1. Available resources to help you navigate paying for school

2. Understand your costs

  • The components of your costs to attend the Mark & Robyn Jones College of Nursing for you to consider are:
    • Direct Costs: Tuition and Fees along with food and housing if on campus.
    • Indirect Costs: Food, housing, books, supplies, and miscellaneous.
      • Miscellaneous costs vary by student, but are for incidentals like transportation, health, and other day to day needs like clothing.
  • Create a budget using the MSU Financial Education Budget Planner

3. Additional Funding Options Available

  • Employment 
    • Hourly and Work-Study jobs are available on campus
      1. Look for employers participating in Gold Star program
    • Employer reimbursement

*Students considering employment while enrolled in the nursing program are encouraged to consider the unique scheduling of classes and clinical experiences each semester. This would be important to discuss with your nursing faculty advisor or the assistant campus director.

4. Pay 

Fee Charts & Schedules