.
- Award recipients may be asked for a report on actual expenditures, fulfilment of proposal goals, and assessment of outcomes.
Thank you for your continued interest and support to make this process work better for all at MSU.