Substitute Teaching Guidelines and Procedures
MSU Student Teachers
MSU Student Teachers
Teacher candidate’s successful development into the first-year teacher is the primary
goal for all teacher education programs. A teacher candidate is often one of the best
qualified people in the community to be a substitute teacher having completed all
the required education coursework. S/he is more familiar with the students and curriculum.
The teacher candidate’s assignment will provide continuity and stability in the learning
process and less disruption for students in the cooperating teacher’s class(es).
Substitute teaching will benefit the teacher candidate in many ways, primarily, by gaining valuable experience and confidence in taking sole responsibility for a classroom. Substitute teaching will assist the teacher candidate to develop a sense of professionalism as a teacher in taking ownership of the classroom as an employee of the school district. It will also increase the teacher candidate’s understanding regarding the extent of preparation necessary as a substitute teacher.
The following substitute teaching guidelines/requirements have been developed and must be met prior to teacher candidate substitute teaching approval:
⎕ Successful Midterm Danielson-based Performance Assessment performed by Cooperating Teacher and Field Supervisor indicating satisfactory progress that teacher candidate is qualified to substitute teach.
⎕ Teacher Candidate must complete/submit the school district substitute teaching application and be accepted as a viable substitute teacher.
⎕ Teacher Candidate may only substitute teach in the cooperating teacher classroom for no more than five (5) days, and preferably, no more than three (3) consecutive days.
⎕ Teacher Candidate may not substitute teach during a teacher strike.
⎕ School administrator shall designate another teacher to serve as support/contact for any assistance needed during the substitute teaching assignment.
⎕ On the day(s) the teacher candidate is a substitute teacher, the candidate’s legal status as a substitute teacher/district employee will take precedence over the legal status as a teacher candidate.
These guidelines/requirements must be met, or teacher candidate will not be granted
permission by the Director of Field Placement and Licensure to substitute teach.
NOTE: MFPE (formerly MEA) representatives are only needed for Montana districts. Out-of-state
candidates do not complete this option. In-state candidates can ask their administrators
to provide the name and contact information for the union representative in their
Please click on the following link, fill out, and submit the Substitute Teaching Approval Form.