This program is currently paused and therefore not accepting certificate participants.

College of EHHD DEI Certificate

Get Involved! Learn something new! The College of EHHD Diversity Committee invites you to participate in an exciting new opportunity to earn the EHHD DEI Certificate. Those who complete the requirements for the certificate will earn the following:

  • A $500 award given at the end of the academic year in which you earned the certificate
  • New or enhanced knowledge and plans to strengthen your own DEI practices and awareness
  • A certificate of completion to display proudly in your office

Eligibility: All faculty, staff, and graduate students in the College of EHHD

To Participate:

  • Please submit a one paragraph intention statement sharing why you would like to participate and what you hope to gain from participation.
  • Earn 100 “credits” to be eligible for completion (more details below)!
  • Submit a final 1-2 page reflection on what was learned and gained and, concretely, how you have begun or plan to integrate what you learned into your work.
  • Aim to complete the certificate within 2 years of starting the program


  • REQUIRED CREDITS (40). If you have already completed any of these activities, please provide evidence.
    • 10 credits- Complete Indian Education For All training
    • 10 credits- Choose one of the following:
      • Complete one module of Safe Zone Training through MSU- if you have not completed any, please complete 1 or 2. If you have completed 1 and 2, please complete module 3. If you have done all three, please provide information to get credits for this requirement.
      • Complete one session/training from the Diversity & Inclusion Development Certificate
    • 10 credits- Attend one EHHD Diversity Dialogue or other all-college DEI offering
    • 10 credits- Final reflection paper and integration plan
  • ELECTIVE CREDITS (choose 60 or more)
    • 10 credits- Attend 1 Suicide Prevention Training at MSU
    • 10 credits- Attend one selection of Center for Faculty Excellence offerings on DEI topics (can earn credits for up to two)
    • 20 credits- Apply for and complete the work for an EHHD DEI mini-grant
    • 10 credits- Attend additional EHHD Diversity Dialogue, Safe Zone Training, or Diversity Development offering (can get additional credits for up to 2 additional)
    • 20 credits- Create a group in your program or area to discuss DEI in the curriculum (i.e. integrating DEI into Kinesiology or integrating DEI into advising). The DEI Committee will provide a list of questions to consider.
    • 5 credits- Provide content for two weeks of Tuesday Times “Centering DEI”
    • 20 credits- Participate in an EHHD DEI Book Study
    • 5 credits- Listen/read/watch new resource (book, article, podcast, film, etc.) for self-education on a DEI topic- share review with Mosey to share in Tuesday Times (may earn credits up to 2 times)
    • 20 credits- Facilitate an EHHD Diversity Dialogue
    • 10 credits- Complete a syllabus/learning outcome/process review. DEI Committee will provide list of questions to consider.
    • 20 credits- Present at a professional conference that integrates DEI concepts