IRAEA funds research scholarships for undergraduate students from a wide-range of disciplines to participate in faculty-led research projects on regulation and policy. With IRAEA undergraduate research scholarships, faculty and students have the opportunity to explore academic interests beyond the classroom. Students get hands-on experience with research and acquire academic and professional skills and credentials, and faculty get help with their research projects.
The Undergraduate Research Scholarship grant cycle for Spring 2025 has closed.

Fall 2024 Semster Scholars

Student Research Faculty        

Beau Barthuly

The Impact of Bank Regulation on Local Labor Market Outcomes Justin Gallagher

Nikoli Cunningham

Public Library Branch Closures and their Impact on Local Economic Development Greg Gilpin

Ethan Gilpin

Algorithmic Risk Assessment and Criminal Justice Outcomes                                                           Wendy Stock
Nora Griffith Measuring Rally-Around-The-Flag Effects among Black Americans after 9/11 Mark Anderson
Erika Knappenberger Exploring the Effects of Incarceration on Family Outcomes Isaac Swensen
Lucy Lantz Measuring Rally-Around-The-Flag Effects among Black Americans after 9/11 Mark Anderson
Lillian Pates Equity Resource Sharing: Analyzing the Impact of Interlibrary Loan Consortiums on Public Library
Collections and Personnel Between Low and High-Income Communities
Greg Gilpin
Quinn Sanderson
Do State-Level Financial Literacy/Economics Education Policies Impact Diversity in Economics? &
Book Bans and Teacher Turnover
Wendy Stock
Claire Standley Estimating the Effects of Journal Article Retractions on Academic Careers Mark Anderson
Jonathan Yen The Effect of State-mandatory Retirement Plans on New Business Formation, Firm Size,
and Employee Savings
Carly Urban

IRAEA Undergraduate Scholars

Student Research Faculty        

Robert Brown

Book Bans, Teacher Morale, and Teacher Turnover Wendy Stock

Frank Calandrella      

Book Bans, Teacher Morale, and Teacher Turnover Wendy Stock

Ricardo Caldeira
Business Accounting
Financial Engineering

 Are climate concerns contributing to low fertility?                                                             Melissa LoPalo     
Timothy Cuddy
Exploring the Effects of Journal Replication Policies on Research
Practices in Economics
Isaac Swensen
Grace Gilbreth
Effects of Trade Policy on U.S. Rural Employment and Wages Diane Charlton
Nora Griffith
Measuring Rally-Around-The-Flag Effects among Black
Americans after 9/11
Mark Anderson
Aydemar Guerrero
Financial Engineering
Book Bans, Teacher Morale, and Teacher Turnover Wendy Stock
Joseph Knappenberger
The Impact of Bank Regulation on Local Labor Market Outcomes Justin Gallagher
Lucy Lantz
Measuring Rally-Around-The-Flag Effects among Black Americans after 9/11 Mark Anderson
Lillian Pates
FInancial Engineering
Equity Resource Sharing: Analyzing the Impact of Interlibrary Loan
Consortiums on Public Library Collections and Personnel Between
Low and High-Income Communities
Greg Gilpin
Quinn Sanderson
Book Bans and Teacher Turnover Wendy Stock
William Warner
Estimating the Effects of Journal Article Retractions on
Academic Careers
Mark Anderson
Student Research Faculty
Alec Fluer
Choosing fewer children or running out of time? The role of the biological clock in global fertility decline                        Melissa LoPalo
Ethan Gilpin
Political Science
Rape Kit Backlogs and Criminal Justice Outcomes Wendy Stock
Stephen Girts
Exploring the Effects of Journal Replication Policies on Research
Practices in Economics
Isaac Swensen
Joseph Knappenberger           
Computer Science 
The Impact of Bank Regulation on Local Labor Market Outcomes Justin Gallagher
Quinn Sanderson
English Literature
Do State-Level Financial Literacy/Economics Education Policies
Impact Diversity in Economics?
Wendy Stock
Claire Standley
Agriculture Business
Estimating the Effects of Journal Article Retractions on Academic Careers Mark Anderson
Student Research Faculty
Alec Fluer
Choosing fewer children or running out of time? The role of the biological clock in global fertility decline                        Melissa LoPalo
Ethan Gilpin
Political Science
Rape Kit Backlogs and Criminal Justice Outcomes Wendy Stock
Stephen Girts
Exploring the Effects of Journal Replication Policies on Research
Practices in Economics
Isaac Swensen
Joseph Knappenberger           
Computer Science 
The Impact of Bank Regulation on Local Labor Market Outcomes Justin Gallagher
Quinn Sanderson
English Literature
Do State-Level Financial Literacy/Economics Education Policies
Impact Diversity in Economics?
Wendy Stock
Claire Standley
Agriculture Business
Estimating the Effects of Journal Article Retractions on Academic Careers Mark Anderson


Student Research Faculty
Alec Fluer
Choosing fewer children or running out of time? The role of the biological clock in global fertility decline                Melissa LoPalo
Caden Freeborn
Exploring the Effects of Journal Replication Policies on Research Practices in Economics Isaac Swensen
Lillian Pates
FInancial Engineering
Equity Resource Sharing: Analyzing the Impact of Interlibrary Loan Consortiums
on Public Library Collections and Personnel Between Low and High-Income Communities
Greg Gilpin
Quinn Sanderson
Book Bans and Teacher Turnover Wendy Stock
William Warner
Estimating the Effects of Journal Article Retractions on Academic Careers Mark Anderson
Student Research Faculty
Grace Gilbreth  Economics    "Effects of Trade Policy on Rural Employment and Wages" Diane Charlton
Dylan Granum
"Air Polution and Worker Productivity in Developing Countries: Evidence from Interviewers" Melisa LoPalo 
Grace Pannell
"Smart Phones, Self-Control, and Productivity" Mariana  Carrera                                                                  
Quinn Sanderson  Economics                   

"Medicaid Expansion and Special Education Outcomes" & "Medicaid Expansion, Child Neglect, and Foster Care"                                   Wendy Stock                                      
Student Research Faculty

Isaac Birdwell
Industrial Engineering

Katiana Carestia
Financial Engineering 

Tristan Jones
Financial Engineering 

"Weather Damage Reporting, Selection Bias, and Voting."

Justin Gallagher


Norris Blossom
Industrial Engineering
Renewal: "The Impacts of Paid Leave on Retirement, Mortality, Moridity, and Other Outcomes for Caregivers."

Wendy Stock


Nick Cornwall
Renewal: "A Survey of Montana Community Banks."

Gary Caton (with Tim Harvery and Ed Gamble

Jake Jabs College of Business & Entrepreneurship

Maxwell Ellingsen
"Charter School Policies and Special Education Outcomes."

Wendy Stock


Nicholas Power
"Medical Error, Physician Work Hours, and Motality Outcomes."

Isaac Swensen


Quinn Sanderson
"Do Antidiscrimination Laws Change Women's Marital Decisions?"                                       

Wendy Stock and Pamela Meyerhofer

Landon Sielaff
Financial Engineering                                        
"What Does Price Volatility in Agricultural Commodities Mean for Producers? Counter-Cyclical Pattern Might be the Answer."

Joseph Atwood

Student Research Faculty
Norris Blossom
Industrial Engineering
“The Impacts of Paid Leave on Retirement, Mortality, Morbidity, and Other Outcomes for Caregivers”

Wendy Stock


Nick Cornwall
"A Survey of Montana Community Banks"

Gary Caton (with Tim Harvey and Ed Gamble)

Jake Jabs College of Business & Entrepreneurship

Molly DeMarco

“Impacts of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program

Wendy Stock

Emiliano Hernandez
Microbiology and Immunology

"Optimization of Laboratory Assays to Quantify Influenza D Virus

Agnieszka Rynda-Apple

Kathryn Hilburn
Chemical Engineering 

“Identifying Gaps in Intellectual Property Management in Tribal-University Agricultural Collaborations: A Case Study on the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes and Montana State University Toward a Culturally Sensitive and Equitable Partnership”

Wan-Yuan Kuo

Department of Health and Human Development

Rachel Kepl
Early Childhood Education & Child Services 

 "Families’ Experiences of Transitions for their Children with Delays and Disabilities"

Kalli Decker

Department of Health and Human Development

Joseph Peoria

"Integrating Neighborhood Voice into Policies, Plans, and Regulations: A Synthesis of Bozeman’s Northeast Neighborhood Vision and City Policy"

Sarah Church

Department of Earth Sciences

Kyle Rutten
Computer Science Data Science Economics

"The Heat Is On: Enforcement of Occupational Health Heat Violations"

Sally Moyce

College of Nursing

Finn Vaughankraska
Financial Engineering

"An Assessment of Potential Methodologies to Incorporating Risk Assessment and Control in Marine Fisheries Regulation"

Joseph Atwood


Logan Yates
Economics  English Writing

"Telehealth and Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic"

Mariana Carrera


Student Research Faculty
Norris Blossom
Industrial Engineering
“Occupational Licensing in the Behavioral Health Industry”

Wendy Stock

Benjamin Moscona-Remnitz 

"Foreign Land Ownership in U.S. Farmland Markets: A Descriptive Analysis"

Daniel Bigelow                   

Kyle Rutton Statistics

“A Hot Debate: Are Occupational Health Policies Effective?

Sally Moyce

College of Nursing

Student Research Faculty
Kyra Adamson University Studies "Human Trafficking: The Impact of Policy on Identification and Prosecution"

Wendy Stock


Norris Blossom Industrial Engineering Economics “Occupational Licensing in the Behavioral Health Industry”

Wendy Stock


Danielle Daley Economics “Do State-Level Financial Literacy Policies Impact Diversity in Economics”

Wendy Stock


Daniel Flavin Environmental Science "Application of Ecological Portfolio Theory to Inform Socio-environmental Incentives to Guide Salmon Conservation in a Low-regulatory Environment"

William Kleindl

Grace Pannell Economics  "Data Trends in Enrollment and Other Outcomes for Special Education Students"

Wendy Stock


Kyle Rutten Mathematics "A Hot Debate: Are Occupational Health Policies Effective?"

Sally Moyce, College of Nursing

Wendy Stock

Alec Truax Economics "Medical Error, Physician Work Hours, and Mortality Outcomes"

Isaac Swensen


Hailey Webb

A Web-Based Story Map to Explain Sensitivity Analysis of Riparian Wetland Assessment to Disturbance Gradients within SW Montana”

William Kleindl

Land Resources and Environmental Sciences 

Student Research Faculty

Norris Blossom Economics & Industrial Engineering

“Data on Trends in Enrollment and Other Outcomes for Special Education Students”

Wendy Stock


Taylor Blossom Chemical Engineering Economics Interdisciplinary Studies

“Data on Trends in Enrollment and Other Outcomes for Special Education Students”


Wendy Stock



Emily Buschini Elementary Education

“Impact Study and Evaluation of K-5 School Practices and Schedules”

Tina Cusker and Tricia Seifert, Department of Education 

Danielle Daley Economics

“Do State-Level Financial Literacy Policies Impact Diversity in Economics”

Wendy Stock


Athena Erickson Economics

“Food and Development Aid Policy” and “Charter School Legislation and Regulations”

Vincent Smith


Kenny Evans Economics

“Physician Incentives, Advanced Care Planning, and Health Care Costs”

Mariana Carrera


Zachariah Fighter Environmental Science    “Assessing Profitability of Wheat Production Under Heavy Losses Due to Wheat Stem Sawfly: Existing Regulatory Constraints and Options”

David Weaver

Land Resources and Environmental Sciences

Daniel Flavin Environmental Science  “Application of Ecological Portfolio Theory to Inform Socio-Environmental Incentives to Guide Salmon Conservation in a Low-regulatory Environment”

William Kleindl

Land Resources and Environmental Sciences 

Tyler Foster Economics    “The Effect of Unemployment Insurance on Marital Outcomes, Domestic Violence, and Suicide”

Isaac Swensen


Tory Johnson
Agricultural Business  

“The Effect of Unemployment Insurance on Marital Outcomes, Domestic Violence, and Suicide”

Isaac Swensen

Jake Kaminetzky Political Science and Economics 

“Is the Lottery a Tax on the Nation’s Poorest? Evidence from Lottery Participation, Jackpots, and Food Stamp Distribution”

Isaac Swensen


Lindsay Kimball Exercise Science “Data on Trends in Enrollment and Other Outcomes for Special Education Students”

Wendy Stock


Sarah Montalbano Economics  “Data on Trends in Enrollment and Other Outcomes for Special Education Students”

Wendy Stock


Hailey Webb Environmental Science A web-based story map to explain “Sensitivity Analysis of Riparian Wetland Assessment to Disturbance Gradients within SW Montana”

William Kleindl

Land Resources and Environmental Sciences

Student Research Faculty

Danielle Daley Economics

“Do State-Level Financial Literacy Policies Impact Diversity in Economics.”


Wendy Stock

Kenny Evans

"Physician Incentives, Advanced Care Planning, and Health Care Costs."


Mariana Carrera


Sarah Montalbano Computer Science Economics

"Antidiscrimination laws and Labor Market Impacts"


Wendy Stock
Student Research Faculty

Joe Baan 

“Lotteries and Crime.”

Isaac Swensen                    

Jake Kaminetzky

"Complementary of Lottery Participation, Cigarettes, and Alcohol"

Isaac Swensen 

Rowen Tracy

"Racial Segrgation and Team Performance"

Isaac Swensen 
Student Research Faculty

Faisal AlSaad
Business Finance

“Payday Lending, Crime, and Suicide.”


Wendy Stock 


Danielle Antelope
Sustainable Food and bioenergy systems

"Toward Piikani Food Sovereignty: A Study of Federal Regulations, Tribal Prerogatives, and Lessons Learned for Establishing and Maintaining a Culturally Appropriate Food Distribution Program on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation.”

Kristin Ruppel

Noelani Boise
Environmental Biology

 "Potential impacts of plastic degradation by thermoenzymes." 

Dana Skorupa

Chemical and Biological Engineering

Hannah Brauch

"The Differential Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley on Privately- versus Publicly-Held Banks."


Gary Caton

Jake Jabs College of Business & Entrepreneurship

Athena Erickson

Project one: “Food and Development Aid.”

Vincent Smith


Emma Folkerts
Political Science

"Human Trafficking: The Impact of Policy on Identification and Prosecution."

Wendy Stock


Dustin Hofer

"Post Sullivan Law Gun Regulations."

Isaac Swensen


Connor Hoffman
Interdisciplinary Studies
Chemical Engineering
Biological Engineering

"Genetically Modified Food: Then, Now, and Tomorrow."


Wendy Stock


Brody Wallace

"Sensitivity Analysis of Multiple Regulatory Tools for Riparian Wetland Assessment to Disturbance Gradients within SW Montana."

William Kleindl and Tony Hartshron

Land Resources and Environmental Services

Student Research Faculty

Joe Baan

“State Lottery Participation and Crime Rates.”


Isaac Swensen

Meghan Brence
Agricultural Business

“Assessing Potential Impacts of Electronic Logging Device Regulations on Cattle Prices.”


Anton Bekkerman

Andie Creel

“An Evaluation of Montana’s Willingness to Pay for Un-hunted Yellowstone Grizzly.”

Mark Anderson

Danielle Daley

“Do Graduate Policies and Characteristics Affect Economists’ Later Publication and co-Authorship Rates?”


Wendy Stock

Carolyn Egervary
Biological Science

"Data on Trends in Enrollment and          Outcomes of Students Covered by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and IDEA-related Special Education Teacher Certification Requirements."

Carolyn is studying biological sciencs and economics.

Wendy Stock

Emma Folkerts
Political Science

"Human Trafficking: The Impact of Policy on Identification and Prosecution."

Emma is studying economics and political science.

Wendy Stock


“Assessing the Effects of Automation in Historically Labor-safe Industries.”


Mark Anderson

Laura Ippolito
Sustainable Foods and Bioenergy Systems

 “Toward a Market-based Solution for Improving the Cost-Effectiveness of Enforcing the U.S. Grain Traceability Mandates.”

Laura is studying sustainable foods and bioenergy systems, and economics.

Anton Bekkerman and Bruce Maxwell

Sarah McKnight

“Mental Health Resources in Schools, School Disciplinary Outcomes, and Youth Crime.”

Christiana Stoddard
Student Research Faculty

Carolyn Egervary
Biological Sciences

"Data on Trends in Enrollment and Outcomes of Students Covered by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and IDEA-related Special Education Teacher Certification Requirements."

Wendy Stock

Athena Erickson

“Charter Schools: The consequences of post Hurricane Education Policy Change in New Orleans and Puerto Rico.”


Vincent Smith

Dominick Faith
Cell Biology

"Developing Bio-based treatments for Scours with regard to FDA policy that governs these treatment strategies."

Blake Wiedenheft, Eric Belasco

Fangfei Nui
Senior Exchange Student

"An Examination of Antibiotic Regulations on Cattle Production in Montana and Access to Export Markets."

 Eric Belasco

Emma Folkerts
Political Science

"Human Trafficking: The Impact of Policy on Identification and Prosecution"

Wendy Stock

Alex Houtz

"Can Domestic Violence Victim Screening Reduce Domestic Violence?"


Alex is majoring in economics.

Isaac Swensen

Ryan Trefethen
Financial Engineering

“Impacts of Medicaid Reform in Montana.”


Vincent Smith
Student Research Faculty

Faisal Al-Saad

 "Investigating the Effect of GDL Laws on Risk Behaviors"

Greg Gilpin
Athena Erickson 
 "US food aid policy to account for the efficiency of different categories of non-government agencies in providing emergency food aid in the context of alternative regulatory requirements." Vincent Smith

Peter Asmuth

 "An Economic Analysis of the Causes and Consequences of Wilderness Designation"

Randal Rucker

Masters of Professional Accountancy

“Prosocial Organizing and Regulation: Nonprofit Tax Status”

Ed Gamble
Laura Ippolito
Sustainable Foods and Bioenergy Systems
 “Toward a Market-based Solution for Improving the Cost-Effectiveness of Enforcing the U.S. Grain Traceability Mandates”


Anton Bekkerman & Bruce Maxwell
Joseph Lazarus  “Winsome: Widening Interest in New Soil Organic Matter Economics”


Tony Hartshorn

Ryan Trefethen
Financial Engineering

“Impacts of Medicaid Reform in Montana.”

Vincent Smith

Student Research Faculty

Andrea Creel
Computer Science

“Analyzing the Impact of GDL Laws on Youth Employment and Risk Behaviors” 

Gregory Gilpin

Grace Dikeman 
Business Administration

 “Alternative Crop Insurance Subsidy Structures with WTO-compliance considerations”

Anton Bekkerman & Gregory Gilpin

Tanner Edward

"What SOX should a bank be wearing? The Differential Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley on Small, Medium and Large Banks”

Gary Caton, Edward Gamble, & Frank Kerins

Allie Hale
Small Business Management

“Research on the History and Current State of Regulations on Marketing Psychiatric Pharmaceuticals in the U.S.”

Wendy Stock

Micah McFelly 
Community Health

 “A Review of Mental Health Service Policy and Delivery in U.S. Higher Education Institutions”

Wendy Stock

Alex Rickey

“Research on the Effects of Early Gun Regulations”

Isaac Swensen
Student Research Faculty

Madeline Demaske
Agribusiness Management

“Alternative Crop Insurance Subsidy Structures with WTO-compliance considerations”

Eric Belasco

Alec Dinerstein

“Research on the History and Current State of Special Education Funding Laws in the US” 

Wendy Stock

Tyler Elkins
Business Finance

“Impact of Dodd‐Frank on Mortgage Delinquency Rates for Large‐, Medium‐, and Small‐Size Banks”

Frank Kerins  & Gary Caton

Colburn Field
Agribusiness Management

“An Exploration into the contradictory definitions of “Good Farming Practices” across U.S. Government Agencies”

Eric Belasco 

Allie Hale
Entrepreneurship and Small Business

“Research on the History and Current State of Regulations on Marketing Psychiatric Pharmaceuticals in the U.S.”

Wendy Stock
Austin Larson
Business Marketing
 “The Effect of Labor Market Regulatory Policy on Nascent Entrepreneurship” Agnieszka Kwapisz
Dan Penoyer
Business Finance
 “The Impact of Biofilm Regulatory Policy on the Development of Healthcare-Related Products”

Paul Sturman  & Frank Kerins

Alex Rickey

“Research on the Effects of Early Gun Regulations”

Isaac Swensen
John Walker
Agricultural Business
 “The Effects of Regulations on the Commercial Fertilizer Industry”


 Gary Brester