Glacier County Extension
MSU Extension is your local source for information related to agriculture, the home, gardening, food preservation, financial management, estate planning, and much more! In addition, the Extension office oversees the 4-H program, which is the largest, out-of-school youth development program in Montana, impacting over 25,000 youth every year!
Concerned your hay may be high in nitrates? Bring it into the Extension office for a free, quick nitrate test!
Have an unidentified plant, weed, or bug? Bring it to the Extension office for identification!
Interested in learning more about gardening in Glacier County? Attend a Master Gardener or gardening workshop by Extension!
Need to order trees for a shelterbelt? Contact Glacier County Extension for details!
Want to sign your child up for 4-H to learn life skills, develop a passion, and serve their community? Head to the Extension office to join a 4-H club!
Need a nutrient analysis on your hay, and help on your beef cow ration? Come to the Extension office!
- Need to obtain your Montana Private Pesticide Applicator License? Contact the office to learn about training opportunities or to take your exam!
You can learn more about MSU Extension at and Montana 4-H at
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