This page contains information about IPM workshops, news, and events, along with the latest Extension publications, videos, and podcasts.

MSU Extension regularly hosts workshops and events throughout the state of Montana. Contact your local Extension office for information about what's happening in your area.

Check the MSU Extension Ag Alerts and Urban IPM Alerts pages for the latest Integrated Pest Management news.

Upcoming Events

Cultivating Healthy Plants Webinar Series Continues March 27th!

Webinar series presented by University of Idaho Extension, Utah State University Extension, University of Nevada - Reno Extension, and Montana State University Extension.

"Water Conservation and Integrated Pest Management: Synergies for Sustainable Agriculture"  - March 27th CHP Webinar

Dr. Azadeh Alizadeh, Horticulture Specialist at the University of Nevada, Reno Extension, will be giving a webinar entitled "Water Conservation and Integrated Pest Management: Synergies for Sustainable Agriculture."

Date: Thursday, March 27th, 11 a.m. (Pacific Time)/12 noon (Mountain Time)

Description: This webinar explores the synergy between Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and water conservation in sustainable agriculture, demonstrating how water-efficient practices can enhance pest management outcomes and vice versa. Using recent science and case studies, we highlight the benefits of integrating water savings with IPM, including reduced pesticide use, higher crop yields, improved soil health, and increased biodiversity. The presentation will also address challenges, implementation considerations, and the role of education, technology, and policy in supporting practices for enhanced food security and environmental sustainability.

Registration: Free, but required. Register Here.

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Montana AgCast

Montana State University Extension presents the Montana AgCast, a podcast series designed for the benefit of the Montana agriculture producer. Hosted by Mat Walter.

In a recent episode, Mat sat down with Extension IPM Specialists Jane Mangold, Tim Seipel, and Noelle Orloff to discuss controlling invasive plants through integrated pest management.

Join in for the latest of a 6-part podcast series that takes a broad look at what IPM means in three different agriculture sectors in Montana, focusing on how it is used across the state by producers and professionals.

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MSU Extension Publications

Find MontGuides, books, magazines, calendars, and more in the Extension store. Recent highlights include:

Montana Ag Live logo over photo of a ranch setting

Montana Ag Live

Montana Ag Live is a regular call-in information broadcast television program dealing with agricultural and gardening issues in Montana. Presented by Montana PBS in association with Montana State University Extension.

Stream Montana Ag Live on the Montana PBS website, or watch the television broadcast Sundays at 6PM on your local PBS station.

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