Approved Initiatives and Statements
Approved Initiatives and Statements
- Appeal Policy
- 1-Credit Extention and in Absentia Grad Policy
- Continuous Enrollment Policy
- Eligibility for Assistantships 3/28/2024
- Final Interim Center Review Guidelines-1/29/200 DRAFT
- Hate Speech Resolution
- Institute for National Security Research and Education (INSRE) proposal
- Master's Thesis Credits
- Mental Health Resolution
- MSU Faculty Senate Public Comment to NWCCU
- Research faculty as chairs of committees
- RTP Role and Scope
- RTP Standards
- RTP Definitions
- Temporary Procedural Modifications of Teaching Assessments for Spring 2020-4/13/2020
- Tenure Extension-3/26/2020
- Updated Graduate Academic Standing 3/29/2024
For more information on proposed and approved university policies, please see the Legal Counsel's website.