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I. Purpose

This policy describes the allowable use of recording devices in any area where animals are housed, tested, or used at MSU (including laboratories, university vehicles/conveyances, and field study locations) and provides university personnel guidance on how to best present and share recordings involving live or dead animals or their parts.

This policy is intended to protect the confidentiality and integrity of MSU research, to assure respect for the privacy and safety interests of staff and students, and to prevent misleading representation of MSU animal use and related policies and procedures.

II. Scope

This policy applies to all individuals involved in vertebrate animal biomedical research at MSU.

III. Policy

The use of any recording device (e.g., film camera, digital camera, phone, digital recorder, sound recorder, live streaming equipment) to record sounds or images of animals or animal use areas is prohibited unless one of the following exceptions apply:

  1. When performed by the Principal Investigator (PI) or designee when required for University-sanctioned scientific reasons (e.g., publications, laboratory documentation, grant submissions).
  2. When performed by the PI or designee for the purpose of recording instructional activities.
  3. When performed by or at the direction of the Animal Resources Center (ARC), the Attending Veterinarian (AV), the IACUC or Research Integrity & Compliance (RIC) for the purpose of diagnosing or documenting clinical disease, veterinary care or treatment.
  4. When performed by personnel in consultation with the ARC when required to document the condition of facilities, compliance, or animal welfare issues.
  5. When performed by IACUC members or office staff to document conditions during IACUC inspections.
  6. When performed by government inspectors (e.g., USDA Veterinary Medical Officer)
  7. Images and/or recordings must comply with the MSU Film, Photography, and Audio Recording Policy,Montana University System General Record Retention Schedule and Data Storage Security
  8. University personnel who wish to record or allow recording by others (e.g. journalists) in animal use areas for reasons not described in the above list of exceptions must involve the Directors of the ARC and RIC prior to recording. University personnel are also strongly encouraged to work with University Communication subsequent to the information dissemination process by contacting the University’s Communications Director.

IACUC Approval Date: 2/23/2023
Review Date: 2/23/2023
Issue Date: 3/1/2023