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The Flathead 4-H Council is a committee of 4-H Volunteer Leaders that oversee Flathead
County 4-H progaming. Below is a description of what 4-H Council and Committees look
4-H Council Chair |
Board Member |
4-H Council President: |
Kristi Davis |
4-H Council Vice President: |
Maleah McQuade |
4-H Council Secretary: |
Nevada Hafer |
4-H Council Treasurer: |
Dana Higgins |
If you are in need of a scholarship, please complete the Flathead County 4-H Scholarship
form on the Foundation page and return it to the Extension Office.
Documents on this page:
- Council Minutes Approved
- Council & Committee Guide
Council Minutes
Printable version of May 2022 Flathead 4-H Council Minutes Approved (PDF)
May 26, 2022 Council Meeting Minutes Approved
The May 26, 2022, Flathead 4-H Council meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by
President Kristi Davis in the 4-H Building at the Flathead County Fairgrounds. Pledges
were done.
***** I had a really hard time reading the sign in sheet to type the names. I really
need everyone to print legibly so I spell your name correctly. *******
Roll Call was taken. Present were Kristi Davis, Maleah McQuade, Kelly Marsall, Sherry
Madsen, Marcia Burns, Pat McGlynn, Rick Balestri, Salena Adams, Morgan Baker, Alyson
Dorr, Wendy Morris, Melanie Hayek, Jenny Johnson, Heather Siderius, Lesley Hawbaker,
Joselyn Hawbaker, Wyatt Hewitt, Joel Hewitt, KellySue Bain, Patience Bain, Mirrer
Bain, Jubilee McLean, Sam Nunnally, Michelle Baker, Danna Higgins, Isaiah McLean,
Samara Martin, Codi Sorenson, Kim Morrison, Madisyn Hall, Emily Hall, Paul Wirth,
Carol Olsen, Annika Mason, Ashley Mason, Shilo Fritz, and Kevin Fritz.
Ambassador Report: Dave McLean reported that they served at the NRA banquet. They
have been attending other club meetings. They also did a fun day at the fairgrounds
and cleaning. They also did the Veteran’s Home that was very appreciated by the veterans.
They had a poster contest with the parade and awarded three winners. They are currently
working on the livestock sticker contest. Mirrer Bain reported that they raised money
for an air hockey table for the 4-H camp.
Those in attendance took the time to silently read the minutes of the last meeting.
Marcia Burns moved to accept the minutes as read. Motion was seconded and carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
Kelly Marsall reported that we have $37,293. 97 as of April 30, 2022. Bills that were
paid are Jimmy John’s for County Congress lunch, reimbursement to Wendy Morris. Coming
up bills are 4H Background checks, Fergus County RecLab , and reimbursement to Kristi
Davis for Graduation Cords. Jubilee McLean moved to accept the treasurer’s report.
Motion was seconded and carried.
Kim Morrison made a motion to pay the bills presented. Motion was seconded and carried.
Committee Reports
Ag Committee: Maleah McQuade reported that they will have an upcoming meeting next
Awards Committee: KellySue Bain reported that they have had several meetings. Last
year’s budget and funds collected for this year were discussed. Discussion was held
about equalizing the amount award winners receive among all fair grand champion winners.
The Awards Committee is requesting an additional amount of $2,500 to make this happen.
They have gone through the awards and added new ones. Kelly Marsall gave a report
on last year’s expenses. She gave a detailed report on each expense. Kim Morrison
made a motion to make a new line item budget for fair awards operation budget of $1,500
to cover printing and other administration costs. Motion was seconded and carried.
Horse Committee: Codi Sorensen reported on the amount of horse kids not ready for
fair. The last clinic is Tuesday May 31, 2022 at Kathleen Sutten’s house. Next meeting
is June 9, 2022. Horse camp went well. The horse committee owes the council $82.50
for new member dues. Codi asked to have that taken out of the horse committee line
item. Wendy Morris made a motion to pay the $82.50 from the horse committee line item.
Motion was seconded and carried.
Goat Committee: They are having a clinic on June 5, 2022. The reporter was not identified
on the recording.
Beef Committee: Wendy Morris reported they had a clinic on May 14. 2022. The clinic
was successful. Next clinic is June 25, 2022 with hoof trimming included. It was suggested
to have all beef kids look at their projects hooves to see if needed. The reporter
was not identified on the recording.
Hog Committee: Morgan Baker reported that there has been a lot of sick pigs they are
trying to help. Weighing and tagging was on April 28, 2022. It went well. The clinic
on May 31, 2022 is cancelled. The next clinic is June 11, 2022 with weigh in to follow
Sheep Committee: Kim Morrison reported weigh in happened on Monday. Almost everyone
attended. Weights look consistent across the board. There will be two showmanship
clinics in June. Dates to be determined. The reporter was not identified on the recording.
Rabbit, Poultry, and Cavy Committee: KellySue Bain reported that the last clinic will
be June 4, 2022. The fairgrounds and Glacier rabbit breeders have contributed funds
to refurbishing the rabbit and poultry barn at the fairgrounds.
Other Reports
Extension Office: Pat McGlynn introduced our new 4-H extension agent Rick Balestri.
Pat McGlynn discussed the current extension office budget from MSU. It was also discussed
that all mailings need to be run through the extension office first before mailing.
Ambassadors: See above under attendance.
Shooting Sports: Marcia Burns reported that all returning shooters need to sign up
for slots for next year. Kristi Davis also stated that new shooters may sign up online.
Flathead County Foundation/ 4-H Camp: Carol Olsen reported that all the docks are
in. Also, the licensing for the kitchen and camp is done. Hannah Boll and Wyatt Hewitt
received $500 scholarships. The Foundation also gave $500 each to the three 4-H shooting
sports members attending Nationals at the end of June.
Operating Policies/ Binders: No one from this committee was in attendance.
Window Decals: They only had two entries. Both entries were not what they looking
for. They need more information on them and just market animals. They are going to
contact the artist to work on getting them revised.
Giving Back to the Fairgrounds: Mirrer Bain reported that they do not have anything
new going on. You can adopt a flower bed the week of fair with conditions to water
them for several weeks before and after fair. The other option would be to put in
an automatic water system.
County Congress: Wendy reported the results of County Congress. The results were included
in the newsletter. It went well.
Old Business
4-H Camp: KellySue Bain reported on the camp councilors applications. Adults are needed
to attend. They are looking to bus the kids to camp. Camp will be July 18th to the
23rd. She reported the schedule. Enrollment opens June 1st.
Livestock Rule Changes: Kristi Davis gave this report. Discussion was held about limiting
the amount of kids doing the projects due to lack of pens and overcrowded processors.
One idea was that a first-year member spends their first year not doing a market project
and become a member in good standing first then they could take a market project their
second year. Another suggestion was to enforce a county wide standard. Lots of discussion
was done on this topic. More discussion on this topic will happen at the upcoming
Livestock meeting.
4H Camp costs: KellySue Bain wanted to discuss the cost of bussing the kids to camp.
Patience Bain made a motion to budget $1000.00 or less for bussing the kids to 4-H
Camp. The motion was seconded and passed.
New Business
State Congress
- 7 members attending maybe. Kelly Marsall asked for the attendees to submit for scholarships.
KellySue Bain made a motion to reimburse each youth who attends $375.00 after they
provide the receipts after State Congress. If they carpool, they will receive less
funds. Motion was seconded and passed.
-Leaders Attending State Congress: We need a minimum of two leaders
to attend. KellySue Bain will be in charge of finding leaders to attend. They must
be 21 years old and a current 4-H leader who has passed the background check.
National 4-H Shooting Sports- There are three attendees from Flathead County. They
are Wyatt Hewitt, Annika Mason, and Cody Williamson. It was stated that none of them
are carpooling. Selena Adams made a motion to give Wyatt, Annika, and Cody each $750.00
for attending Nationals. The motion was seconded and carried.
4-H Week Activities: KellySue Bain reported the Foundation is sponsoring the new family
orientation. They are looking for speakers to talk about any 4-H activities. Morgan
Baker also talked about reaching out to the Chamber of Commerce. KellySue Bain made
a motion to have the Council support the 4H week display awards of $500.00 and to
make that a line item in the budget. Motion was seconded and passed.
Ideas were discussed for future earmarking money for future projects.
Lesley Hawbaker proposed that we hold a 4H prom in the fall or winter. It was discussed
but no decisions were made on this subject.
The next Flathead 4-H Council meeting will be July 28th at 6 p.m. in the 4-H Building.
Patience Bain moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded and carried. Meeting
adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Approved 7-28-2022. Submitted by Theresa Williamson.
Councils & Committees Guide
Printable version of Montana 4-H Councils & Committees Guide (PDF)
Montana 4-H Councils &
County _______________________________________________
Name of Club __________________________________________
Name of Club Treasurer __________________________________
Year __________________________________________________
Revised 4/2015
RULES AND REGULATIONS.......................................................... 16
Allison Kosto, 4-H Specialist
Todd Kesner, Interim Director, 4-H Center for
Youth Development
Jill Martz, Cody Stone, Carol Benesh
Kirk A Astroth, Betty M. McCoy, Sheryl Knowles
David Ashcraft
Montana State University Extension
Montana State University Extension is an ADA/EO/
AA/Veteran’s Preference Employer and Provider of
Educational Outreach.
Thanks for participating in the governance of your local 4-H program. Your county
council, the district council and the Montana 4-H Council are three key elements to
strong 4-H program built on local decision-making and determination. Whether you are
new to 4-H or a long-time participant, this handbook is designed to give you some
guidance and direction for a more effective county 4-H council. By incorporating some
of the tried and tested ideas in this handbook, your county 4-H council can become
strong advocate for youth development in your county, district and within the state.
Your county 4-H council is a key element of an effectively functioning 4-H program,
because your council depends upon parents and other participants for representing
interests and values of local 4-H families. Every county should have a county 4-H
that represents all 4-H clubs within the county.
The District Council is comprised of representatives from each county council, and
makes decisions regarding district events (like the district leader’s meeting, trainings
other activities). In Montana there are eight districts. Districts are listed on page
The Montana 4-H Council is the state level board that represents all leaders and
includes two representatives from each district. This board provides key advice and
direction to the state 4-H staff and other groups working on behalf of Montana 4-H.
Please use this handbook often to give you ideas, guide your deliberations, and provide
guidance as you work with others to make your county 4-H council the best it can be.
4-H councils have been around almost as long
The leadership structure of county 4-H councils
as 4-H itself. Most counties have a 4-H council
can vary depending on the size and scope of the
composed of adult volunteer leaders and youth
4-H program. However, most councils include the
members who give guidance to the county 4-H
following officer positions-
program. An effective county 4-H council, with
President-calls and presides at regular meetings.
diverse membership, can be a source of strength
Vice President-presides in the president’s absence.
for a county 4-H program.
Secretary-keeps a record of the meetings and
The county 4-H council is the advisory group to
takes care of correspondence.
the county Extension agents. The county 4-H
council works with the Extension agent to develop,
Treasurer-maintains financial records for the
implement, and evaluate educational programs
council and signs checks.
based upon the needs of the youth in the county.
(Note: In some counties, the positions of secretary
The partnership between youth, adult volunteers,
and treasurer are combined)
and Extension professionals is vital to the success
Where possible, no two executive officers should
of the 4-H program.
be from the same club.
The county agent has responsibility to ensure
Committees - the council may remain as one
that a viable council is functioning.
The council must work in partnership with the
group or divide into committees. Committees
county Extension agent. Ongoing and regular
support effective and efficient use of time and
communications are critical for a smooth,
resources, and provide opportunities for expanded
working relationship.
leadership development. Some examples of
The council plans and carries out events and
committees are found later in this manual. For an
activities of interest to all 4-H groups in the
example of the leadership structure and the county
county. Such events would include speech
4-H council committee appointments please
and demonstration days, camps, tours, judging
consult the appointment form and the sample
contests and social events.
bylaws included in the appendix of this handbook.
To promote and strengthen the county 4-H
program and advise program development.
How councils define their membership also varies
To provide a communication link between the
from county to county. In most counties though,
county Extension office and 4-H clubs.
all 4-H leaders can be members of the county
To advocate for the county 4-H program.
4-H council and can vote. In some counties, youth
To develop and encourage leadership,
comprise 50% of the council membership while
decision-making, communication and
adult leaders form the other 50%. Some ways
teamwork in both youth and adults.
To account for and maintain any property
counties have defined membership include—
purchased by the Council.
President of each 4-H club or an alternate.
To plan and conduct fundraising activities
One adult leader of each club.
necessary to carry out the work of the 4-H
Members-at-large. The county 4-H council
may select additional youth (such as
To prepare a budget of funds to carry out
ambassadors) or adults to serve on the council
planned 4-H activities.
as necessary and desirable. This may be
To support education and leadership
helpful in counties with less than 10 clubs.
development for youth and adults.
County Extension agent(s) provide support
and advice.
12. Assume responsibility of informing all other
leaders about decisions made at council
People serve on county 4-H councils for the
length of their term of leadership (such as in the
case of a club leader or club president) or for two
13. Confer and cooperate with the county
to three years.
Extension staff to ensure a well-designed,
educational program that benefits all youth.
The chart on the following pages is designed
to help you assess the diversity of your council
14. Develop and maintain a vigorous, active
representation and potential groups to solicit
membership that partners with the county
council members.
Extension staff.
The following functions may be included in the
work of county 4-H councils in cooperation with
1. Fulfillment of commitments within agreed-
county Extension staff.
upon deadlines.
Assume responsibility for the development of
2. Leadership rather than “followership” (initiation
a total county 4-H program based upon the
rather than response).
needs of youth and the county situation.
3. Organizational knowledge and ability.
Assume responsibility for carrying out the
county’s planned youth program of education,
4. Support in controversial situations.
based upon the identified needs of youth.
5. Sensitivity to staff’s organizational challenges
Evaluate the total county 4-H program on a
and demands.
continuing basis.
6. Easy access by phone or visitation.
Raise and manage funds to support the
7. Loyalty and confidentiality.
planned educational program.
Sponsor county recognition for 4-H members
and leaders.
1. Attention to details of meetings, conferences,
Publicize objectives and philosophy of 4-H
work; serve in an advocacy role for the county
4-H program when necessary.
2. Wise use of time.
Assume responsibility for recruiting and
3. Prompt response to requests for information.
training 4-H members and leaders for the
4. Adequate preparation for meetings in which
county program.
council members must play a leadership role.
Recommend policy for the county 4-H
5. Meetings of agreed upon deadlines, with
program when not determined by district,
notification if deadlines cannot be met.
state or national regulations.
6. Complete, concise and accurate information.
Represent the interests of the county 4-H
7. Candor in individual and organizational
program at other meetings or events.
10. Assume active leadership in the organization
8. Prompt return of phone calls or other forms of
of new 4-H clubs and the establishment of
communication as appropriate.
new projects.
Assist in arranging for the county’s full
participation in all events and activities
outside the county.
Every time we teach a child something,
Bringing young people into leadership roles within
we keep him from inventing it himself.
the 4-H program has many benefits, for youth, for
- Jean Piaget, educator
adults, and for the program itself. You do not have
to wait years to experience the benefits-the payoff
In our culture, adults make almost all decisions for
is immediate. Some groups move into youth-adult
children and then expect them to start out in the
partnerships because they think it will be good
world at 18 or 19 years of age as model decision-
for the children, only to discover that the real
makers—without giving them any experience
beneficiary is the organization.
in making decisions. In a culture of prolonged
childhood, it is not surprising that an 18 year-old
cannot make good choices if he/she has not been
allowed to participate in choice-making. Often,
our society expects children to act like adults
without adequate preparation.
But in 4-H, this situation can be different. 4-H
meetings are rare settings where what a 12- or
13 year-old does really matters. In 4-H clubs, what
youth do can influence the success or failure of
certain activities. If we want to help keep youth
connected to the pulse of their communities and
What are some benefits to 4-H that could
end the isolation and alienation of youth who feel
happen as a result of adults partnering with
divested of power, we have to bring youth into
youth on 4-H councils?
meaningful, decision-making roles.
Giving youth a voice often results in better
programming and adds to the credibility of
In 4-H clubs, young people make decisions
an organization that purports to exist for the
every time they meet. 4-H is one of the few
benefit of young people.
places where young people can learn how
Bringing young people into decision-making
to participate in the decision-making process
roles within the organization can align it more
precisely because the impacts of these decisions
closely with community needs.
do not have the grand repercussions present in
Young people can make fundraising easier.
Many sources for grant monies are now
other parts of the community.
making youth involvement and representation
4-H councils provide another excellent avenue for
a requirement for funding.
youth to participate in making decisions with the
Youth-adult partnerships make for good
guidance and support of adults who care.
public relations.
Young people who get involved in the 4-H
The philosophy of working to create equitable
program as meaningful contributors are more
partnerships between youth and adults is consistent
likely to remain active as adults.
with research on resiliency, adolescent development
By giving young people a real stake in
and principles of positive youth development. By
the livelihood of their community, you bring
working in true partnership, the developmental
an additional source of ideas to the table
needs of young people are met while youth are
and make community-building a more
inclusive process.
in leadership roles, improving the community and
Young people ensure a future generation of
organizations in which they live and operate. The
individuals who care about their communities
ultimate goal of youth-adult partnerships is to bring
and have the background, skills and training to
young people into the planning and decision-
make a difference because they have played
making roles at all levels of the organization.
meaningful roles in 4-H.
When asked to recount the most unintelligent
thing a youth has ever said to you, one respondent
Youth/adult partnerships is an approach for youth
claimed, “I realize I am much more gracious with
and adults who want youth to:
young people than adults. I can’t think of something
Develop more mature social skills, group
I would count as unintelligent from a youth, but I can
processing skills, communications skills, and be
think of several from adults.” Sometimes adults tend
able to more competently resolve conflicts.
Work in collaboration rather than in
not to expect enough from young people.
competition where every individual’s
Tip #2: Treat youth as individuals.
contribution is valued.
Interact purposefully with peers and initiate
One youth represent does not represent the
constructive activities.
thoughts, opinions, and ideas of all youth. Young
Express themselves verbally, physically and
people will put enough pressure on themselves.
creatively in non-graded, non-judgmental
They understand that adults may carry negative
images of young people and may generalize from
Learn how to work at tasks using their minds,
the behavior of a few. Do not add to it by making
bodies, materials and tools.
them feel that they must speak for or represent
Have opportunities to define the problems they
deem worthy of attention and use their creative
all youth; you would not do that for another adult.
and intellectual abilities to address them.
Assure young people that you are interested in
Have the perception that they are unique and
their individual opinions and do not expect them to
yet intimately attached to extended groups.
embody an entire population.
Develop respect for older adults without
Tip #3: Be careful about interrupting.
dependence upon them.
Youth can get discouraged easily. Let them finish
their ideas. For the partnership to work, young
people must feel that they are valued and
Do not expect more or less from the youth than
respected by adults. In many of their outside
you would from another adult. When a young
relationships, this respect is lacking, and they are
person shows up 15 minutes late for a meeting, an
inherently wary of adults. When interrupted by
adult may think, “Ah hah, a slacker. Irresponsible
an adult, they will tend to stop talking (sometimes
kid.” When a fellow adult shows up 15 minutes late
permanently). Young people need to be
the same person may think, “That’s understandable.
encouraged to continue with their point despite
They’ve got deadlines and pressures and
adult interruptions. Both parties need to respect
schedules.” So do young people. Treat both youth
others in their right to voice opinions without
and adults with respect.
criticism or censure.
Tip #1: Make sure that you don’t hold the young
Tip #4: Remember that your role in a
person to a stricter standard than the adults.
partnership is not to parent.
Youth may not hold down full-time jobs, but they
While being a parent may be the most important
have other commitments and pressures and
role that any adult can play, the purpose of youth/
schedules that cry for their attention. They may
adult partnerships is to give young people a
agonize more over their performance than an adult.
different way to relate to adults.
In dealing with any new relationship, individuals
Tip #5: Do not move too fast.
may be cautious or tentative. Both youth and
adults should strive for understanding and not rush
Remember this is anything new for many young
to judgment. Adults should not expect the youth’s
people. Do not move too fast without explaining
performance to exceed that of adults. Conversely,
the reasons for actions taken. Rushing through
adults should not excuse all indiscretions just
meetings can be a sign that adults are still trying
because they are dealing with a youth.
to control the actions of the group.
Do not divide your group members into
categories of disability or disadvantage.
1. Always begin with the knowledge, skills and
7. Resist the temptation to form “youth advisory
talents of the youth, not with their problems
boards,” or councils, particularly those that
and needs.
include only one young member.
2. .Always spotlight the uniqueness of the
8. Cultivate numerous opportunities for young
people to teach and lead.
3. Start from the conviction that every
9. In partnership with your young participants,
community is filled with useful opportunities for
reward and celebrate their contributions and
contributions by young people.
creative efforts.
4. Be sure to offer young people real community-
10. Reiterate and broadcast this message: Our
building work, not games or “busy work”. Youth
community cannot be fully achieved without
know the difference.
youth involvement. We need you!
5. Fight against age segregation. Work to
overcome the isolation that young people feel.
Is the meeting place accessible to everyone?
Is there parking space and adequate rest
room facilities? Are accommodations made for
We all have to attend meetings; but how often
people with disabilities or special needs?
do the organizers of the meetings you attend
Are needed materials on hand: pencils, paper,
pay attention to the comfort of the meeting
audio-visual equipment, extension cords, plug
participants? Research has shown that some
adapters, handouts, etc?
meeting arrangements are more effective than
If a meal is to be served, has adequate
others. Paying attention to physical arrangements
preparation been made to clear the tables
swiftly and quietly?
can make the difference between a productive
Are water pitchers filled with cold water? Is hot
meeting and one that the members dread
coffee available?
attending. Think about the following tips for
Is the meeting room free from distracting noise
making meetings pleasant. Use these tips as a
such as furnaces or air conditioners, nearby
checklist when planning your council meetings.
meetings, elevators, etc?
Is there adequate space for each member to
Is the room arranged so that latecomers
work and is the arrangement conducive to
can come in and be seated without much
discussion? Tables might be arranged in a U
disruption of the meeting?
shape, in a circle or in groups. Leaders and
Is the meeting being held on the regularly
guests should be part of the whole group, not
scheduled date? If not, have adequate
segregated outside the rest of the group.
notices been sent out far enough in advance?
Is the lighting adequate for work and reading?
Meeting times should seldom be re-scheduled.
Is the room clean and uplifting?
Changes are disruptive to the council and to
Is there adequate ventilation, heating
individual members.
and cooling?
Has the meeting been planned well? Has the
executive committee devised a smooth running
agenda for the meeting that will make good
use of everyone’s time while at the meeting?
See appendices for Agenda Planning Guide and
Worksheet for Meeting
Prepare a balance sheet.
Prepare a regular statement of financial
All councils need committees to run efficiently and
effectively. Committees help delegate work respon-
Prepare a statement of changes in fund
sibilities through the involvement of all members.
balances of the 4-H council.
Follow procedures outlined in the Treasurer’s
book for annual financial reviews.
The executive committee is composed of all the
elected officers and usually the immediate past
The 4-H program has thrived over the years be-
president, with the county Extension agent serving
cause it has adopted programs and projects to keep
as an ex-officio member. The executive committee
pace with changes. This committee helps to see that
has the following functions to:
the council is aware of and adapts to change. This
Perform the essential council activities that
committee has the following functions to:
must be acted upon between meetings of the
full 4-H council.
Develop a method for staying abreast of
Formulate and recommend programs and
changes in the interests and needs of youth in
activities to the members of the council for
the county.
their consideration and approval.
Develop a plan to involve as many youth and
Identify and help formulate other committees
adults as possible in the county 4-H program.
necessary to further the purposes and
Develop a plan to involve all segments of the
functions of the council.
community in the 4-H program.
Carry on such other business as may be
Keep all members of the council aware of the
delegated to it by the council membership.
changes that need to be made in the 4-H
Formulate the agenda and have it printed for
program as shown by the results of the above
the meetings.
Serve as liaison with other groups and to the
Assist in carrying out the actions necessary to
total Extension program.
facilitate these changes.
Serve as the planning group for the 4-H council.
Keeping members of your county informed about
The budget is a statement of the financial
the role and purpose of 4-H is a critical function
condition of the coming year based on information
to ongoing community support. This committee is
gathered from all other committees. It provides
designed to:
guidelines for the short-term future. The budget
Inform the public about 4-H through various
committee develops the budget in keeping with
media available in your county.
the purposes, philosophy and long-term goals of
Develop community support for the 4-H and
the organization, sets appropriate objectives and
Extension programs.
identifies steps to achieve them.
Get more people involved in the 4-H program.
Ultimately increase membership and the
Since the budget establishes future expectations
number of clubs in the county 4-H program.
largely on past performance and present resources,
Assist with all other committees on the council
it is provisional in nature. Unexpected circumstance
with their public relations needs.
such as changes in donors or expenses may affect
the budget. This means that the budget must be
flexible enough to reflect change without losing
Activity committees can have many functions. Such
effectiveness in dealing with controllable events.
committees are formed specifically to plan and
Specific functions of a budget committee on the
execute an event such as:
county level are to:
Report the financial condition and results of
Animals shows
the operations of the county 4-H council.
Demonstration and speech days
Poject workshops
National 4-H Week promotion; promoting 4-H
Teen conferences
during the year at various events and activities.
4-H camps
These committees are generally responsible for all
details of the event—from obtaining judges and
Help develop and promote interests in all trips
awards to writing thank-you letters and evaluating
available to 4-H’ers and leaders; develop a
the event. These committees work closely with
selection process for special trips and awards.
the county Extension staff and often share some
of the responsibilities with the staff. However the
primary responsibility for the particular event rests
Consider all suggestions about operation of the
with the committee. Chairs of these committees
fair; help solicit awards; consider changes in the
should rotate every two or three years, to allow for
fair book; plan schedule and assignments for
diversification of the committees.
pre-fair clean-up; responsible for superintendent
training for the fair.
A list of some common county 4-H council
activity committees, a sample job description for
a Demonstration Committee, a committee task
Select the date; responsible for organization of the
sheet, and a sample planning form for a county
program; makes assignments of junior leaders to
demonstration day contest follow.
help with the program and assist them.
Locate a manager; negotiate terms of salary and
Work with agents in organizing the show; select
length of employment (if applicable); help set up
guest speakers; help in set-up and take-down;
schedules to work in stand; prepare a clean-up
follow through on written materials or handouts.
schedule before and after the fair for the food
stand; assist manager where needed and be
responsible along with manager for purchases,
repairs, improvements and other needs. This
Help plan the county 4-H exchange trip; select
committee also needs to be aware of changing
a location, decide dates, costs, etc; promote and
state regulations for safe food handling. For
information, contact the MSU Extension Food and
Nutrition Specialist or your county agent.
Help plan and implement spring livestock shows,
tagging and weigh-ins, and judging contests. Work
Concerned with the selection of dates, building
with county agent in keeping these events as much
and room scheduling; concerned with selection of
of a learning experience as possible.
judge; helps prepare time assignments; in charge
of junior leaders and helpers who announce
numbers and keep door closed; set up rooms;
Assist in preparing for the Fashion Revue; help
in charge of specific rooms; announce placings;
with implementation; set-up and clean-up; decide
assemble club packets of ribbons and comment
theme, decorating, locating storage, public address
sheets; bring judges refreshments.
system, etc.
Responsible for developing a county-wide
membership drive; updating 4-H image; in charge
of 4-H publicity and public relations;
Sample Timeline for County 4-H
Project/Fair Committee Chairpersons
Contact all committee members from previous
Arrange for adequate facilities, stalls, booths,
year and potential new committee members
etc. for fair. Contact fair manager/fair board
Evaluate last year’s program, identifying
with stall needs and suggestions.
strengths and weaknesses.
Report to the county 4-H council. Turn in reports
Hold formal initial committee meeting no later
or notices for the county 4-H newsletter by the
than the November 4-H council meeting.
requested date following the 4-H council meeting.
Elect chair and vice-chair and delegate
Reconfirm time and date with fair judges.
responsibilities for the year.
Send list of committee members to the county
Set up booths, decorate project areas in 4-H
Extension office.
building, put up stall cards.
Review any changes in project materials for
Be available during fair to assist judges,
the year.
members and parents, agent(s).
After interview judging in the 4-H building,
Report to the county 4-H council. Turn in reports
help arrange projects for viewing.
or notices for the county 4-H newsletter by the
requested date following the 4-H council meeting.
Prepare fair report to the county 4-H council.
Include positive suggestions for next year’s fair.
Report to the county 4-H council. Turn in reports
Turn in reports or notices for the county 4-H
or notices for the county 4-H newsletter by the
newsletter by the requested date following the
requested date following the 4-H council meeting.
4-H council meeting.
Review the fair book and fair/county awards
as a committee for any changes. Be sure
Hold necessary project workshops and training
there are fair entries for all projects in which
sessions throughout the year in cooperation
members may enroll
with the county Extension office.
Organize and conduct 4-H events related to
Report to the county 4-H council. Any changes
project areas (e.g. tagging animals, shearing,
for the fair book must be approved at the
March 4-H council meeting.
Coordinate and facilitate committee meetings
Report any requests for the fair awards from
and workshops.
the trophy/awards committee.
Arrange committee meeting times and
Get fair judge recommendations from
communicate with Extension office.
committee members.
Maintain committee records of action or
appoint someone to do so.
Keep up-to-date on project materials and
Arrange for qualified judges, tell them the
other information pertinent to your committee.
date and time of the show/project they will be
Request funds from the 4-H council when needed
judging and what they will be paid.
for committee work before funds are needed.
Contact county Extension office with the name,
Request services from the county Extension
address, and phone number of the fair judges
office as needed, such as communicating with
so that a contract can be mailed.
committee members or resource persons.
Keep a list of committee responsibilities/
job descriptions for new chairperson and
Report to the county 4-H council. Turn in reports
committee members.
or notices for county 4-H newsletter by the
requested date following the 4-H council meeting.
Sample Committee Job Description
The 4-H Demonstration and Public Speaking
Responsibilities for conducting a contest
Committee will be comprised of 4-H
leaders with a key interest in promoting
Setting a date
Securing a facility
educational opportunities in the area of 4-H
Contacting judges, monitors, registrars, and
demonstrations and public speaking. One
leader will serve as chairman and one as
Orienting judges prior to the contest
vice-chairman. The vice-chairman should
Developing a schedule
be selected with the intent of serving as
Setting up rooms
chairman the following year.
Cleaning up the facility
Plan and conduct an elimination contest to
determine which member over 14 years of
age will attend Montana 4-H Congress in the
Plan, secure resource persons for, and
Secure judges and monitors for contests at the
conduct workshops necessary to teach 4-H
members how to plan, prepare, and present
Contact: Chair, 4-H Council Activity Committee
a demonstration or speech. At least one
workshop per year should be conducted.
County Extension Agent
Plan and conduct demonstration and public
See appendices for Committee appointments,
speaking contests throughout the county.
Committee task sheet, and report form.
Contests may be held in various locations.
Under U.S. Department of Agriculture and
Montana State University guidelines, the county
The basic purpose of 4-H is youth development. A
MSU Extension office is required to monitor all
club should not get sidetracked by fundraising and
transactions related to finances in 4-H clubs. All
lose sight of learn-by-doing. Any event sponsored
4-H clubs/councils must show the source of any
for the purpose of raising funds should support the
money they have raised and how it is disbursed.
educational mission of 4-H.
Local clubs/councils may choose to raise money
The club/council should vote on any fund-raiser.
through fundraising or dues or both. A club treasury
The motion, second and passing vote approving
is optional but necessary if funds are maintained
the fund-raiser must be included in the secretary’s
for club use. Fundraising should be done for the
good of the total group and should be consistent
Once approved by the club, fund solicitation should
with county 4-H fundraising policies. Information
be undertaken only after consultation with the
related to these policies can be found in the MSU
County Extension Agent responsible for 4-H.
Extension Montana 4-H Program Policies and
Fundraising should be kept to a minimum. There
Procedures. Fundraising should not be the main
should always be a purpose for raising funds with
focus of group activities nor exclude any individual
a limit of one or two special activities per year.
from participation. Clubs are expected to use funds
to support the financial needs of the total group
At the conclusion of the fund-raiser, a complete
and when possible, assist with participant costs in
report must be included in the treasurer’s records
county, state, national and international programs.
and a summary report in the secretary’s minutes.
One of the most important roles of the county 4-H
A financial report must be given to the county
Council is to raise and manage funds for the benefit
Extension agent within 60 days after the
of the county 4-H youth development program. It is
conclusion of the fundraising event. If such reports
important that financial transactions follow proper
are not filed, the MSU Internal Auditor will be
legal procedures and that those contributing to
contacted to conduct an investigation.
4-H know their funds are being used to benefit 4-H
4-H clubs may choose to finance their activities
participants and programs.
through their own fundraising. Fundraising should
be done for the good of the total group, consistent
Listed below are some recommended procedures
with the county 4-H fundraising policies and
regarding roles and responsibilities, financial
support of reputable businesses. Funds may be
transactions and record keeping. Additional
used to assist with participant costs in county,
guidelines can be found in the Montana 4-H
state, national and international programs.
Treasurer’s Record Book (Publication #5242).
More specific information on related policies and
Soliciting funds from statewide businesses or
procedures can be found in the following fact
organizations should be coordinated with the
sheets located on the National 4-H Headquarters
Montana 4-H Foundation.
website (https://youth.gov/federal-links/national-4-h-headquarters)
4-H events and activities, for the purpose of
The 4-H Name and Emblem
raising funds, including raffles, must have a clear
Tax-Exempt Status of 4-H Organizations
educational goal or purpose and should be
Authorized Use of the 4-H Name and Emblem
primarily for the benefit of 4-H members.
Livestock Sales, Auctions and Similar Events
IRS 4-H Livestock Sale FAQs
For any event or activity for which funds are
Fundraising: Private Support for the 4-H Program
collected (for example, entry fees, raffle ticket
4-H Fundraising: Sponsorships & Promotions
sales, registration, etc.), appropriate financial
Raffles, Lotteries, Gaming and 4-H
management practices should be followed,
Contests and Awards
with a detailed written account of income and
County Commissioners and Tribal Councils, 4-H
groups wanting to hold a raffle should check
with their local County Commissioners’ or Tribal
Funds from 4-H events may not be divided up
Council office to see what requirements they have
amongst individual club members or otherwise used
in place. Some officials will require an accounting
for personal, rather than 4-H related expenses. For
of the raffles, while others will not. Be sure to
official 4-H events for which funds are raised, the
ask if there are any regulations about 4-H youth
revenue must be placed in an account to be used
(minors) selling raffle tickets. For-profit groups need
by the sponsoring club or 4-H entity.
to acquire a permit through their local County
A contribution earmarked by a donor for a
Commissioners’ office.
particular individual is treated, in effect, as a gift to
Neither non-profit nor for-profit groups can solicit
the designated individual and is not deductible as
outside the state, but they can go across county
a charitable contribution.
lines. A 4-H group conducting a raffle should check
Games of chance, lotteries, betting activities
with the County Commissioners in the county or
involving money, and other related kinds of
Tribal Council on the reservation where the drawing
activities do not support the mission of 4-H and
will be held for any requirements related to raffles.
should not be engaged in.
For-profit groups should acquire their permit in the
county where the drawing will take place
Bingo is considered gambling in the state of
Montana and as such must be registered and
approved through the State of Montana -
Department of Justice: Gambling Control Division.
Guidelines for this type of activity, provided by the
State Gaming Office, must be followed.
Montana 4-H does not condone nor support 50/50
type fund-raisers or raffles. These fund raisers are
The following guidelines are in effect to help clubs
not to be conducted under the auspices of 4-H nor
fulfill their responsibilities for handling funds:
be associated with the 4-H name and emblem.
1. Every 4-H club/council having a checking or
savings account is required to be chartered
and have an Employer Identification Number
The purpose of conducting raffles under the name of
(EIN). An EIN is obtained from the Internal
4-H should be to support the educational programs
Revenue Service using Form SS-4. (A copy is
of 4-H. Funds raised under the name of 4-H belong
provided in the appendix or check with your
to 4-H and must be used only for the 4-H program
county Extension office.) When completing
the application for an EIN number, send it
and its participants. As a guideline, 4-H clubs should
rather than applying online and remember to
conduct raffles only where a product is awarded to
do the following: Put “4-H” as the first word
the winner, not cash. Products should be of good
of the club/council name (e.g., 4-H Green
quality and represent the organization well. The cost
County Council, Green County 4-H Council)
of raffle tickets cannot be deducted by individuals
on the form and on club bank accounts. The
County Extension Office should be used as the
as a charitable contribution to 4-H as raffles are
mailing address on the EIN application. All IRS
considered a form of gambling.
notifications along with bank statements should
go through the Extension Office. The club EIN
For non-profit organizations like 4-H, there is no
number must be on file in the bank and the
formal permit required to conduct raffles. However,
county Extension office. Clubs can be subject
since control of raffles has been turned over to
to a backup withholding fine imposed by the
IRS for failure to report an EIN or file annual
Clubs/councils that don’t have treasuries and
tax returns. The application for an EIN on the
don’t handle money need to mark zeros on the
SS-4 should be mailed by the leader or council
Annual Yearly Summary Report, sign and date
officer to the IRS following the instructions on
the form, and return it to the county Extension
Form SS-4.
office once a year.
Treasurer’s must use the book, Montana 4-H
10. In addition to the mandatory annual review
Treasurer’s Record Book (4-H #5242, Rev.
addressed in #8, all bank statements, receipts,
09), to document all financial transactions. The
cancelled checks, checkbooks, savings account
Council may decide to use a software program
books and the Montana 4-H Treasurer’s
but must still follow all procedures outlined in
Record Book (4-H #5242), if used, must
the Treasurer’s book.
be turned in to the county Extension office
If a club or council does not have a checking
whenever they are requested by Extension
account but does have a savings account,
staff. If a computer program is used in lieu
checks should be purchased from a bank or
of the Treasurer’s Record Book, appropriate
credit union. For the treasurer’s protection,
documentation must be submitted in its place.
copies of these checks are to be recorded
It is state 4-H policy that all 4-H accounts
and maintained.
must have two signatures on all checks (with
Clubs/councils should prepare a budget for the
adults not being related). It is recommended
year. A budget is a written plan for generating
that an MSU Extension Agent be listed on
and spending money for a set period of time.
4-H accounts as a signatory in order to have
Since the members of the club/council approve
access to bank records if needed. However,
a budget, it is not necessary to seek approval
he/she may not sign checks unless there are
for payment of items already listed in the
extenuating circumstances to do so.
budget. If a club does not have a budget or
All fundraising activities should be reviewed and
items arise that are not part of the budget,
approved by the county Extension Agent before
each item needs to be presented to the
the event. All money raised under the 4-H name
members for approval before payment.
must be used only for 4-H activities. Because
Payments should be made only in response to
these funds are publicly accountable, they must
a formal written bill, invoice or an itemized
not be used in any way to enrich individuals.
receipt. The itemized invoice, clearly stating
This means that money may not be given out to
what was billed, with the check number
individual club members or others, but must be
and date of the check on it, will become a
used to pay for educational programs, activities,
permanent part of the treasurer’s records.
workshops or 4-H club supplies. County, state or
Occasionally a need arises where an
national 4-H programs may also be funded. As
unexpected payment must be made before
an educational youth development organization
a meeting can take place. This should only
serving various interests and needs, the use of
happen in extreme circumstances and with the
drawings, raffles and various kinds of games
written approval of the Executive Committee.
of chance to raise money to support programs
All money received should be acknowledged
is discouraged. Fundraising efforts in which
with a written receipt, preferably pre-numbered.
people receive a product or service are highly
The receipt should include the source of the
funds (such as a car wash or bake sale), the
Non-cash donations to clubs such as
date, and the name of the person making
consumable supplies or miscellaneous items
the payments. These receipts are the backup
should be acknowledged in writing to the
documentation for bank deposits and should
donor. A copy of the acknowledgment must
become permanent records.
be kept in the club treasurer’s records. Non-
The financial review committee must complete
consumable donations such as equipment
an annual Yearly Summary Report and
or animals should be accepted only if the
Financial Review Certificate with appropriate
club is prepared to accept the long term
signatures and submit it to the Extension office
responsibilities of ownership including
for review.
care, maintenance and insurance. Written
within the club, county or state. This request
acknowledgment should be sent to the donor
will be acted on by the county 4-H Council
and a copy must be kept in the treasurer’s
in agreement with the Extension Agent
records. The Internal Revenue Service requires
responsible for the 4-H programs at the time
that a specific set of written documents be
the club is dissolved. If a club or group divides
completed by the donor and the donee, if a
itself, creating more than one recognized
cash or non-cash gift is valued at $5000 or
and chartered registered club or council, the
more. A Form 990 Schedule B is required to be
funds from the original club must be evenly
filed when such a gift is received. In such a case,
disbursed, based on membership, in each club.
a qualified tax attorney should be consulted.
The Extension agent responsible for the 4-H
Valuation of a non-cash donation is the
program must investigate the disbursement of
responsibility of the donor, in consultation
4-H funds by any club when a complaint is
with his or her tax advisor and individuals
made by 4-H members or parents. Issues of
qualified to appraise items of this type.
this nature can be avoided by following the
It is not appropriate for a 4-H club, staff
guidelines in the treasurer’s book.
member or volunteer to place a value on
When a club receives its EIN number from the
items donated. Donors cannot specify the
IRS, the name who signed the SS4 form is on
individual recipient of cash or non-cash
record with the IRS. The address on record
donations. Clubs or groups should not feel
should be the county Extension office.
compelled to accept non-cash gifts. The
If gross receipts of the 4-H organization are
Extension Agent responsible for the 4-H
more than $25,000, an annual tax return Form
programs should be contacted whenever
990-EZ must be filed by the 15th day of the
the club/council has questions about the
5th month following the year-end. i.e.: The 4-H
appropriate action with respect to accepting
year ends September 30; the tax return is due
and managing any donation.
on or before the following February 15. The
Any 4-H club or group that disbands with
organization should review the IRS Instructions
money left in its account must immediately turn
for Form 990 and Form 990-EZ or consult
those funds over to the county 4-H Council or
with a qualified tax preparer. Clubs making less
county Extension office. All property belonging
than $25,000 can file the 990-N E-Postcard.
to the club must be disbursed in the same
Groups who fail to file will be responsible for
manner. Club members may request that the
any penalties incurred and/or loss of their EIN
money be used for specific 4-H programs
and GEN status.
A Quick Check of Your Financial Practices:
Check the boxes describing the practices your council
A reasonable rate of interest is being received on
or club is following:
investment accounts.
Investment accounts are insured and/or supported by
Proper entries are made on the appropriate
sufficient collateral.
accounting records.
All cash due to the 4-H council or club is actually
Disbursements are made only by check upon proper
All cash receipts are appropriately deposited or
All checks are countersigned by a second member of
otherwise adequately safeguarded.
the executive committee.
Cash receiving activities are centralized in as few
No checks are made payable to cash.
hands as possible.
No counter checks are permitted.
The receipt of cash can be validated by cash receipt
Monthly bank reconciliations are made by someone
other than the person writing the checks or
Incoming money is controlled by persons other
recording disbursements.
than those having access to cash or the accounting
Petty cash funds are not used by the county 4-H
council or club.
The individual first receiving any money documents the
Printed, pre-numbered checks are used and blank
source and amount of money received.
checks are stored in a secure location.
The bank used by the council or club has been
Voided checks are properly mutilated and held for
instructed not to cash unauthorized individual
checks made payable to the 4-H council or club.
Signing of checks in advance is prohibited.
Cash receipts are recorded in a satisfactory manner
Checks or bills presented for payment are
by the individual designated to receive cash.
accompanied by approved invoices, evidence of
Printed pre-numbered receipt forms are used and
receipt, acceptance of goods and services and
properly accounted for.
documented approval of transactions.
The cash received list is effectively used as a check
The 4-H council or club authorizes all bank accounts
against deposits.
and check signers as recorded in meeting minutes.
A restrictive endorsement is placed on incoming
Signers of checks make adequate investigation
checks as soon as they are received.
before affixing their signatures.
All checks are made or endorsed payable to the 4-H
There is immediate notification of appropriate parties
council or club rather than individuals.
when a check signer leaves the service of the group.
Duplicate copies are maintained of receipts given to
Checks are prepared by a person other than the
individuals who turn over cash.
one who authorizes payment.
Responsibility for cash receipts is fixed from the time
There is a firm procedure establishing conditions
they are received until sent to the bank.
under which cash disbursements can be made.
Cash overages or shortages, if any, are recorded on
All paid invoices are stamped or adequately marked
the books.
to prevent their reuse.
At the request of the Council or Extension Agent,
Vouchers are prepared for all expenditures.
Treasurers may be bonded to provide adequate
Bank statements should be mailed to the county
Extension office which may provide a review. They
Rents, dividends, interest or similar revenues are
should then be resealed and delivered to the
adequately controlled in such a manner that their
non-receipt would be noted and investigated in a
The sequence of check numbers is accounted for
timely manner.
when reconciling the bank accounts.
Volunteers are prohibited from using cash receipts to
Endorsements on canceled checks are examined
make cash disbursements.
carefully, incidental to the reconciliation of the bank
Cash receipts are normally deposited intact and
without delay.
Paid checks scrutinized for suspicious and irregular
Safe combinations and keys to cash boxes
or files are restricted to a minimum number
There is adequate control over postage purchased
of persons.
and used only for official council or club business.
Bank deposits are certified by means of a duplicate
If applicable, a large bank balance, not needed in
deposit slip or entry into a passbook.
the day-to-day working fund, is kept in a separate
Checks returned by a bank for insufficient funds are
account requiring the signature of an official to make
controlled and a follow-up maintained.
a withdrawal.
How many boxes were you able to check?
_____One Quarter
_____A Few
What changes can you make to improve your system?_ __________________________________________________________
Treasurer’s Handbook, Minnesota 4-H Youth Development,
Adapted from: Ohio 4-H Treasurer’s Handbook, The Ohio State
University of Minnesota Extension Service, 1998.
University Extension, 2003
4-H Treasurer’s Records Book, Texas Agricultural Extension
4-H Treasurer’s Record Book, Kansas State University Agricultural
Service, The Texas A & M University System.
Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, 2005.
Treasurer’s Record Book, Mississippi 4-H Club, Mississippi State
Treasurer’s Manual, California 4-H Youth Development program,
University Extension Service, Form 1019.
The University of California, 2003.
The last gasp of a dying organization
occurs when it re-issues the rule book.
1. We made rules based on reasons that make a
- Peter F. Drucker, management consultant
lot of sense at the time.
2. We follow these rules.
3. Time passes, and things change.
Rules are easy to pass, but often difficult to enforce
4. The original reasons for the generation of
or make fair. Much of what a county 4-H council
these rules may no longer exist, but because
ends up dealing with, is making policy and rules
the rules are still in place, we continue to
recommendations. The role of the 4-H Council is
follow them.
to advise the county Extension agent on policy
matters for the county-wide program; 4-H Councils
are not responsible for determining 4-H program
policies on their own.
Ask: “How does this rule contribute to the
education of the youth?”
Specific conflicts arise and many times a first
response is to pass a rule. Then, it seems that no
Ask: “What is the intent of this rule?”
sooner than a new rule has been implemented that
Ask: “Is another rule needed to solve this problem?”
someone has figured out a loophole, leading to the
Ask: “Will we allow any exceptions to this rule?”
passage of a new rule. It becomes a vicious never-
ending cycle of rule making and rule breaking.
Ask: “How well have we defined the consequences
for violating this rule?”
Providing rule recommendations is an area into
which 4-H councils should proceed with caution.
Ask: “Who will enforce these rules?”
There are often other ways to deal with situations.
Ask: “What is the grievance procedure for
Here are some things to consider when thinking
appealing the provisions of this rule?”
about rule recommendations.
Ask: “How will we adequately inform others about
this rule’s existence and implications?”
get things accomplished
Ask: “When will we review the rule to see if it still
establish boundaries, limits
makes sense?”
establish common expectations
Ask: “Were youth involved in the rule or policy
set policy
establish fairness/limit arbitrariness
To assist you in wrestling with some “real life” situations, here are some typical
scenarios that occur in county
4-H programs. Select one of theses scenarios for a 4-H council meeting discussion,
and see how your group
resolves the situation.
Green County Commissioners have just agreed
One of the county 4-H contests is aimed at
to hire a county Extension agent to work with
developing speaking skills in youth. There
4-H and agriculture. The county has never
are several options in which the members
had an agent before but some of the youth
might participate, ranging from giving a
have been in a 4-H program in a neighboring
demonstration to preparing a public service
county. There is a lot of interest in the county
announcement for the local radio station. One
to have their own 4-H program and both the
of the local businesses is very excited about this
agent and families are interested in getting
activity and has offered the county three prizes
4-H started. You are the group assigned with
for the best oral presentation.
the task of helping provide structure for the
You are on the committee to recommend rules
4-H program in Green County. What are
and regulations for the selection process
the policies, rules, and regulations you would
to award these three prizes. Write a list of
recommend for beginning a 4-H program?
recommended rules for this contest.
Since Green County is starting a new 4-H
The horse show rule book clearly states that rider
program, they have the chance to have their
“must wear dark blue denim jeans and a long-
own 4-H fair as well. The county commissioners
sleeved white shirt with a convertible collar.” This
are encouraging 4-H to plan something that will
rule has been on the books longer than anyone can
involve the community and serve as a showcase
remember. Lately, there have been several requests
for youth. You will need to establish the fair book
to change the rule and allow for different colored
and all the content. For purposes of this exercise,
jeans and different styles of shirts.
what are the rules and guidelines you would
During your county fair, a young person just
recommend for the 4-H fair?
entered the arena wearing black jeans and a fancy
shirt with a frill collar. She was disqualified from
the event and told to leave the arena. Now the
The county 4-H livestock committee has
family has filed a grievance and wants to repeal
become concerned about what youth are
the rule. You’re on the horse show committee.
learning in their 4-H projects. They know of at
How would you respond to this situation?
least two kids who are not living at home, but
are still enrolled in the beef project. It appears
to only motivation is to sell the animal at the
The deadline for county fair entries is July 15
fair. While the committee recognizes the sale
each year. The fair is usually held during the
is a great incentive, they are concerned about
last week of July. This year, you receive an entry
the possibility of more members beginning to
on July 17 from one of the new 4-H families in
do this.
the county. The family explains that they missed
You are a member of the livestock committee.
the club meeting where 4-H entry forms were
How would you recommend to address the
distributed. In addition, they were out of town
concerns of the committee?
for the past week for a “family emergency”
and did not get back to town until the 16. How
would you respond?
COUNTY 4-H COUNCIL PLEDGE..............................................................................20
DEMONSTRATION CONTEST......................................................................................35
responsibility of Extension.
To avoid conflicts of interest between my position
as a council member and my personal life. If such
a conflict does arise, I will declare that conflict
To establish, as a high priority, my attendance
before the council and refrain from voting on such
at all meetings of the council and committees on
matters in which I have a conflict.
which I serve.
To support in a positive manner all actions taken
To be prepared to discuss the issues and business
by the 4-H council even when I am in a minority
addressed at scheduled meetings, having read the
position on such actions.
agenda and all background material relevant to
To agree to serve on at least one committee or
the topics at hand.
task force, attend all meetings and participate
To work with and respect the opinions of my peers
in the accomplishments of its objectives. If I am
who serve on this council and to leave personal
president of the 4-H council, a committee of task
prejudices out of all council deliberations.
force, I will —
call meetings as necessary until goals are
To always act for the good of the 4-H program.
To represent this organization in a positive and
ensure that the agenda and support materials
supportive manner at all times and in all places.
are shared with all members in advance of
To observe parliamentary procedures and
conduct the meetings in an orderly, fair, open,
display courteous conduct at all council and
and efficient manner;
committee meetings.
make committee progress reports/minutes to
To refrain from intruding on issues that are the
the 4-H council at its scheduled meetings.
vice president, and secretary-treasurer. Officers
shall be elected at the spring meeting and
installed at the fall meeting. President and vice
The name of this organization shall be the
president shall be elected in even years and
______________________ County 4-H Council.
secretary-treasurer in odd years. When possible,
no club can have more than one representative
in the officers of the council to ensure a diversity
of representation.
The object of this council will be:
Terms of office shall be for two years.
To plan for and coordinate countywide 4-H
An officer may succeed him/herself in office, but
not exceed two, two-year terms or a total of four
years in any one office.
To give leaders and members a channel for
offering suggestions and helping develop a
countywide program.
To enable leaders to undertake projects or
activities on a countywide or districtwide basis
Section 1. The duties of the president shall be to
and to offer suggestions for the state 4-H
preside at all meetings; appoint committees; and
to perform such duties as may be prescribed by the
To provide a channel of communication and
Section 2. The duties of the vice president shall
exchange of ideas for leaders and Extension
be to act for the president whenever the latter is
unable to his/her duties. The vice president may
To provide closer association and exchange
act as chairman of the program committee.
of ideas for leaders and other youth
Section 3. The duties of the secretary-treasurer
shall be to keep a record of the minutes of the
To provide opportunities for leader training and
meetings, call roll, keep a record of the activities
of each meeting and send a copy of the minutes
To work in partnership with the county
to the district president, and submit a copy of the
Extension office.
minutes to the county Extension office for distribution
to leaders.
As treasurer, the duties shall include caring for all
money that may come into the county council, and
All current 4-H adult and youth leaders, regardless
make report of the same at each meeting. Money
of race, color, national origin, gender, religion,
shall be deposited in a bank in the county. Checks
age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation,
are to be written by the secretary-treasurer or
and marital and family status are eligible for
by the president in the absence of the secretary-
membership in this council. County Extension
treasurer. The secretary-treasurer shall have the
personnel shall serve in an ex-officio capacity.
authority to pay all approved bills.
Spring elected officers shall work with the present
officers during the summer to become more
acquainted with the duties and responsibilities of
each office.
The officers of the council shall be the president,
Section 1. EXECUTIVE
There shall be two (2) regular meetings of the
1. The committee shall be comprised of the
county 4-H council and five (5) meetings of the
president, vice-president, secretary-treasurer,
executive committee each year.
immediate past-president (if available), county
Regular meetings will be held in May (to be known
representative for the 4-H district and the
as the spring meeting) and in September (to be
chairperson of each standing committee. This
known as the fall meeting).
committee shall have supervision over matters
Meetings of the Executive Committee will be held
of general interest to the organization.
in May and September (in conjunction with the
2. Executive officers committee shall be
regular meetings of the council) and in November,
comprised of the president, vice president,
January and March.
secretary-treasurer and immediate past
Special meetings may be called by the president,
president (if available). This committee shall
with the consent of the executive committee.
act as a planning committee in preparing the
county 4-H yearly program of work and may
meet to attend to council business between the
regular meetings of the council.
These bylaws may be amended at any regular
Section 2. NOMINATING.
meeting of the council provided the amendment
Duties of the nominating committee shall be to
has been submitted and read at the previous
present at least a double ballot for the slate of
meeting or has been distributed to each council
officers, if possible, at the spring council meeting
member in writing at least two weeks prior to the
and call for nominations from the floor.
meeting. It shall require a two-thirds vote of those
present to amend the bylaws.
The recognition committee shall be composed
of one or more members from each 4-H club.
A chairman shall be selected from the group
annually. This committee shall review records and
A quorum shall consist of members present.
applications and make selection of all awards and
trips. The committee shall also provide guidance in
the overall recognition program for the county.
Section 4. The president may appoint other
A majority consists of one or more over fifty
committees from time to time to facilitate the
percent (50%) of the members present at the
working of the county 4-H council.
Section 5. County Extension agents and the
president are ex-officio members of all committees.
They should attend all committee meetings but
have no vote.
All persons associated with this chartered group
are volunteers.
No adult or youth will use their position with 4-H
or the knowledge gained from their position in
4-H for person financial benefit.
To maintain the highest standards of conduct
This Council is organized exclusively for
and ethics, the ______________4-H program will
educational and charitable purposes, including,
investigate any suspected fraudulent or dishonest
for such purposes, the making of distributions to
use or misuse of resources. Any allegations
organizations that qualify as exempt organizations
of dishonesty will be handled with sensitivity,
under section 501(c)(3) of the lnternal Revenue
discretion and confidentiality to the extent allowed
Code, or the corresponding section of any future
for by law. The 4-H organization will use its best
federal tax code.
efforts to protect whistleblowers against retaliation.
No part of the net earnings of this Council shall
The following procedures for the retention and
inure to the benefit of or be distributable to
destruction of Records will be followed.
its members, trustees, officers, or other private
• Charter
persons, except that this Council shall be
empowered to pay reasonable compensation for
• Bylaws
services rendered and to make payments and
• EIN Paperwork
distributions in furtherance of the purposes set
990 tax returns
7 years
forth in this constitution.
• Annual Audit Reports
7 years
• Bank Records
3 years
• Donor Records and
No substantial part of this Council’s activities shall
Acknowledgement Letters
3 years
be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise
• Grant paperwork
3 years
attempting to influence legislation, and this Council
(after completion)
shall not participate or intervene in (including
the publishing or distribution of statements) any
• Minutes
3 years
political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to
• Correspondence
3 years
any candidate for public office.
• Yearly Program Plans
3 years
Copies of all permanent records will be kept on
file at the local Extension office. The Extension
offices in collaboration with the President are the
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
designated persons to identify the records that
constitution, this Council shall not carry on any other
have met their required retention time and will
activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a
oversee the destruction. All destruction will be by
corporation exempt from federal income tax under
section 501(c)(3) of the lnternal Revenue Code or
the corresponding section of any future federal
tax code, or (b) by a corporation, contributions to
which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of
the lnternal Revenue Code, or the corresponding
section of any future federal tax code.
Upon dissolution, the Council’s assets shall be
Adopted: ___________________________________________
distributed to the ________________________ County
Extension Office or its successor, provided that
this entity is recognized under § 501(c)(3) of the
lnternal Revenue Code, or the corresponding
section of any future federal tax code. lf this entity
_______________________ Date:
is not so recognized, the Council’s assets shall be
distributed for one or more exempt purposes within
Vice President:
__________________ Date:
the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the lnternal
Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of
any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed
____________ Date:
to the federal government, or to a state Montana
4-H Foundation, lnc. or local government, for a
public purpose. Any such asset not so disposed
of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent
Jurisdiction of the country in which the principal
office of the club is then located, exclusively
for such purposes or to such organization or
organizations, as said Court shall determine, which
are organized and operated exclusively for such
Golden Valley
Big Horn
Deer Lodge
Silver Bow
Powder River
Lewis & Clark
Judith Basin
Sweet Grass
A county 4-H council meeting should be run in
difference of opinion as to what should have
an efficient, orderly manner. As a member of an
been said, the chair will entertain a motion to
organized group you need to know at least the
amend the minutes.
basic principles of parliamentary procedure in
When this has been disposed of, the officer says,
order to share in carrying on its regular business.
“Are there any further corrections? If not, the
Among the procedure you should know are how to:
minutes stand approved as corrected.”
1. Call a meeting to order
2. Get the minutes read and approved or corrected.
When you wish to make or discuss a motion, ask a
3. Get the floor
question or give information related to the subject
4. Make a motion
under discussion, rise and address the chair by
5. Use common subsidiary motions.
saying, “Madam,” or “Mr. President,” or by other
special title, if appropriate. Never try to obtain the
a. Amend a motion.
floor when someone else is speaking unless the
b. Refer to committee.
speaker is out of order or there is an emergency.
c. Table.
In small informal groups you need not rise to
6. Use common motions.
address the chair.
a. Adjourn.
If members are not well acquainted, the speaker
b. Reconsider.
should give a name and some identifying remark so
c. Rescind.
that the chair, the secretary and other members will
7. Make a committee report.
know who is speaking. The correct form is “Mr. (or
Madame) President, Mrs. Richard Roe of Pleasant
Hills 4-H Club.” The chair then repeats the name.
The presiding officer (sometimes called the “chair”)
This recognition gives permission to speak.
stands, taps on the table with gavel or pencil to
get the group’s attention. The officer says, “The
meeting will please come to order.”
1. The member addresses the chair.
2. The chair recognizes the member.
The presiding officer says, “The secretary will read
3. The member makes the motion. After obtaining
the minutes of the last meeting,” and after they
the floor, the member says, “I move that…”
are read, “Are there any corrections?” The officer
Motions should be made in the affirmative
pauses, Then continues, “If not, the minutes stand
to avoid the confusion that comes from a
approved as read.”
negative vote on a negative motion. For
Every member of an organization is responsible
instance, you should say, “I move that the club
for seeing that its records are correct. So if
give a picnic,” not, “I move that the club does
anything has been omitted from the minutes
not give a picnic.” In the latter case the motion
or is not accurately reported, the member who
would be voting against the picnic and those
notices it should call attention to it and suggest a
voting “no” would be voting for it.
correction during the pause before the presiding
The proper form is, “I move that” not, “I make a
officer announces that the minutes are approved.
motion that,” or “I move you.” Making a motion
If there are no objections to the corrections, the
is equivalent to saying “I propose that” or “I
secretary makes the changes. When there is a
think we should do this.” It is assumed that you
are in favor of the motion you make so you
requires the chair to call for a standing or
are not allowed to speak against it. However,
hand raising vote.
since discussion may change your mind, you
8. The chair announces the result. After the vote
may vote against it.
is taken the chair must announce the result. The
The motion is seconded. All ordinary motions
usual form is, “The ayes have it and the motion
must be seconded. This is to prove that at
is carried. We will ____” or “The no’s have it and
least two persons want the subject discussed.
the motion is lost. We will not _____.”
Ordinarily, motions should be seconded
promptly. It is not necessary to be recognized
by the chair. In small groups you do not rise or
Sometimes in order to dispose of a main motion,
address the chair, by say simple, “I second the
it is necessary to make a subsidiary or secondary
motion.” In large meetings it is proper to rise
motion. These motions must be voted on before the
and say, “Mr. (or Madame) President, I second
main motion can be discussed further. The most
the motion.”
common motions of this class are to amend, to
If there is no second, the chair may say, “Is
refer to a committee and to lay on the table.
there a second?” not, “Do I hear a second?”
To Amend. A motion may be amended in four
or, “Will someone second the motion?” If no
ways: (1) by striking out, (2) by adding, (3) by
one else thinks the subject should be discussed
striking out and adding, (4) by substitution. For
and there is no second, the chair says, “The
instance, a member may move that the council
motion cannot be considered,” or “The motion
sponsor a leader recognition dinner for all
is lost for lack of a second.”
leaders who have served five years or longer, to
The chair states the motion. When the motion
be held on August 15 at the County Extension
has been seconded, the chair restates it;
Office. Someone else may say, “I move to amend
that is, repeats it clearly so everyone will
by striking out five and adding three.” Discuss
understand exactly what is proposed.
only the amendment until it is acted on. If it
carries, the chair says, “The ayes have it and the
The chair calls for discussion three times. This
amendment is carried. The motion now reads
step should never be omitted. The members
that the council sponsor a leader recognition
should have an opportunity to express
dinner for all leaders who have served three
opinions or to ask questions that may make
years or longer, to be held on August 15 at the
the motion clear.
County Extension Office.”
The chair asks for voting on the motion. When
An amendment to an amendment may only be
all members who wish to do so have spoken
discussed one at a time. Someone may have
or when the chair thinks that all sides of the
moved that the council cooperate with the
question have been discussed, (s)he may say, “Is
highway department by making a memorial
there any further discussion?” If no one speaks,
planting for the astronauts who died in the
the chair then asks for voting on the motion.
“Challenger” explosion. Someone else may move
Both affirmative and negative votes must be
to amend the motion by adding the phrase
taken. The chair says, “All in favor of the motion,
“of seven trees” after memorial planting. This
which is __________, say aye.”
amendment may be amended by inserting
After the “aye” vote, the chair says, “All
“Colorado blue spruce” before trees. While this
opposed say no.” If it is not clear on which
amendment is pending, discuss only the kind of
side the majority voted, the chair may call for
trees to be planted. When that amendment has
a vote by the raising of hands or standing.
been carried or failed, the number amendment
Also, a member who is unsure of the outcome
may then be discussed. Then the chair will state
may call for a division of the assembly, which
the motion as amended.
To Refer to a Committee. Sometimes a motion
adjourned. The usual form is, “The motion carries
is made which has the general approval of the
and the meeting is adjourned.”
group but needs to be studied more carefully than
If the standing rules state the time for adjournment,
can be done in a open meeting, or perhaps more
the chair may stand and say, “The hour for
information is needed before a final decision can
adjournment has arrived. The meeting is adjourned.”
be made. In such cases, someone should move
that the question be referred to a committee.
If the business is related to the activities of any
To Reconsider. A member who votes on the
standing committee, it should be turned over
prevailing side and then thinks that an action has
to that committee. For instance, the motion to
been taken too hastily, may move to reconsider. This
plan a suitable meeting to celebrate the tenth
motion can be made only in the session at which
anniversary of the organization of the council
the original motion was made, or the next meeting.
might be referred to the program committee.
To Rescind. Any motion passed by an organization
If a special committee is to be appointed, the
may be rescinded at any time, provided no actions
motion should state how many members it should
have been done that cannot be undone. If a
have and how it should be appointed; for
bill has been paid or a contract made; or if the
example, “I move that the question be referred to a
person involved in the action has been informed of
committee of three appointed by the chair.”
it, the motion cannot be rescinded. The motion to
To Lay on the Table. Sometimes it seems wise to
rescind requires a two-thirds vote.
temporarily lay aside some item of business that
is before the group. The correct form is, “I move
that the question be laid on the table,” or, simply,
Committee reports should give council members
“I move to lay this motion on the table.” This motion
an understanding of the subject dealt with and
must be seconded. It may not be debated or
the action that is desired. The reports consist of
amended. The motion to table must be passed by a
the material that has been agreed upon by the
majority vote.
committee. They may be oral or written. Written
reports should always be signed by the chair and
At any time during the session at which a question
by all members of the committee, if practical. The
was tabled or during the following session, the
chair of the committee presents the report. A copy
motion to take it from the table may be made. This
should be given to the secretary of the council.
motion may be carried by a majority vote. This is
in accord with the principle that a majority vote
The information given in a report determines the
is required to suspend rules or limit the freedom of
way the report will be presented. If it contains
the minority. If a motion is not taken from the table
information and recommendations as to action to
at the session of or following the one at which it
be taken on the subject, the chair should move the
was tabled, it is considered killed.
adoption of the recommendations. These reports
should be written. The members of the committee
know about the recommendations and should
Some motions are privileged to the business being
stand behind their report. The council should give
transacted. They are in order whenever they are
thoughtful consideration to the report. It may adopt,
needed. The one most commonly used, to adjourn.
reject, or amend the recommendations or refer
them back to the committee for further study. Each
To Adjourn. The correct form is, “move to adjourn,”
recommendation may be considered separately.
or “I move that we adjourn.” The motion is
seconded and voted on but is not discussed or
If the subject is extremely important or involves
amended. It is discourteous to begin talking or
another organization or individuals outside the
to rise until the chair has declared the meeting
council, the committee may recommend resolutions
to carry its suggestions into effect. The resolutions
are written at the end of the report. The chair of
the committee should move for their adoption.
Members of the council who vote for the adoption
of the recommendations or resolutions should
realize that they are obligating themselves to carry
them out.
Committees present summaries of their
accomplishments as progress reports and as
annual reports. It is not necessary that a motion
be made to accept these reports. Reports giving a
number of accomplishments should be written.
A committee that has been asked to collect
information on a subject may present its findings
with or without a motion as to action to be taken.
The council may refer the matter to the committee
a second time and ask it to recommend what
should be done.
You can find an example of a committee report
form on page 25.
Agenda — A list outline or plan of things to be considered or done in a meeting.
Minutes — The official record of the proceedings of a meeting, usually kept by the secretary.
Financial Statement — A record of the income, expenses and investments of an organization presented by
the treasurer at a regular meeting.
Audit — A formal examination of an organization’s accounts or financial statements usually
done yearly.
By-laws — Rules adopted by and organization, chiefly to govern its members and regulate its
Parliamentary procedure/Robert’s Rules of Order — A process used by boards in the rules and usages of
parliamentary procedure as in Robert’s Rules of Order (a book written by General Henry
M. Robert which is
used by organizations as their parliamentary authority in running board and general
membership meetings).
Annual report — A brochure developed by an organization which lists the year’s activities and the
financial report.
Trusteeship — The process of making an individual commitment, on behalf of the general public to
the needs of the entire community and seek to serve the common good.
Budget — A plan for the coordination and expenditures of an organization.
Fundraising — A planned process whereby money is raised to assist the organization in its work.
Strategic action plan — A forecast of the organization’s activities: how it will spend its money, use its
personnel, plan continuing or new activities and find its resources.
Non-profit/tax exempt status — An organization which is not operated or maintained for the purpose of
making a profit. No taxes are paid and the work performed by the organization must
be educational and
charitable in nature.
Mission — A combination of beliefs, interests, skills and qualities which individuals or organizations
use to
address the needs in the home, school, civic or global community. A mission statement
reflects values, is lofty,
gives direction for skills and qualities and is a compass for decisions.
Executive committee — A committee of the board composed of the officers who can make decisions for the
board meetings. Officers generally involved are the president, vice president, secretary
and treasurer.
Code of ethics — A set of principles board members are expected to meet which have been adopted by
the entire board.
Common good — When individuals and organizations make decisions based on the needs of the entire
community, they act for the common good. These broader decisions demonstrate what
is meant by “serving
the common good.” In simple terms, it is not what is good for me or you, but what
is good for us.
Standing committees — Those committees of the board that meet between board meetings to discuss
activities for the organization and to make recommendations to the board. Committees
generally include:
Program, Finance/Ways and Means, Nominating, Future Planning, Personnel, and others
as designated by
the board.
Adjournment — To end a meeting. In a board meeting a motion is made to adjourn (end) the meeting.
Place_________________________ Month_______________ Day_______ Hour_______
1. Call to order
2. Opening exercise (roll call/pledge)_____________________________________________________________________________
3. Reading and approval of minutes
4. Reading of communications
5. Reports of officers, council members or leaders
Treasurers report
6. Reports of committees:
Standing _ ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Special ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. Unfinished business
a. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8. New Business
a. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
c. _ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
d. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
e. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9. Program (e.g., initiation of new members, installation of officers)
10. Announcements
a. Project work
b. Announce place, date, hour, and read tentative program for next meeting.
11. Adjournment
Given in
Needed at
Time Required
to help Solve it
Expansion & Review
Public Relations
Exchange Trip
Demonstration Day
Event ___________________ Date and Time ___________________ Location ______________________
Job to be Done
Person Responsible
Assisted By
Date to be Completed
Name of Committee________________________________________________________________________________________________
Special event or activity_____________________________________________________________________________________________
General report or update___________________________________________________________________________________________
Members contributing:_______________________________________________________________________________________________
Short summary of methods used by the committee, what the committee did, facts uncovered
and information obtained:
If the committee was appointed to investigate or study, provide a summary of the information
If the committee was appointed to take action, provide a short summary of the work
If the committee was appointed to make recommendations, provide a statement of the
followed by the resolution or motion proposed to implement the recommendation. (If
the resolutions or
recommendations are contained within the body of the report, summarize them at the
end of the report.)
Who will do? _________________________ By when? _________________________
1. Set dates for the contests that will be held in the county.
2. Arrange for a facility for each contest.
3. Mail out pre-registration form.
4. Set up schedule and mail to each contestant.
5. Decide on number of platforms and secure 3 judges per platform.
6. Secure one monitor per platform.
7. Secure 3 persons to do registration and tabulation.
8. Arrange for someone to do judges’ orientation.
9. Arrange for someone to do monitors’ orientation.
10. Write news article for local paper announcing placings.
11. Mail out score sheets and certificates to each participant.
Form SS-4
Application for Employer Identification Number
OMB No. 1545-0003
(Rev. January 2010)
(For use by employers, corporations, partnerships, trusts, estates, churches,
government agencies, Indian tribal entities, certain individuals, and others.)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
See separate instructions for each line.
Keep a copy for your records.
Legal name of entity (or individual) for whom the EIN is being requested
4-H Council, Club or Group Name
Trade name of business (if different from name on line 1)
Executor, administrator, trustee, “care of” name
(Principal Contact)
4a Mailing address (room, apt., suite no. and street, or P.O. box)
Street address (if different) (Do not enter a P.O. box.)
4b City, state, and ZIP code (if foreign, see instructions)
City, state, and ZIP code (if foreign, see instructions)
County and state where principal business is located
7a Name of responsible party
Is this application for a limited liability company (LLC) (or
If 8a is “Yes,” enter the number of
a foreign equivalent)?
LLC members
8a is “Yes,” was the LLC organized in the United States?
Type of entity (check only one box). Caution. If 8a is “Yes,” see the instructions for the correct box to check.
Sole proprietor (SSN)
Estate (SSN of decedent)
Plan administrator (TIN)
Corporation (enter form number to be filed)
Trust (TIN of grantor)
Personal service corporation
National Guard
State/local government
Church or church-controlled organization
Farmers’ cooperative
Federal government/military
Other nonprofit organization (specify)
Indian tribal governments/enterprises
Other (specify)
Montana 4-H Foundation Inc.
Group Exemption Number (GEN) if any
If a corporation, name the state or foreign country
Foreign country
(if applicable) where incorporated
Reason for applying (check only one box)
Banking purpose (specify purpose)
Started new business (specify type)
Changed type of organization (specify new type)
Purchased going business
Hired employees (Check the box and see line 13.)
Created a trust (specify type)
Compliance with IRS withholding regulations
Created a pension plan (specify type)
Other (specify)
Starting a 4-H Club/Organization
Date business started or acquired (month, day, year). See instructions.
Closing month of accounting year
If you expect your employment tax liability to be $1,000
Highest number of employees expected in the next 12 months (enter -0- if none).
or less in a full calendar year and want to file Form 944
annually instead of Forms 941 quarterly, check here.
If no employees expected, skip line 14.
(Your employment tax liability generally will be $1,000
or less if you expect to pay $4,000 or less in total
wages.) If you do not check this box, you must file
Form 941 for every quarter.
First date wages or annuities were paid (month, day, year). Note. If applicant is a withholding agent, enter date income will first be paid to
nonresident alien (month, day, year)
Check one box that best describes the principal activity of your business.
Health care & social assistance
Rental & leasing
Transportation & warehousing
Accommodation & food service
Real estate
Finance & insurance
Other (specify)
Indicate principal line of merchandise sold, specific construction work done, products
produced, or services provided.
Youth Developement and Education
Has the applicant entity shown on line 1 ever applied for and received an EIN?
“Yes,” write previous EIN here
Complete this section only if you want to authorize the named individual to receive the entity’s EIN and answer
questions about the completion of this form.
Designee’s name
Designee’s telephone number (include area code)
Address and ZIP code
Designee’s fax number (include area code)
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this application, and to
the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete.
Applicant’s telephone number (include area code)
Name and title (type or print clearly)
Applicant’s fax number (include area code)
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions.
Cat. No. 16055N
Form SS-4
(Rev. 1-2010)