Classroom Committee
The Classroom Committee is a standing committee of the University Facilities Planning Board (UFPB) and the activities of the Committee include:
- Review classroom utilization trends.
- Assess the competing demands for instructional space including but not limited to number of classrooms, size of classrooms, configuration, and technology available in classrooms.
- Review and analyze classroom sizes and make recommendations as to future campus needs.
- Conduct condition assessments of campus centrally scheduled instructional spaces.
- Provide oversight and recommendations of classroom upgrades/maintenance needs on campus. Assist in the development of systematic long-range plans to prioritize and implement facility renovations, upgrades, and technology improvements.
- Develop and recommend classroom technology standards.
- Develop and recommend campus classroom design and construction standards which include but are not limited to finishes, furnishings, ADA requirements and recommendation, etc.
- Consult with various constituents regarding classrooms (For example, Registrar Office staff, Facilities Services custodial and maintenance staff, Campus Planning Design and Construction department staff, faculty, students and branch campus staff and faculty as appropriate).
- Report to UFPB, Space Management Committee (SMC), the Provost, President's Executive Council and/or Budget Council, and other boards and committees as needed.
- Report the committees work and success to key constituents such as faculty, students, administrators, and other committees.
Name | Position | Represents | Term | Ends |
Babcock, Michael | Co-Chair, Voting Member |
Director, Center for Faculty Excellence |
- |
Perm. |
Rudnicki, Richard | Co-Chair, Voting Member | Planning Manager, Planning, Design & Construction | - | Perm. |
Freese, Bill | Voting Member, Fixed Term | Faculty, College of Education, Health & Human Development | 01/24 | 01/25 |
Maher, Rob | Voting Member, Fixed Term | Faculty, College of Engineering | 01/24 | 01/26 |
Ivester, Katie | Voting Member, Fixed Term | Faculty, Gallatin College | 02/25 | 02/28 |
Johnson, Kris | Voting Member, Fixed Term | Faculty, Library | 01/24 | 01/26 |
Vacant | Voting Member, Fixed Term | Faculty, Any College | - | - |
Vacant | Voting Member, Fixed Term | Faculty, Any College | - | - |
Vacant | Voting Member, Fixed Term | ASMSU Student | - | - |
Haderlie, Brad | Voting Member | Computer Support Specialist, Academic Technology and Outreach | - | Perm. |
Campeau, Tony | Voting Member | Registrar, University Registrar | - | Perm. |
Vacant | Voting Member | Director, Ofiice of Disability Services | - | Perm. |
Vacant | Voting Member | University Architect, Planning, Design & Construction | - | Perm. |
Spence, Mackenzie | Voting Member, Fixed Term | All Staff Council Representative | 01/24 | 01/25 |
Urdahl, Kane | Staff Support* | Campus Maintenance Manager, Facilities Services | - | - |
Downs, Alisha | Staff Support* | Campus Planner, Planning, Design & Construction | - | - |
Turner, Josh | Staff Support* | Director of User Services, University Information Technology | - | - |
* Non-Voting Member