If a student must withdraw from all classes after they have confirmed attendance or paid fees, they must initiate the withdrawal through the Office of the Registrar. Graduate students must initiate the withdrawal through The Graduate School.

A student who withdraws before the end of the 15th day of the semester will not receive grades for any of their courses. Thereafter, through the last day of instruction, a grade of “W” will be assigned on all courses for which the student is registered unless the Office of the Registrar indicates otherwise. The date of withdrawal is the date the student completes the request to withdrawal form with a staff member in the Office of the Registrar. For extraordinary circumstances, the student could appeal to the Dean of Student’s Office for an earlier official withdrawal date.

While the registration fee ($30), tuition payment plan processing fee, orientation fee, ID fee, late fees, social fee, foreign student fee and dorm deposit are not refundable, all other tuition and fees will be refunded based upon the following schedule. The Office of the Registrar record will determine the date used for refunding.

A student who stops attending class without withdrawing their registration through regular channels will receive “F” grades in all courses for which they were registered.

No refund of health or dental fees are given if medical services have been provided.

Spring 2025 Semester Withdrawal Refund Schedule

Part of Term

Term Dates 

100% Refund Through

90% Refund

75% Refund

50% Refund


0% Refund From

Full Semester Session 14-Jan - 8-May 13-Jan 14-Jan - 21-Jan 22-Jan - 28-Jan 29-Jan - 4-Feb 5-Feb
First Session 14-Jan - 7-Mar 13-Jan 14-Jan - 16-Jan 17-Jan - 22-Jan 23-Jan - 27-Jan 28-Jan
Late Start  27-Jan - 8-May 26-Jan 27-Jan - 31-Jan 1-Feb - 7-Feb 8-Feb - 14-Feb 15-Feb
Second Session 10-Mar - 8-May 9-Mar 10-Mar - 12-Mar 13-Mar - 24-Mar 25-Mar - 27-Mar


Non-Standard Term Dates* 14-Jan - 8-May 13-Jan 14-Jan - 21-Jan 22-Jan - 28-Jan 29-Jan - 4-Feb 5-Feb
Multiple Terms Combined** 14-Jan - 8-May 13-Jan 14-Jan - 21-Jan 22-Jan - 28-Jan 29-Jan - 4-Feb 5-Feb


*Non-Standard Term Dates refers to courses that do not conform to any other part of term. These are usually highly specialized courses. 

**Multiple Terms Combined refers to a class schedule that combines two or more parts of term. 

Summer 2025 Semester Withdrawal Refund Schedule

Part of Term

Term Dates 

100% Refund Through

90% Refund

75% Refund

50% Refund


0% Refund From

12-week Full Semester Session 19-May - 8-Aug 18-May 19-May - 22-May 23-May- 29-May 30-May - 5-June 6-June
May 4X4 19-May - 13-June 18-May 19-May 20-May 21-May 22-May
June 4X4 16-June -11-July 15-June 16-June 17-June 18-June 19-June
July 4X4 14-July - 8-Aug 13-July 14-July 15-July 16-July 17-July
Late Summer Start 28-July - 8-Aug 27-July 28-July 29-July 30-July 31-July
First 6-week Session 19-May - 27-June 18-May 19-May - 20-May 21-May - 22-May 23-May - 27-May 28-May
8-week Intersession 16-June -8-Aug 15-June 16-June - 18-June 19-June - 23-June 24-June - 26-June 27-June
Second 6-week Session 30-June - 8-Aug 29-June 30-June - 1-July 2-July - 3-July 4-July - 8-July 9-July
Non-Standard Term Dates* 19-May - 8-Aug 18-May 19-May - 22-May 23-May- 29-May 30-May - 5-June 6-June
Multiple Terms Combined** 19-May - 8-Aug 18-May 19-May - 22-May 23-May- 29-May 30-May - 5-June 6-June


*Non-Standard Term Dates refers to courses that do not conform to any other part of term. These are usually highly specialized courses. 

**Multiple Terms Combined refers to a class schedule that combines two or more parts of term. 

Fall 2025 Semester Withdrawal Refund Schedule

Part of Term

Term Dates 

100% Refund Through

90% Refund

75% Refund

50% Refund


0% Refund From

Full Semester Session 20-Aug - 11-Dec 19-Aug 20-Aug - 26-Aug 27-Aug - 3-Sep 4-Sep - 10-Sep 11-Sep
First Session 20-Aug - 10-Oct 19-Aug 20-Aug - 22-Aug 23-Aug - 27-Aug 28-Aug - 2-Sep 3-Sep
Late Start  2-Sep - 11-Dec 1-Sep 2-Sep - 8-Sep 9-Sep - 15-Sep 16-Sep - 22-Sep 23-Sep
Second Session 13-Oct - 11-Dec 12-Oct 13-Oct - 15-Oct 16-Oct - 20-Oct 21-Oct - 23-Oct 24-Oct
Non-Standard Term Dates* 20-Aug - 11-Dec 19-Aug 20-Aug - 26-Aug 27-Aug - 3-Sep 4-Sep - 10-Sep 11-Sep
Multiple Terms Combined** 20-Aug - 11-Dec 19-Aug 20-Aug - 26-Aug 27-Aug - 3-Sep 4-Sep - 10-Sep 11-Sep


*Non-Standard Term Dates refers to courses that do not conform to any other part of term. These are usually highly specialized courses. 

**Multiple Terms Combined refers to a class schedule that combines two or more parts of term.