WCYF Entry Book
Wheatland County Youth Fair 2024
Harlowton, Montana
70th Annual Fair Entry Book
** WCYF will not accept liability for animals.
Participants are responsible for animals. Security is not provided.
The main purpose of the Wheatland County Youth Fair is educational. The Fair Board strives to develop a spirit of friendly competition and good sportsmanship among the participating youth. Another purpose is to give the youth a deeper interest in their ranches and homes which leads to an appreciation for better crops, livestock and homemaking skills. In addition, the Wheatland County Youth Fair Board desires to offer our youth opportunities for making their own constructive decisions and to offer a challenge toward greater accomplishments. Participation shall not be denied on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, marital or family status, or political beliefs. Persons with disabilities should contact the Extension Office at 632-4728 at least 10 working days prior to the event so that proper consideration can be given to the request.
2024 Schedule of Events
Monday, July 17 ........................................................................................ Last Day for Entries
Wednesday, July 31 9:00am........................................................................ Small Animal Judging
12:00pm.................................................................... Check in Indoor Items
12:30pm............................................................... Interview Judging Begins
Thursday, Aug 1 8:30am........................................................................................ Horse Show
Friday, Aug 2 7:00am............................................................................. Livestock Weigh-In
8:30am.................................................................................... Judging Begins
4:30pm ………………………………………………………………….………Buyers Dinner
5:30pm............................................................................... Livestock Auction
There will not be a dance this year
Concessions will be available each day.
Awards will be given during the fair
Wheatland County Commissioners
Jeff Sell...................................... District 1 Larry Berg. …………………………. District 2
Adam Jones ............................. District 3
Wheatland County Youth Fair Board
President....................................... Lysee Gaugler Board Member......................... Christy Jones
Vice President................................ Shawn Peters Board Member.......................... Julie Powers
Secretary.................................... Bethany Cooney Board Member..........................Austin Smith
Extension Agent............................. Mandie Reed Board Member.................................... Vacant
FFA Advisor............................................................. Board Member.................................... Vacant
Horse Show Chairperson.................................................................................................. Christy Jones
Indoor Exhibits Chairpersons........................................................... Bethan Cooney, Lysee Gaugler
Small Animal Chairperson.............................................................................................. Mandie Reed
Livestock Chairperson........................................................................... .........................Shawn Peters
Awards......................................................................................................................... Bethany Cooney
2024 General Rules
- Fair entries are due by July 17th, 2024. Late entries will not be accepted.
***On-line web based fair entry program. Go to http://wcyf.fairentry.com ***
Paper forms will be accepted only on a limited basis.
Any questions regarding entries to the Wheatland County Youth Fair should be directed to the fair board members.
- No persons may exhibit in competition for premiums later than the first youth fair following their high school graduation.
- The Wheatland County Youth Fair will allow competitive exhibits from youth residing in all of Wheatland County and those areas outside of Wheatland County as are described as follows:
West: To include the Musselshell drainage area
East: To include Ryegate and the Ryegate School District
North: Bounded by the Buffalo Canyon Road
South: To include Melville and the Melville School District
Any exceptions to area boundaries are at the discretion of the Fair Board. Contact Board President regarding questions.
- Divisions are defined as:
Junior Division: Exhibitors 8 years and under by the first day of the fair
Intermediate Division: Exhibitors 9-12 years by the first day of the fair
Senior Division: Exhibitors 13 years and older by the first day of the fair and no later than the first year after high school
- Wheatland County Youth Fair is an open fair – no enrollment in 4-H or FFA programs necessary.
- Attire should be neat and clean. Please read general rules for each section for specific dress code.
- The Fair Board reserves the right to clarify the intent of all rules. Fair Board decisions are final.
- All exhibitors and attendees of the Wheatland County Youth Fair shall demonstrate excellent sportsmanship, respect, and manners.
Wheatland County Youth Fair
Livestock Department
Livestock Premium Points Blue 6 Red 4 White 2
2024 General Livestock Rules
- All market/breeding livestock must be shown in the arena. Unmanageable animals as determined by the Livestock committee or judge will not be permitted to show and no premium money will be paid to them.
- All livestock entered in the auction must also be entered in the Market and Showmanship Classes. Junior livestock exhibitors may enter appropriate Showmanship Contest, however, there is no Junior Round-Robin.
- Stalls will be assigned by the Fair Board.
- Stalls must be kept clean at all times. Failure to clean stall may result in loss of premiums.
- Each person exhibiting livestock should bring enough feed and hay for their exhibits. Exhibitors should bring their own feed troughs, pails and other equipment.
- Stalls and bedding will be furnished by the fair.
- Livestock exhibited must be owned by the exhibitor or the immediate family, and entered in the name of the exhibitor, and be plainly marked for identification with a stall sign during the fair. Market livestock must be selected, in the possession of the exhibitors, tagged and weighed by the following dates: Beef – 1st Saturday of January of current year Hog, Lambs, Goats – 3rd Saturday of May of current year or as scheduled by the Wheatland County Fair Board.
- Exhibitors may only have one entry in each class.
- Only the exhibitor will be permitted to fit and care for animals on exhibit unless good reason is presented for the necessity of other arrangements to be made before showing. Abuse of this rule after a warning will mean dismissal from the Showmanship Contest.
- Plaques and other prizes may be awarded. No prizes will be awarded unless deserving of award. All prizes and premiums will be awarded at the judges’ discretion.
- Market sale order is as follows: 1)Grand Champion and Reserve Champion may choose place in sale order 2)All blue ribbon livestock 4)All red ribbon livestock 5)All white ribbon livestock. Market beef, hogs, lambs and goats’ sale order within each ribbon division will be randomly selected.
- All animals sold at the sale become the property and responsibility of the buyer, but will be cared for and delivered at buyer’s request. All feed costs will be reimbursed by buyer.
- If there are enough animals entered to warrant further division of livestock classes listed, these breakdowns will be made at the discretion of the livestock committee and/or judge on fair day.
- Exhibitors can only sell one beef or a combination of two small animals (hog, lamb or goat).
- Dress should be WHITE, long-sleeved, collared shirt; closed toe shoes or boots (no tennis shoes); BLACK pants. Western hats are optional. Exhibitor must be neat and clean.
- Every youth exhibiting livestock is automatically entered into the herdsman contest. “The Livestock Herdsmanship Award” will be given to one junior, one intermediate and one senior exhibitor. The basis of the award is superior neatness of animal and stall, sportsmanship, handling and management of their livestock and courtesy towards the public. Evidence of parental aid during the show will be up to the discretion of the judges.
- One exhibitor can enter only one animal in the Round-Robin showmanship contest. If the exhibitor has been judged champion showman in more than one livestock class they will choose the class in which they will enter the Round-Robin Showmanship contest. The alternate showman in the other class will be allowed to enter the Round-Robin contest. Junior exhibitors are excluded from the Livestock Round-Robin Showmanship contest.
- Educational displays are encouraged with exhibitors’ projects.
- Junior division exhibitor will not be allowed to show dairy, beef or swine; except as allowed in bum calf or bum piglet classes.
- Show class order will be Swine, Beef, Dairy, Sheep and Goats. Classes start with showmanship in each division followed by market, feeder and breeding.
- All market animals must meet the Food and Drug Administration regulations governing management and safety practices.
- Approved drug withdrawal times from vaccines, health aides and growth stimulants must be followed. An “Acknowledgement of Livestock Policies” form must be signed for all market animals. No tranquilizers in any form may be administered to any animals at the fair. Animals that have not met these standards will not be allowed to sell during any authorized fair related sale. Animals that need additional withdrawal time from a veterinary treatment injection must be reported prior to the fair on the “Livestock Drug Withdrawal” form. These animals will be announced prior to the sale. The seller will take the animal home to finish the wait period then deliver the animal to the buyer’s choice of slaughter destinations (within 100 miles).
- A 2% scale variance will be acknowledged at weigh in.
Division – BEEF
- This division is open to all beef breeds: registered, purebreds, grades or crossbreds.
- Market beef entries are limited to steers or spayed heifers born no earlier than January 1st of the year preceding the fair.
- Market beef must be selected, obtained, tagged, and under the care of the exhibitor by the 1st Saturday of January of the current year.
- Market beef must weigh at least 950 pounds at time of fair weigh-in. Beef weighing 950 to 1450 pounds can sell at true weight. Beef over 1450 pounds will be sold at 1450 pounds.
- Market beef weighing under 950 pounds will be put in the feeder class. Feeder beef will not be sold at the fair auction.
- The Livestock committee and/or judge may divide the market classes by weight if numbers warrant. Breeding classes may be divided by breed or combined if numbers warrant (i.e. Purebred and cross breed female under 1 combined).
- Only one market beef may be shown and sold per exhibitor.
Class No. Description
100 Market Beef
105 Feeder Beef
200 Breeding Beef-Purebred-Female under 1 year old
201 Breeding Beef-Purebred-Female 1 year and under 2
202 Breeding Beef-Purebred-Female 2 and over
203 Breeding Beef-Purebred-Cow/Calf pair
204 Breeding Beef-Crossbred-Female under 1 year old
205 Breeding Beef-Crossbred-Female 1 year and under 2
206 Breeding Beef-Crossbred-Female 2 and over
207 Breeding Beef-Crossbred-Cow/Calf pair
208 Breeding Beef-Exotic-List Breed
209 Beef-Bum Calf Open to junior division only (Showmanship). Calves will not be sold at auction.
Division – DAIRY
- This division is open to all dairy breeds: registered, purebreds, grades or crossbreds.
- The Livestock committee and/or judge may divide or combine the classes if numbers warrant.
Class No. Description
200 Dairy-Purebred-Female under 1 year old
201 Dairy-Purebred-Female 1 year and under 2
202 Dairy-Purebred-Female 2 and over
203 Dairy-Purebred-Cow/Calf pair
204 Dairy-Crossbred-Female under 1 year old
205 Dairy-Crossbred-Female 1 year and under 2
206 Dairy-Crossbred-Female 2 and over
207 Dairy-Crossbred-Cow/Calf pair
208 Dairy-Exotic-List Breed
209 Dairy-Bum Calf Open to junior division only (Showmanship). Calves will not be sold at auction.
Division – SWINE
- This division is open to all market barrows or market gilts regardless of breed.
- Market swine must weigh at least 210 pounds at time of fair weigh-in. Swine weighing 210 to 340 pounds can sell at true weight. Swine weighing 340 pounds and over will sell at 340 pounds.
- Market swine weighing under 210 pounds will be put in the feeder swine class. Feeder swine will not be sold at the fair auction.
- The Livestock committee and/or judge may divide the market class by weight if numbers warrant.
- Market swine must be selected, obtained, tagged, and under the care of the exhibitor by the 3rd Saturday of May of the current year.
- Swine may be oiled or powdered for showmanship class.
Class No. Description
100 Market Swine
105 Feeder Swine
209 Swine-Bum Piglet Open to junior division only (Showmanship). Piglets will not be sold at auction.
Division – SHEEP
- All market and feeder lambs will be shorn.
- This division is open to all ewes or wethers regardless of breed.
- Market and feeder lambs must have been born after January 1st of the current year.
- Market lambs must weigh at least 100 pounds at time of fair weigh-in. Lambs weighing between 100 and 160 pounds can sell at true weight. Lambs weighing 160 pounds and over will sell at 160 pounds.
- Market lambs weighing under 100 pounds will be put in the feeder lamb class. Feeder lambs will not be sold at the fair auction.
- Market sheep must be selected, obtained, tagged and under the care of the exhibitor by the 3rd Saturday of May of the current year.
- All ewe lambs must have Scrapies tag.
- Sheep entered in breeding classes will be judged upon breed type and characteristics, quality and development for age.
- Sheep entered as breeding stock cannot be shown as market lambs.
- The Livestock committee and/or judge may divide the market classes by weight if numbers warrant. Breeding classes may be divided by breed or combined if numbers warrant (i.e. Purebred and crossbred ram lambs combined).
- Sheep may be washed for showmanship class.
- Exhibitors nine (9) years of age and older by the first day of the fair (intermediates) will not be allowed to have halters on their lambs in the show ring. Exhibitors eight (8) years of age and under by the first day of the fair (juniors) have the option of using a halter or not on their lambs.
Class No. Description
100 Market Lambs – Singles
101 Market Lambs – Pen of three
105 Feeder Lambs – Singles
106 Feeder Lambs – Pen of three
200 Breeding Sheep – Purebred - Ram Lamb
201 Breeding Sheep – Purebred - Ewe Lamb
202 Breeding Sheep – Purebred - Ram over 1 year of age
203 Breeding Sheep – Purebred - Ewe over 1 year of age
204 Breeding Sheep – Crossbred – Ram Lamb
205 Breeding Sheep – Crossbred – Ewe Lamb
206 Breeding Sheep – Crossbred – Ram over 1 year of age
207 Breeding Sheep – Crossbred – Ewe over 1 year of age
Division – GOATS
- Market and feeder kids must have been born after January 1st of the current year.
- Market kids must weigh at least 50 pounds at time of fair weigh-in.
- Market kids weighing under 50 pounds will be put in the feeder kid class. Feeder kids will not be sold at the fair auction.
- Market kids must be selected, obtained, tagged and under the care of the exhibitor by the 3rd Saturday of May of the current year.
- All nanny goats must have Scrapies tag.
- Goats entered in breeding classes will be judged upon breed type and characteristics, quality and development for age.
- Goats entered as breeding stock cannot be shown as market kids.
- The Livestock committee and/or judge may divide the market classes by weight if numbers warrant. Breeding classes may be divided by breed or types or combined if numbers warrant (i.e. meat kids and dairy kids combined).
Class No. Description
100 Market Kid - Single
101 Market Kid – Pen of three
105 Feeder Kid – Single
106 Feeder Kid – Pen of three
200 Breeding Goat – Meat Kid
201 Breeding Goat – Meat Billy over 1
202 Breeding Goat – Meat Nanny over 1
203 Breeding Goat – Dairy Kid
204 Breeding Goat – Dairy Billy over 1
205 Breeding Goat – Dairy Nanny over 1
Department – SHOWMANSHIP – Livestock
- All livestock entered in the auction must also be entered in the Showmanship Classes
- Senior and Intermediate grand champion showmanship winners in beef, dairy, swine, sheep, goat and horse are entered into the Round-Robin Showmanship Contest. The Round-Robin Showmanship Contest is held the afternoon of the livestock show (Saturday). Only contestants receiving a Grand or Reserve may participate in the Round Robin. The animal used for the Round Robin must be the same animal that was used for Showmanship.
- One exhibitor can enter only one animal in the Round-Robin showmanship contest. If the exhibitor has been judged champion showman in more than one livestock class they will choose the class in which they will enter the Round-Robin Showmanship contest. The reserve champion showman in the other class will be allowed to enter the Round-Robin contest. ** Junior exhibitors are excluded from the Livestock Round-Robin Showmanship contest.
Beef Showmanship - Intermediate
Beef Showmanship - Senior
Dairy Showmanship - Intermediate
Dairy Showmanship - Senior
Swine Showmanship - Intermediate
Swine Showmanship - Senior
Sheep Showmanship - Junior **
Sheep Showmanship - Intermediate
Sheep Showmanship - Senior
Goat Showmanship - Junior **
Goat Showmanship - Intermediate
Goat Showmanship - Senior
Small Animal
Small Animal Premium Points Blue 4 Red 3 White 2
2024 General Small Animal Rules
- All cages and pens must be kept clean during the show. Areas around cages or pens must be cleaned at the end of the show. Failure to do so may result in loss of premiums. Pen availability and appropriateness is limited. Please be prepared to provide your own small animal pen.
- Unmanageable animals as determined by the small animal committee or judge will not be permitted to show and no premium money will be paid to them. All animals must be under control and non-disruptive during the judging.
- Dress should be WHITE, long-sleeved, collared shirt; closed toe shoes or boots (no tennis shoes); BLACK pants. Western hats are optional. Exhibitor must be neat and clean.
- Only the exhibitor will be permitted to fit and care for animals on exhibit unless good reason is presented for the necessity of other arrangements to be made before showing. Abuse of this rule after a warning will mean dismissal from the Showmanship Contest.
- Plaques and other prizes may be awarded. No prizes will be awarded unless deserving of award. All prizes and premiums will be awarded at the judges’ discretion.
- Every youth exhibiting small animals is automatically entered into the herdsman contest. “The Small Animal Herdsmanship Award” will be given to one junior, one intermediate and one senior exhibitor. The basis of the award is superior neatness of animal and pen, sportsmanship, handling and management of their small animals and courtesy towards the public. Evidence of parental aid during the show will be up to the discretion of the judges.
- Grand Champion showmen in Rabbits, Dogs, Poultry, and Cats are automatically entered into the Round-Robin Showmanship Contest. An exhibitor can enter only one animal in the Round-Robin showmanship contest. If the exhibitor has been judged champion showman in more than one small animal class they will choose the class in which they will enter the Round-Robin Showmanship contest. The reserve showman in the other class will be allowed to enter the Round-Robin contest.
- Educational displays are encouraged.
- No treats will be allowed to be given to animals while they are being shown in any class; exceptions will be announced by the judge.
- Small animals are excused from the fair grounds at the conclusion of the small animal show. Small animals are not allowed to stay overnight at the fairgrounds. Approval from the small animal chairperson is required if an animal needs to be removed prior to the end of the small animal show.
- One rabbit or poultry that has been an exhibit at the current fair will be allowed to be sold at the livestock auction on Saturday.
Division - RABBITS
- Any variety or breed of rabbit may be shown.
- Pen shall bear name and type of rabbit (meat, fur or show).
- Educational and display classes available.
Buck, 8 months and over
Doe, 8 months and over
Buck, under 8 months
Doe, under 8 months
Doe and litter
Educational Display
Other item made for rabbit
Division – DOGS
- All dogs are eligible. AKC registration not necessary.
- Showmanship and utility classes judged according to AKC rules for dog obedience.
- Dogs must be in good health and a current certificate of rabies, distemper, hepatitis, lepto and parvo vaccinations must be furnished before the show.
- Dogs must be crated or on leash at all times except when being judged.
- Educational and display classes available.
- Definitions:
Sub-Novice: Entirely on a leash. Heel, figure eight, stand for examination, recall, long sit (1 minute), long down (3 minutes)
Novice: On leash: Heel, figure eight Off Leash: stand for examination, heel, recall, long sit (1 minute), long down (3 minutes)
Graduate Novice: Off leash: Heel, stand for examination, figure eight, recall, drop on recall, long sit (3 minutes with handler out of sight), long down (5 minutes with handler out of sight)
Puppy: any dog less than 1 year old
Graduate Novice
Fun obstacle course
Puppy class
Educational display in area of interest in dogs
Other item made for dogs
Division - POULTRY
- Coop shall bear name and type of poultry.
- Birds entered as individuals cannot be competing in trio or vice versa.
- Educational and display classes available.
- Definitions:
Old Trio-1 male poultry over 1 year old plus two female poultry over 1 year old
Young Trio-1 male poultry under 1 year old plus two female poultry under 1 year old
Male 1YO+ Male <1YO Female 1YO+ Female <1YO Old Trio Young Trio
Chickens x x x x x x
Ducks x x x x x x
Turkeys x x x x x x
Geese x x x x x x
Other Poultry – By approval of fair board only
Educational display in area of interest in poultry
Other item made for poultry
Division - CATS
- All cats must be brought in a carrier.
- All cats must be removed from the fairgrounds after the judging.
- Proof of vaccinations for distemper and rabies are required before the fair.
- Cats must be in a harness and controlled at all times.
- Educational and display classes available.
Cat, 2 month to 2 years
Cat, over 2 years
Educational display in area of interest of cats
Other Item made for cats
Division - POCKET PETS
- Pocket pets are considered to be any small animal, bird, reptile or other creature not already defined in other Small
Animal divisions.
- Interview judging will be conducted for all exhibitors. Judging will be on the exhibit, not on conformation.
- All pocket pets must be confined to an escape proof cage suitable for that particular species. Exhibitors must provide
their own cages.
- Pocket pets do not participate in showmanship or the Round-Robin.
- Educational and display classes available.
Pocket Pet
Educational Display
Other item made for your pocket pet
Department – SHOWMANSHIP – Small Animal
- All small animals entered in the auction must also be entered in the Showmanship Classes
- Grand champion showmanship winners in rabbit, poultry, dog, and cat are entered into the Round-Robin Showmanship Contest. The Round-Robin Showmanship Contest is held after the small animal show.
- One exhibitor can enter only one animal in the Round-Robin showmanship contest. If the exhibitor has been judged champion showman in more than one small animal class they will choose the class in which they will enter the Round-Robin Showmanship contest. The reserve champion showman in the other class will be allowed to enter the Round-Robin contest.
Rabbit Showmanship - Junior
Rabbit Showmanship - Intermediate
Rabbit Showmanship - Senior
Poultry Showmanship - Junior
Poultry Showmanship - Intermediate
Poultry Showmanship – Senior
Dog Showmanship - Junior
Dog Showmanship - Intermediate
Dog Showmanship - Senior
Cat Showmanship - Junior
Cat Showmanship - Intermediate
Cat Showmanship – Senior
Horse Show
Horse show points, ribbons and premiums are as follows:
Place................ Points................... Ribbon
First ..................... 5.......................... Blue
Second................. 4.......................... Red
Third..................... 3........................ White
Fourth.................. 2........................ Yellow
Fifth...................... 1........................ Green
Sixth................... .75....................... Pink
2024 General Horse Rules
- The decision of the judge is final.
- The judge will give any specific instructions at the beginning of each class.
- All complaints must be in writing and submitted to the Horse Show chairperson. Complaints will be adjudicated by the horse show committee. All decisions of the horse show committee in resolving complaints are final.
- Any contestant who is coached or assisted by another person inside or outside of the arena after the class has begun will be disqualified for that class.
- Horses do not have to be owned by the rider.
- As soon as the horse show has begun, horses cannot be changed for an event unless approved by the horse show chairperson.
- A horse cannot be used more than once in a class.
- Horses considered unmanageable, unsafe or lame by the judge and/or the horse show committee will be pulled from the competition.
- A rider may enter more than one horse in a class not requiring group work, i.e. in trail class a rider can enter more than one horse.
- Exhibitors may not practice patterns in the arena or trail area the day of the show.
- No stallions allowed.
- Regardless of the time of year foaled, the age of a horse shall be computed on the basis of a calendar year starting January 1 of the year foaled. For example, a horse foaled anytime in 1988 is considered to be one year old on January 1, 1989.
- The points from the following classes will count toward the Junior, Intermediate and Senior All-Around Western Rider Award: Showmanship, Western Horsemanship, Western Pleasure, Bareback Equitation, Western Reining and Trail Class.
- The points from the following classes will count toward the Junior, Intermediate and Senior Timed Event Award: Barrel race, Pole Bending race, Flag race and Keyhole race.
- The points from the following classes will count toward the All-Around English Rider Award: Showmanship, Hunt Seat Equitation, English Pleasure, Hunter Hack, Bareback Equitation, and Trail Class. Juniors, Intermediates and Seniors will compete together for this award.
- The first and second place horse for each halter class will compete for either Grand Champion Mare or Grand Champion Gelding at the end of the halter classes. Emphasis shall be placed on type, conformation, action, soundness, quality and manners of the horse.
- A youth can show more than one horse, but the points compiled will go with each horse separately for the All-Around Awards or Timed Event Award.
- If a tie occurs for the All-Around or Timed Event Awards, the champion will be the contestant who (1) earned points in the greatest number of events or (2) earned the most points in the riding events; in that order.
- Riders will be faulted for jerking a horse’s head, excessive whipping, spurring or any other abusive action to the horse.
- Cowboy hat or approved riding helmet, long-sleeved collared shirt and boots with heels are required for western classes. Chaps and spurs are optional for western classes. Chaps cannot be worn in bareback classes.
- For western classes the horse’s bit must be a snaffle or curb. Mechanical hackamores are only allowed in timed events.
- For English classes an English saddle is required. English snaffle, Pelham, Kimberwick, Weymouth and full bridles may be used for the horse’s head gear. English clothing is not required but a hunt riding coat, britches and English boots are preferred if available. Riding helmets with harness are required for all English classes. Martingales, tiedowns, draw reins and dropped nosebands are not allowed in English classes.
- A training hackamore, bosal or ring snaffle may be used on a horse if it is 4 years of age or younger. Two hands may be used for these training devices. It will be up to the judge to decide the age of the horse if questions arise.
- Curb straps may be used as long as they are not made of wire, twisted chains or straps less than ½ inch wide.
- No tiedowns or running martingales will be allowed except for timed events.
- Timed event rules: Patterns posted at end of this section.
Barrels: Each barrel knocked over will carry a 5 second penalty. If the pattern is not run properly the contestant will be disqualified.
Pole Bending: Each pole knocked down will be a 5 second penalty. If the pattern is not run properly the contestant will be disqualified.
Keyhole: Each pole knocked down will be a 5 second penalty. Contestant may turn to the right or left once past the poles.
Flag: Contestant to remove flag from 1st barrel and place in 2nd barrel. Flag must stay in 2nd barrel or contestant receives “no time”.
Egg: Contestant must keep hand at least 2 inches away from the egg during event.
Show Expectations:
- Reins can be carried in either hand, but are not to be changed during the class.
- The free hand should rest on the thigh or where convenient, but must not touch the horse or saddle.
- Riders should sit the walk and trot, not posting, except in the English riding classes. They should also stay close to the saddle in the lope.
- Horses should be in the right lead when circling to the right, and left lead when circling to the left at all times.
- Horses should back willingly and straight.
- Contestants will be required to perform patterns for certain classes. Patterns will be posted prior to the class.
- Accommodations for showmen with disabilities will be made as needed.
- Leadline class is for exhibitors 7 years old and younger. The rider must ride in a saddle and the horse must be led on a leadline by a handler that is 13 years of age or older. Contestants may be asked to jog their horses but will not lope. English or Western attire is appropriate.
- Showmanship is a class judged strictly on the contestant’s ability to fit and show in a halter class. The horse is a prop to show the ability of the exhibitor. Appearance, condition, grooming, cleanliness of hair and hooves of horse will attribute to 40% of the score. Tack and clothing of the exhibitor attribute to 10%. Manners of the horse and alertness and poise of exhibitor will attribute to 50% of the score.
- In English Hunt Seat Equitation riders will be judged on seat, hands, ability to control and show the horse. The judge may ask each rider to work individually. The rider may be asked to perform a pattern. This pattern will be posted by the judge or s/he will explain to the contestants what is wanted of them.
- In English Pleasure classes the horses are judged at a walk, trot, and canter. Horses are judged on ease of going and manners. Horses will be penalized for being in the wrong lead at the canter.
- In English Hunter Hack the rider will be asked to complete a pattern that may include a small jump.
- Bareback is a class where the contestant will ride without a saddle or pad. They may be asked to walk and trot both ways in the ring. If the judge determines it to be safe, riders may be asked to lope. Chaps are not allowed in bareback classes. Western or English attire is acceptable.
- In western pleasure classes the horses are to be judged at a walk, jog, and lope on a reasonably loose rein without undue restraint. Entries will be penalized for excessive speed or being in the wrong lead.
- In western horsemanship classes riders will be judged on seat, hands, ability to control and show the horse. The rider may be asked to perform a pattern. This pattern will be posted by the judge or s/he will explain to the contestants what is wanted of them.
- In western reining the rider will be asked to complete a pattern (see end of this section for pattern).
- In riding trail classes, riders will be required to ride through an obstacle course such as opening a gate, walking over a bridge, carrying an object, backing the horse between objects, etc. Western or English attire is acceptable. This is a judged event not a timed event.
- In in-hand trail classes, handlers will go through the same course as the riding trail class; however this class is limited to horses that are not broke to ride and 2 years old and younger. Handler must be able to control the horse alone.
Division - HALTER
Weanling, either sex Weanling and Yearling Classes may be shown together if numbers warrant
Yearling, either sex
2 Year Old, either sex 2 and 3 Year Old Classes may be shown together if numbers warrant
3 Year Old, either sex
Ponies, either sex
Mares, 4 years and older
Geldings, 4 year and older
Mini Horses, either sex
Junior Intermediate Senior
Class No. Class No. Class No.
Leadline 01
Bareback Equitation 02 03 04
Trail-Riding 05 06 07
Trail-In Hand 08 09 10
Division - ENGLISH
Walk Trot 01 02
Hunt Seat Equitation 03 04 05
English Pleasure 06 07 08
Hunter Hack 09 10
Division - WESTERN
Walk-Jog 01 02
Western Horsemanship 03 04 05
Western Pleasure 06 07 08
Western Reining (see pattern at end of section) 09 10
Barrel Race 01 02 03
Egg Race 04 05 06
Flag Race 07 08 09
Keyhole Race 10 11 12
Pole Bending 13 14 15
Department – SHOWMANSHIP – Livestock Horse
- Senior and Intermediate grand champion showmanship winners in beef, dairy, swine, sheep, goat and horse are entered into the Round-Robin Showmanship Contest. The Round-Robin Showmanship Contest is held the afternoon of the livestock show (Saturday). The horse senior and intermediate grand champion showmanship winners must return to the fairgrounds with their horses on Saturday. If they are unable to return on Saturday the reserve champion showmanship winner will be allowed to enter the Round-Robin contest.
- One exhibitor can enter only one animal in the Round-Robin showmanship contest. If the exhibitor has been judged champion showman in more than one livestock and horse class they will choose the class in which they will enter the Round-Robin Showmanship contest. The reserve champion showman in the other class will be allowed to enter the Round-Robin contest. ** Junior exhibitors are excluded from the Livestock Round-Robin Showmanship contest.
Horse Showmanship – Junior**
Horse Showmanship - Intermediate
Horse Showmanship - Senior
Horse Show Patterns
Patterns are subject to change. Patterns will be posted 2 weeks before the fair.
Western Reining Pattern Instructions:
The arena or plot should be approximately 50 x 50 feet in size. The judge shall indicate with markers on arena fence or wall the length of the pattern. Markers within the area of the pattern will not be used. Ride pattern as follows: Enter arena and wait for judge acknowledgement
1 to 2: Run with speed, past center marker
- Stop and back up to center of pattern.
- Settle horse for approximately 10 seconds. Perform ¼ turn to left. Start lope to right.
4 and 5. Ride two circles to the right, first circle small and slow, second circle larger and faster. Ideally a flying lead change should be performed at the center when starting 6.
6 and 7. Ride two circles to the left, first circle small and slow, second circle larger and faster. Stop in center. Perform ¼ turn to right. Lope to 8.
- Left roll back over hocks (should be past far end marker). Lope to 9.
- Right roll back over hocks (should be near end marker). Lope to 10.
- Stop (should be made past center marker). Let horse settle, then in approximate area of stop, do the spins.
- Do one 360° spin either right or left.
- Do one 360° spin in the opposite direction of #11.
- Walk to judge and stop for inspection until dismissed.
- The bridle may be dropped at the judge’s discretion.
Western Reigning Pattern

Flag Race
Pole Bending
Barrel Race
Keyhole Race
Indoor Exhibits
Blue Red White
High Premium Points (HP) 5 3 1
Medium Premium Points (MP) 4 2 .75
Low Premium Points (LP) 3 1 .50
2024 General Indoor Exhibit Rules
- During interview judging, an exhibitor who is coached or assisted by another person will be disqualified for prizes and awards.
- Only the youth being interviewed are allowed in the judging area during interviews.
- Exhibits may be shown without exhibitor with permission from the fair board. These exhibits will not be awarded or compete for a best of show ribbon.
- The fair assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to any exhibit during the fair or while in route to or from the fair. However, due care and caution will be exercised to prevent loss or damage.
- No exhibits can be taken from the fairgrounds until after the livestock sale begins without permission of the fair board.
- Entries are required to be the result of the exhibitor’s efforts. Exhibitor must show exhibit and have an interview with the judge at the time exhibit is judged. Premiums will be paid to the exhibitors only.
- Exhibitors may auction off other exhibits at the same time as the livestock auction, i.e. leather products, sewing, woodcrafts. These items will be marked “For Sale at Auction” during the fair. Exhibitors will be allowed to sell any two (2) indoor items. Exhibits not being sold in the auction ring will be marked with “silent auction” sheets.
- Interview attire should be neat, clean, and appropriate. No flip-flops, spaghetti straps, tank tops, sport shorts or excessively short skirts.
- Indoor exhibits will be judged on the Danish or group system of placing. The groups will be designated by colored ribbon. First group: Blue Second group: Red Third group: White.
Division – Ag & Natural Resources - CROPS
- Crop variety must be identified and labeled accurately.
- Each sheaf shall be between 3-4 inches in diameter at the first tie below the head. There must be at least 3 ties.
- Examples of entries for CROPS division would be winter wheat, spring wheat, barley, rye, flax, oats, etc.
- A fair participant may enter up to 5 exhibits in the CROPS division.
Low Premium Value
- Exhibit Single Variety
- Educational Display
Division – Ag & Natural Resources - ENTEMOLOGY
- Specimens will be judged on the following basis:
- Correctness and uniformity of pinning and labeling
- Condition of specimens
- Neatness and arrangement in display box
- Variety of insects in collection
Low Premium Value
- Collection of at least 25 different kinds of insects – mounted, labeled and identified according to order.
- Educational display
Division – Ag & Natural Resources - FORAGES AND GRASSES
- Forage variety must be identified and labeled accurately.
- All forage sheaves shall be between 1-1 ½ inches in diameter at the base and snugly tied in place.
- Examples of entries for FORAGES AND GRASSES would be alfalfa, timothy, sweet clover, crested wheat grass, brome, alsike clover, sainfoin, etc.
- A fair participant may enter up to 5 exhibits in the FORAGES AND GRASSES division.
Low Premium value
- Exhibit Single Variety
- Educational Display
Division – Ag & Natural Resources - FORESTRY
- Plant specimens should be mounted on standard mounting cards-11” x 16”.
- Plant specimens should be properly labeled with the following information: Type of plant (common name and scientific name), date found, location found, soil type where found and finder’s name.
- Exhibit may be made up of drawings, charts, photographs, models or other methods.
- Examples of entries are orienteering plans, compass course on a map, display on “how a tree grows”, display of main division of a tree (crown, trunk, roots), display of a cross-section of a tree, etc.
- A fair participant may enter up to 3 exhibits in the FORESTRY division.
Low Premium Value
- Exhibit Forestry Specimen (tree and/or leaf)
- Educational display
Division – Ag and Natural Resources - RANGE MANAGEMENT
- Plant specimens should be pressed, mounted, labeled properly and arranged in booklet form.
- Examples of entries are an exhibit panel of native range plants, display of 12 grass and legumes representing species used to reseed a pasture, display explaining adaption of species and individual importance of species, display on how to press plants, etc.
Medium Premium Value
- Exhibit of 12 or more specimens
- Education display
Division – Ag and Natural Resources – SOILS SCIENCE
- Examples of entries are exhibit showing a soil profile, showing the relationship between sand, silt and clay, etc.
Low Premium Value
- Exhibit – Soil Profile
- Educational display
Division – Ag and Natural Resources - WEEDS
- Plant specimens should be mounted on standard mounting cards-11” x 16”.
- Exhibits should be properly labeled with the following information: Type of plant (common name and scientific name), date found, location found, soil type, finder’s name, kind of plant (annual, perennial or biennial).
- All weed plant specimens should include the roots, stems, leaves and the flowers where possible. All plants must be pressed.
- Displays can be either on a display board or in booklet form.
Medium Premium Value
- Exhibit listing 12 herbicides used in your area. Also include the type of plant species they are most effective on, their chemical make-up, their special precautions for safety, and their effect on the plants. List any other important data you feel is necessary
- Exhibit of 12 specimens
- Exhibit of 8 specimens known to be dangerous or poisonous to livestock with information suggesting method of control or protection against
- Educational display
Division – Ag and Natural Resources – WILDLIFE
- Examples of entries are exhibit of native wildlife to specific regions, poster showing an activity pertaining to wildlife, wildlife safety, etc.
- A fair participant may enter up to 3 exhibits in the WILDLIFE division.
Low Premium Value
- Educational Display
Division – Creative Arts – HOBBIES
- A fair participant may enter up to 10 exhibits in the HOBBIES division.
- An entry can only be entered into one class.
- Candles- MP- Oil, Gel, Wax, Kits, etc.
- Ceramics-MP- Stained, Glazed, Air Brushed, Antiqued, Wet Brushed, etc.
- Drawing-MP-Charcoal, Pencil, Pen, Ink, Oil Pastel, Chalk, Color Pencil, Crayon, Markers, etc.
- Glass Work-HP-Stained Glass, Etched Glass, Sun Catcher, Lamp Shades, 3-Dimensional, etc.
- Handwriting-MP-Calligraphy, Hand-Lettering, Penmanship, etc.
- Jewelry-MP-Necklace, Earrings, Bracelet, Ring, etc.
- Leathercraft-MP-Purse, Billfold, Belt, Key Holder, Bracelet, Coat, Scabbard, etc.
- Literature-MP-Creative Writing, Poems, Short Stories, etc.
- Mixed Media-MP-Artwork in which more than one medium has been used (paint on photo, ink and pastel, collage of different mediums)
- Models-LP-Model Cars, Rockets, Planes, Lego Blocks, Lincoln Logs, Erector Set, etc.
- Painting-MP-Acrylic, Oil, Watercolor, Finger Painting, Tole, etc.
- Pottery-MP-Hand Thrown, Hand Built
- Soap-MP-Carved, Formed, Molded, Kits, etc. Item To Be Displayed In Clear Protective Sleeve/Bag
- Stamping-MP-Paper Crafts, Fabrics, etc.
- Taxidermy-HP-Mammals, Fish, Reptiles, Fowl, etc.
- Theatrical Exhibit-LP-Recital, Speech, Dramatic Portrayal, etc. Item to be exhibited must be written down then performed for the adjudicator during interview process.
- Wall Hangings-MP-Decorated Wreaths, Dream Catchers, Batik, etc.
- Other Crafts-MP-Decorated Stepping Stones, Fly Tying, Stenciled Fabrics, Wearable Fabrics, Christmas Ornaments, Decorations, Handcrafted Toys, Decoupage, Macramé, Papier-Mâché Object, Tie-Dyed Item, Tatting, Cut Work, Sculptures (Wire, Metal, Wood, Paper), Baskets, Handmade Puppets, Marionettes, Dolls, etc.
Division – Creative Arts – PHOTOGRAPHY
- A fair participant may enter up to 10 exhibits in the PHOTOGRAPHY division.
- Pictures must be taken within the past 12 months by the fair participant.
- Entries should be mounted or matted. Captions can be added.
- Entries should be labeled on the back with exhibitor name, fair class, title of photo and age of participant.
- A photo can only be entered into one class.
- Collages must be no larger than 12” x 24”.
- Albums and scrapbooks must be a minimum of 10 pages. Albums and scrapbooks are judged on completion, neatness and originality.
- Digital Media must have a minimum of 7 items and maximum of 12 items. Digital presentations must be saved on a flash drive or CD and exhibitor must make prior arrangements for equipment to view during interview process.
- Definitions:
- Raw – no changes have been made to the photo with the exception of only changing from a color photo to black and white
- Edited – cropping, color enhancing (deepening or lightening of color), light enhancing
- Manipulated – color effects (sepia, pastel, etc.), airbrush effects, exposure effects, manipulation through photography programs (PhotoShop, cell phone settings, etc.)
Medium Premium value
- Edited – Black and White
- Edited – Color
- Manipulated – Black and White
- Manipulated – Color
- Raw – Black and White
- Raw – Color
- Other – collage, scrapbook, albums, digital media
Division – Family Consumer Science – CHILD DEVELOPMENT
- Exhibit should explain the relationship of health, safety, care, play or growth to babysitting or child development. This would accompany the kit or be the subject of the poster or scrapbook.
Medium Premium Value
- Kit or Play Material for School Age Children
- Kit or Play Material for Pre-School Age Children
- Scrapbook or Poster Related to Child Development
Division – Family Consumer Science – FIBER ARTS
- A fair participant may enter up to 10 exhibits in the FIBER ARTS division.
- Exhibits may be previously used but must be pressed and clean.
- Exhibits must be made within the previous 12 months by the fair participant.
CROCHET – Medium Premium
- Afghan or Throw
- Wearable Item
- Other
CROSS STITCH – High Premium
- Afghan or Throw
- Wearable Item
- Other
DESIGN YOUR OWN – High Premium
Judged on the pattern, originality, and usability
- Afghan or Throw
- Wearable Item
- Other
EMBROIDERY – High Premium
- Afghan or Throw
- Wearable Item
- Other
KNITTING – High Premium
- Afghan or Throw
- Wearable Item
- Other
LATCHHOOK – High Premium
- Afghan or Throw
- Other
NEEDLEPOINT – High Premium
- Accessories
- Other
QUILTING – High Premium
Can include patchwork, applique, machine quilting, hand quilting
- Afghan, Throw, Blanket
- Wearable Item
- Other
Exhibits consists of photos of before recycle/upcycle project, and actual finished product
- Accessories
- Wearable Item
- Other
SEWING – Medium Premium
- Accessories
- Wearable Item
- Other
WEAVING-High Premium
- Afghan or Throw
- Wearable Item
- Other
FIBER- Medium Premium
- Wool Fleece
- Other
Division – Family Consumer Science - FLOWERS
- All exhibits must have green foliage attached.
- No stimulating or preserving chemicals permitted.
- A fair participant may enter up to 6 exhibits in the FLOWERS division.
- Exhibits must be labeled accurately, i.e. Perennial one type of 3 stems – Shasta Daisy
Low Premium Value
ANNUALS(i.e. asters, marigolds, pansies, petunias, snapdragons, zinnias, etc.)
- Five types – 1 stem each
- One type – 5 stems
PERENNIALS (i.e. daisies, roses, gladiolus, dahlias, etc.)
- Three types – 1 stem each
- One type – 3 stems
HOUSE PLANTS(i.e. African violets, Orchids, Boston Fern, Christmas Cactus, etc.)
- Single Plant
- Collection of Plants
OTHER - Other Flowering plant not defined
- Three types – 1 stem each
- One type – 3 stems
Division – Family Consumer Science – FOOD PRESERVATION
- All exhibits are to be the work of the exhibitor.
- All canned products are to be in standard containers. A standard container is one made for canning or for jelly. It must be marked Mason, Kerr or Ball.
- Jars are to be clean on the outside.
- Each jar is to be labeled with canning date, method used and type of item canned. e. 8/1/2016, water bath, vegetable-dill pickles. Exhibits should be preserved within the last 12 months.
- All canned items are to be sealed. Containers may be opened by the judge.
- Items entered must be preserved using a USDA approved recipe.
- A fair participant may enter up to 6 exhibits in the FOOD PRESERVATION division.
High Premium
- Fruit
- Meat
- Vegetable
- Other
- Fruit
- Meat
- Vegetable
- Other
Other Food Preservation (freezer jam, preserved smoked, etc.)
Educational Display
Division – Family Consumer Science – FOODS
- All exhibits must have recipe attached. Recipe must include all ingredients and complete direction (to include mixing methods, baking time and temperature, etc.). Use a 3x5 card for the recipe and attach securely to exhibit.
- Clear plastic bags are to be used for exhibit if possible and use sturdy paper plates for displaying.
- A fair participant may enter up to 10 exhibits in the FOODS division.
- Use small loaf, pie and cobbler pans if you can.
- Bars are to be 2x2 inch squares and displayed as a plate of four.
- Any items baked individually shall be displayed as one plate of four (example, one plate of four cookies, one plate of four yeast rolls, one plate of four cupcakes).
BREADS – no mixes allowed
- Quick Biscuits /Muffins LP
- Quick Loaf LP
- Yeast Biscuits/Rolls HP
- Yeast Loaf HP
- Yeast – Sweet Bread HP
- Cupcakes: judged on decoration and taste- must be from scratch
- Decorated: judged on decoration so cake may be a mix/boxed
- Fancy: must be from scratch e. layered cake
- Simple: must be from scratch e. sheet cake
CANDY – from scratch HP
CHOPPED COOKING COMPETITION – LP – This is a team cooking event that will be held prior to fair days. Please contact Wheatland County Extension for details and dates.
COOKIES – no mixes allowed LP
- Baked
- Decorated
- Not Baked
DESSERTS– from scratch, including crusts HP
- Cheesecake
- Pie
- Other (jelly rolls, fruitcakes, gingerbread, tarts, bars, etc.)
RELISH PLATE – i.e. vegetable plate, fruit plate, cheese tray, etc. MP
COOKING– disclose ingredients used, i.e. premade crust, all from scratch, premade sauces, etc.
- Casserole
- Pizza
- Other
OTHER DISPLAY – i.e. centerpiece, poster, nutrition, recipe files (15 or more), menu planning, place setting, meal presentation (photos), etc. MP
Division – Family Consumer Science – GARDEN
- Exhibits must contain the specified number of items to be considered for awards.
- Items will be judged for uniformity, maturity, variety, characteristics, freedom from disease and injury.
- A fair participant may enter up to 6 exhibits in the GARDEN division.
- All items in this division must be field grown and not house grown.
- Items will be classified together i.e. all tomatoes entered in the fair will be considered vegetables even if scientifically they are fruit.
Low Premium Value
- Fruit – Display of 1 (large items i.e. watermelon, cantaloupe, etc.)
- Fruit – Display of 3 (medium items i.e. apples)
- Fruit – Display of 6 (small items i.e. strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, etc.)
- Vegetable – Display of 1 (large items i.e. cabbage, cauliflower, squash, etc.)
- Vegetable – Display of 3 (medium items i.e. carrots, beets, corn on the cob, cucumbers, onions, large tomatoes, potatoes, kohlrabi, rutabagas, peppers, turnips, etc.)
- Vegetable – Display of 6 (small items i.e. beans, peas, radishes, small tomatoes, spinach, etc.)
- Educational display
- Herbs
- Other
Division – Family Consumer Science – HOME ENVIRONMENT
Medium Premium Value
- Exhibit of experiments relative to Home Environment (redecorating, home planning, etc.)
- Item of refinished furniture
- Project notebook including plan for improvement, floor plan drawn to scale, color schemes used in room, story of project. Include before and after pictures of the project if available.
- Three or more articles for the room you selected for improvement
Division - Industrial Arts – ELECTRONICS
- A fair participant may enter up to 3 exhibits in the ELECTRONICS division.
Medium Premium Value
- Large Item
- Small Item
Division - Industrial Arts – ENGINES/MOTORS
- A fair participant may enter up to 3 exhibits in the ENGINES/MOTORS division.
Medium Premium Value
- Large Item (i.e. vehicle motor rebuild, etc.)
- Small Item (i.e. winch motor, etc.)
Division - Industrial Arts – METAL WORK
- A fair participant may enter up to 3 exhibits in the METAL WORK division.
Medium Premium Value
- Fine (i.e. fancy metal work, decorative gate, decorative sign, etc.)
- Industrial (fire ring, cattle guard, trailer, etc.)
Division - Industrial Arts – WOODWORKING
- A fair participant may enter up to 3 exhibits in the WOODWORKING division.
Medium Premium Value
- Fine (i.e. jewelry box, cedar chest, dresser, lathe work, hand carving, etc.)
- Industrial (creep feeder, ladder, saw horses, flower box, etc.)
Division - Industrial Arts – OTHER
- A fair participant may enter up to 3 exhibits in the OTHER INDUSTRIAL ARTS division.
Medium Premium Value
- Any other industrial art not defined (including educational displays of other divisions, i.e. educational display of a large motor rebuild project)
- Ten exhibits per child allowed per each class.
- The exhibitor’s grade and name must be placed on the back of the exhibit.
- All work exhibited must have been made during the preceding school year as part of the school curriculum.
- All entries will be awarded ribbons on the basis of the pupil involvement, originality, education value, and grade level appropriateness. No premiums will be awarded to school exhibits.
- Preschool, Kindergarten
- Grades 1, 2
- Grades 3, 4
- Grades 5, 6
- Grades 7, 8
- Grades 9-12