Montana Science Olympiad Sponsorship
The Science Math Resource Center is pleased to partner with a number of MSU colleges,
departments, student clubs, and centers to sponsor the Science Olympiad state tournament.
Partners beyond Montana State University also contribute.
In addition to our fiscal sponsors, contributions come from volunteer hours, in-kind
donations, and experiential STEM opportunities from MSU affiliates, non-profit organizations,
and private sector companies.
We appreciate you and we couldn't do it without you!
Is your organization interested in supporting the Montana Science Olympiad? Contact us to learn ways to contribute and help nearly 1,000 Montana middle and high school
students participate in the premier STEM competition in Montana.
Museum of the Rockies STEM Night
A special thank you to the Museum of the Rockies for hosting the STEM Fun Night on
the evening before the tournament - an annual tradition!
MoR opens its doors to Montana middle and high students and their coaches and chaperones
to offer complimentary admission, planetarium shows, and exhibits by community STEM
Many students travel long distances from across Montana to compete in the Science
Olympiad and they may be visiting the Museum of the Rockies for the first time!
Learn about education outreach at the Museum of the Rockies
Gianforte Family Foundation
Thanks to a generous contribution from the Gianforte Family Foundation, the 2025 winning
Division B and Division C teams will each receive $5000 in travel support to attendthe National Science Olympiad at the University of Nebrask-Lincoln on May 24-25, 2025.
Give to Montana Science Olympiad
Do you have a fond memory as a past participant in Science Olympiad? Did you serve
as a coach, event supervisor, or volunteer? Perhaps your passion for science or your
STEM career was shaped by your experiences with Science Olympiad. You can give back
by designating a gift to Montana Science Olympiad.
The MSU Alumni Foundation provides a platform to donate. You can give anonymously
or memorialize or honor a loved one. Any donation is a positive contribution toward helping Montana middle and high
school students participate in the premier STEM tournament in the state.
Give Today!
2025 Tournament Sponsors and Supporters
MSU Colleges, Departments, Student Clubs and Centers
Beyond MSU
2024 Tournament Sponsors and Supporters
MSU Colleges, Departments, Student Clubs, & Centers:
Academic Technology & Outreach; College of Agriculture; Aspiring Educators of MSU; College of Education, Health & Human Development; College of Letters & Sciences; Department of Education; The MSU Graduate School; Mark & Robyn Jones College of Nursing; Master's of Science in Science Education; Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering; Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, Office of the President, Office of Research, Economic Development and Graduate Education; MONT: The Montana Nanotechnology Facility; Montana Manufacturing Extension Center (MMEC); Museum of the Rockies; Science Olympiad Student Club of MSU; Two Bear Capital.
Beyond MSU:
Gianforte Family Foundation; Montana Afterschool Alliance; Montana Bioscience Alliance; Montana Learning Center at Canyon Ferry Lake; Montana NSF EPSCoR; School Services of Montana; Two Bear Capital.