New to 4-H?

Who can join?

Any youth who is 5 years old on October 1st of the current year can join 4-H as a Cloverbud. Youth who are 8 years old on October 1 may join as a regular member or continue for one additional year as a Cloverbud. Youth 9-18 and age 19 on October 1 but still enrolled in high school may join as a member.

Adults 19+ on October 1 may enroll as leaders. New leaders/volunteers must complete a volunteer background screening, volunteer application, and a mandatory online orientation before being approved as an active leader. 

When should I sign up?

The 4-H year begins on October 1st. **Re-enrolling members should be enrolled by October 31st. Clubs may continue to take NEW members until December 1 or until they are full.

Enrollment fees

Enrollment fees for members/leaders are paid by cash/check to the club they are joining.

Online payment of fees may be available by credit card at the time of enrollment with an additional $1 processing fee. Not all clubs offer this payment option. If you have questions about how to pay enrollment fees check with your club organizational leader or the Extension office.

Members - $25.00                    Leaders - $15.00             Cloverbuds - $10.00

What can I do in 4-H?

Check out the clover selection guide for a complete list of projects to choose from.




How to sign up?


  • Using the club list, find a club that may be a good fit for your family.
  • Contact the club's organizational leader before enrolling in ZSuite. Membership must be approved by the organizational leader prior to enrollment as many clubs have membership limits and possible waiting lists.

**You must speak with the Organizational Leader of the club you wish to join before enrolling in ZSuite or attending a club meeting.**

  • After confirming with the club leader create a family profile and complete an enrollment for all particiating family members.

Member/Leader Enrollment

All members/leaders will complete their enrollments through the online ZSuite platform using the enrollment instructions  and will have access to enrollment, event registration, record sheets, newsletters, announcements and more.

All NEW leaders are required to complete the Montana 4-H Volunteer Orientation training and a background check before their enrollment will be approved. This training consist of 4 modules that take approximately 15-20 minutes each. View guide for completingthe volunteer orientation modules in Zsuite. 

Accessing your profile will allow you to change/update any of your personal information (address, phone, e-mail, etc.) throughout the year. It will also allow you to add/drop projects until April 30th. It is a members responsibility to verify that all projects are correct and make any changes before April 30th. After that time no project changes can be made. **Verifying the accuracy of projects is very important as it may affect your FAIR entries and eligibility. If you have questions please call the office for assistance.

Families Changing Clubs

Families changing clubs are required to complete a Changing 4-H Clubs Form. The family must have the form completed and signed off by the Organizational Leaders of both the club you are leaving and the new club you are joining. Once completed the family will need to provide the 4-H Office with a copy. Enrollments will not be approved until we have received the form in our office.