littMy primary research interests include understanding the effects of abiotic and biotic factors on  wildlife communities and populations. I and my students examine changes to wildlife resulting from various human activities including invasive plants, altered disturbance regimes, and changes in land use.  We work on a diversity of taxa, based on the ecological question of interest. Here are some photos of us at work.

teach mammalogy and the capstone course in fish and wildlife ecology and management at the undergraduate level, as well as a graduate course in wildlife-habitat relationships

I'm also co-host (with Chris Guy) of a podcast called "Today's Voices of Conservation Science", which is available on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, and on our website


Lab News:  Check out exciting news and awards from the lab and the Ecology department!                                                                                                                                          
Current Science: Read interesting current findings about animals and ecology...      

Available positions:  We are seeking applicants to fill several seasonal field positions:
Bat Capture and Handling Lead Technician (1 position)
Bat Capture and Handling Technician (4 positions)

Office hours: During Spring 2025, my office hours are on Wednesdays, 12:30 - 2:30 pm (Lewis 406B).  Please email me ( or use Nav MSU ( to let me know when you plan to stop by.

 montana state university fish and wildlife ecology and management program. Educating natural resource professionals since 1936