November 2024
MSU Diversity Council
November 21, 2024
1:30-3:00 pm
Wilson 1-125
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Ariel Donohue - Chair, Senior Diversity and Inclusion Officer |
TBD - Academic Deans |
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Kandi Gresswell - Division of Student Success |
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Barbara do Amaral - Diversity and Inclusion Student Commons |
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Luna Richards - Student Diversity Representative |
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Mackenzie Spence - |
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Michelle Miley - Academic Diversity Partner |
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Jen Allen - Bobcat Athletics |
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Toby Blake - Office of International Programs |
Rob Maher - Faculty Senate |
Madi Herman - Gender Equity Alliance |
Kai Hegna - Associated Students of MSU |
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Mohammad Sorouch - Graduate Partnerships |
Other Participants |
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Abby Rodi – Office of Diversity and Inclusion |
- Welcome and introductions
- Approval of October meeting minutes
- Approved
- Informational items:
- Persistence and completion data
Presented by Becca Belou, University Data & Analytics- Enrollment, persistence and completion data, across demographics, were reviewed and discussed
- Policy review: no new policies
- Persistence and completion data
- Public comment
- Upcoming diversity events: see
Next meeting: January 23rd, 1:30-3:00 PM in SUB 235