Let us help you become more operationally agile and customer focused, attract new customers and retain existing customers in a highly competitive market by enhancing your quality systems. We can help with your objective of becoming compliant with or certified to international quality standards.

Table of Contents

Quality Systems Implementation & Registration Assistance

Are you facing these issues?

  • Customers requiring Internationally Recognized Quality Standards registration (e.g., ISO 9001. AS 9100, ISO 14000, HAACP & GFSI)?
  • How to differentiate your product from competitors & maintain access to international markets?
  • Lack of standardization in your processes and/or inconsistent product quality?
  • Customer returns, complaints and frequent audits?

If YES, you may benefit from Quality System Assistance customized to your needs…

What is a Quality System?

A Quality System (QS) is the process, organizational structure, procedures, and resources used to control variables to produce a product of consistent quality that meets defined specifications.

Quality Flow Chart >

What are the benefits of a Quality System?

  • Improves control systems for continuous improvement
  • Reduces scrap and rework defects
  • Increases competitive advantage
  • Removes trade barriers and opens new markets
  • Accesses sophisticated (usually large) customers
  • Improves communications at all levels

How can MMEC help me understand and/or implement a Quality System and/or achieve formal Registration?

MMEC works with you and your team to understand your business objectives and your quality system needs. We assist owners and managers in determining if which standard(s) would be most advantageous in reaching company goals by providing quality system background, international quality system elements and appropriate registration standards and processes. We assist in reaching company QS goals with training, implementation planning and guidance, process development, and preliminary system auditing. We can even help you in the selection of an appropriate registrar for your industry and what to expect. We can help jumpstart this process by conducting a Gap Assessment - see Quality Systems - Gap Assessment.

See also Internal Quality Auditor Training

Failure Mode Effects Analysis

Content under development.

Food Safety Training & Implementation

Content under development.

Gap Assessment

Is your growing business facing these issues?

  • Not sure how to interpret a quality assurance standard for your industry and no formal quality assurance system in place?
  • Customers asking you to comply with their standard or an industry standard for a quality assurance system? Or requiring ISO or AS registration for continued business?
  • Planning to export your products to Europe, or other overseas markets but not sure how to comply?

If YES, you may benefit from a Quality Systems - Gap Assessment…

What is Quality System - Gap Assessment?

A gap assessment is an on-site analysis of the current system used to ensure quality products and services, a review of related standard(s), and a report for the company outlining the gaps between the current system and the standard.

What are the benefits of a Quality System - Gap Assessment?

  • It provides clear direction on the work needed to comply with a standard.
  • It removes the guesswork when interpreting a quality standard.
  • It leads to a concise project plan for implementing or upgrading a quality system.
  • It can be done in just a few days.
  • Time savings, especially for company owners and managers.

How can MMEC help me implement an improved quality assurance system and/or to comply with an international quality standard?

MMEC works with you and your team to understand your business and your quality system needs. The Gap Assessment jump-starts this process by revealing the gaps between the current system and the standard. We assist owners and managers in determining if an improved quality assurance system is advantageous in reaching company goals by providing insight into quality system elements, registration assistance, and what to expect with upgrading a company quality system. After determining if and which quality system standard is appropriate for your company, the experienced MMEC staff can provide individualized training, coaching, and direct implementation assistance.

See also Quality Systems - Implementation.

Internal Quality Auditor Training

Are you facing these issues?

  • Need to understand Quality Systems standards?
  • Confused by buzzwords like Total Quality Management, Quality Circles, Statistical Process Control, or ISO?
  • Struggling to show employees what quality is and how much it costs?
  • Need customized, quality related training?
  • Have a system but looking for training in internal auditing for your Quality Systems?

If YES, you may benefit from Quality Systems Training...

What is Quality Systems Training?

Quality Systems Training is the groundwork for understanding and implementing effective quality processes and systems. It is a key requirement in the overall development of any Quality System. The range of training in Quality Systems includes:

  • Orientation and updating to standards and requirements
  • Defining "quality" and how it impacts your company
  • Internal quality auditing education and guided application using audit skits and other hands-on techniques
  • Training for development of team problem-solving skills
  • Customized quality-related training directed where it is needed most

What are the benefits of having Quality Systems Training?

  • Provides the groundwork for continuous improvement
  • Improves internal communication and understanding and shortens training for new hires.
  • Demonstrates the potential gains in reducing scrap and rework defects

How can MMEC help me with Quality Systems Training?

MMEC works with you and your team to understand your business objectives and identify training requirements. We provide either on-site or off-site training to overcome a wide variety of Quality Systems issues. Training can be in a classroom setting with live audit experience at yours or another manufacturing firm. After training, MMEC can help you launch or improve your QS system. See also Quality Systems - Implementation.

Root Cause Analysis/Problem Solving

Content under development.