EHHD Diversity and Inclusion Plan
College of Education, Health and Human Development
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Framework 2023-2029
Current EHHD DEI Committee members: Ann Ellsworth, Christy Sofianek, Elizabeth Williamson, Gilbert Kalonde, Kayte Kaminski, Kristofer Olsen, Lindsay Ganong, Suzi Taylor, Kasia Maison, Leslie Rogers, Ania Bartkowiak, Mosey Hardin, Sara Heller
EHHD Diversity and Inclusion Framework
Since the fall of 2016, the College of Education, Health and Human Development has been committed to a college-wide Diversity and Inclusion plan. The first iteration of the plan was carried out from 2017-2022. The following is the 2023-2029 EHHD Plan aligned with the expectations and framework of the MSU Diversity and Inclusion Framework. An external, working document and assessment plan exists to monitor and manage specific contributions to the actions and goals of this plan.
EHHD Diversity Statement
The College of Education, Health and Human Development is committed to an environment that fosters diversity, equity, and inclusion of all individuals in our college and the MSU community, and the communities we serve. EHHD has an imperative to prepare all individuals within the college to be successful in a diverse world, and to be aware of power differentials, oppression, and privilege within society. We believe that each student, staff, faculty member, and guest should feel welcomed and valued for their contributions to the educational process in all areas of teaching and learning, research, and service in the MSU community and beyond.
- The management and oversight of the EHHD Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Plan will fall under the College of EHHD.
- The committee meets monthly and annually works with the EHHD Leadership Team to discuss and assess how the plan is being realized, align the plan with the university-wide strategic plan and diversity and inclusion framework, and gather additional data and information to ensure the plan is moving forward.
Theme: Campus Climate and Intergroup Relations
Goal: Create a civil, supportive, and respectful environment where difference is a source of strength.
- Model supportive behavior for students, faculty, and staff
- Offer community supports for faculty, staff, and students and work to train on and engage with campus-wide structures of support (i.e. OIE, CARE Referrals, EAP)
Theme: Education and Scholarship
Goal: Equip students, faculty, and staff with the knowledge, experience and competencies necessary to eradicate biases and discrimination and to be successful in a multicultural international, pluralistic society.
- Continue to provide on-going training, professional development, and resources for EHHD faculty and staff around diversity, equity, and inclusion topics and integration, including purposeful integration in coursework
- Encourage participation and offer incentives for campus-wide efforts and opportunities
- Foster a culture of curiosity, reflection, integration, growth, and openness to discussion (related to professional development activities in DEI).
Theme: Access and Success
Goal: Recruit, promote the success of, and foster a sense of security and belonging for a diverse student body, faculty and staff.
- Utilize Diverse Hiring Practices in every search- engage with resources from Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- Consistently seek student input and reflection
- Consider accessibility of programming efforts for attendees and presenters
- Support campus-wide and EHHD-specific efforts to provide assistance for students (i.e., EHHD emergency scholarship process, food security support)
- Provide defined support for sponsorships of underrepresented student organizations and programming
- Continually assess recruitment and persistence efforts for EHHD students
- Continually assess recruitment and retention efforts for EHHD faculty and staff
- Work with the Office of Disability Services and Facilities Services for accessibility and accommodations
Theme: Leadership and Accountability
Goal: Provide strong, active, and visible leadership for diversity, equity and inclusion.
- Utilize Visual Ethnography Assessment (2022) to inform building updates and décor choices in EHHD spaces
- Reflect on our leadership for our college and beyond
- EHHD leaders will model strong, active, and visible leadership and accountability for themselves and others for diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts
- Maintain EHHD DEI Committee to realize this framework and plan
- Maintain strong leadership, collaborations, and effort within campus groups
- Practice accountability and evaluate ongoing progress
Theme: Communication
Goal: Increase the campus community’s and general public’s appreciation for the value of diversity and Montana State University through active communication to highlight underrepresented people.
- Support faculty and staff efforts to engage with DEI principles, cultural humility, and global understanding
- Practice timely and purposeful communication
- Utilize communications
- to celebrate student, staff, and faculty achievements and contributions to DEI efforts
- to educate EHHD constituents and encourage engagement in programming and resources
- to practice EHHD’s values of openness, honest dialogue, collaboration, and critical thinking
- to share progress and reflect as faculty/staff on DEI goal progress
Top 5 Tips for Getting Started with Diversity and Inclusion work as an Educator in EHHD:
- Start Reading! A couple of good starter books are listed below:
- So You Want to Talk about Race by Ijeoma Oluo
- Stamped: Racism, Antiracism and You by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi
- The “Centering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” section of the weekly EHHD Tuesday Times newsletter often has articles to consider on all aspects of diversity
- Visit the MSU Resource Guide for even more resources and ideas
- Start Watching and Listening! A few good starter films and podcasts are listed below:
- 13th Film
- Just Mercy Film (or book by Bryan Stevenson)
- Code Switch Podcast
- Add the EHHD Diversity Statement to your syllabus and your D2L course shell
- Attend a workshop or training (see “EDUCATE Yourself at MSU!” below)
EHHD Resources
This list was put together by members of the EHHD DEI Committee and represents resources that have been combined from a variety of DEI resources in the field. It is not inclusive of all resources nor have all resources been vetted individually. This list is meant to be a resource on resources, a place for faculty, staff, and students to learn more from a variety of sources to engage in new ways in the realm of diversity, equity, and inclusion work. For a complete and regularly updated list of helpful resources visit our resource page.
EDUCATE Yourself at MSU!
There are a multitude of resources, trainings, and other ways to learn more about how diversity and inclusion play a role at MSU, and how to integrate this important work into your teaching, service, and work with students and other faculty and staff.
- Montana State University Diversity and Inclusion Framework - The current MSU Diversity Framework builds on a foundation of institutional values and accomplishments that have been established over many years through the work of students, faculty and staff committed to broadening and strengthening diversity.
- Montana State University’s Strategic Plan, Choosing Promise - Has the above framework integrated throughout. Learn more about how these values are being conceptualized in our overall campus community and goals.
- Indian Education For All (IEFA) in Montana - We ask that all of our faculty and staff in EHHD have completed this course. This course is just one part of an overall effort to ensure that every member of our Montana University System (MUS) team is engaged in conversations around the Montana Constitutional mandate that "every Montanan, whether Indian or non-Indian, be encouraged to learn about the distinct and unique heritage of American Indians in a culturally responsive manner."
- Safe Zone Trainings - Interested in learning more about LGBTQ issues and potentially becoming part of an ally network for LGBTQ students at MSU? The Safe Zone program offers trainings each semester to help educate our community and promote an inclusive campus environment.
- Student Commons - The Student Commons promotes inclusion and understanding of difference, supports students from underrepresented identity groups, and encourages critical thinking about diversity topics.
- Access and Success - Access and Success is a unit of Student Success focused on promoting Montana State University's commitment to making education accessible to all students and bringing students into supportive environments that set them up for success.
- Resources for Further Reflection
- Considering a Land Acknowledgement on your syllabus or in a course?
- Considering the Problem with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Learn about your own Implicit Biases
- The Social Justice Syllabus Design Tool
- Why Students Do Not Turn on Their Video Cameras During Online Classes and an Equitable and Inclusive Plan to Encourage Them to Do So