4-H Camps
Our webpages must be accessible so we have our documents in printable/downloadable PDF version first, then we have the document in a webpage version. You may need to scroll through the page to find the document you are looking for.
The Darrell Fenner 4-H Camp is located on Loon Lake in Bigfork and consists of thirteen
cabins and a lodge. Each cabin houses eight people. The lodge contains a commercial kitchen, fireplace, bathrooms,
and showers. There are many activities that can be enjoyed at the 4-H Camp. You can
contact the manager for reservations at loonlakemanager@gmail.com.
- About Darrell Fenner Loon Lake 4-H Camp
- Map to Darrell Fenner Loon Lake 4-H Camp
- 4-H Camp Counselor Application
- 4-H Camp Registration
- Chaperone Medical Release Form
- Chaperone Media Release Form
- Permission to Travel Form
Darrell Fenner Loon Lake 4-H Camp
Flathead 4-H Camp is for 4-H ages 8-12. Members 4-H ages 14-18 may apply to be camp
counselors. Applicants for camp counselor will go through an interview process to
be selected as a camp counselor. Once selected as a camp counselor, the camp counselors
meet for several weeks to plan the camp's week of activities. Flathead 4-H Camp is
usually held in July. Check the calendar page for dates.
4-H Camp Counselor Application
Printable version of 4-H Camp Counselor Application (PDF)
To: Flathead 4-H Club Leaders
From: MSU Extension, Flathead County
Date: March 15, 2024
RE: 2024 Flathead County 4-H Camp Counselor Application
Camp Dates: We are excited to begin planning the 2024 Flathead County 4-H Camp! Attached is the camp counselor application for this year’s camp, which will be held Tues, July 23 to Fri, July 26, at the Darrel E. Fenner 4-H Camp at Loon Lake (Ferndale, east of Bigfork). Camp counselors and MSU Extension Agents will set up camp and conduct rehearsals on Mon, July 22nd.
Application: Please be sure to complete all sections, answer all questions, and sign (where required) on the application packet. Please submit the following 4 required pages: Information Form, Question and Answer Form, 4-H Counselor Requirements, and My Camp Plan.Typed or handwritten applications are accepted. Use additional paper as needed. Completed and signed applications are due by 5pm on April 5th in the MSU Extension Office located at 1108 S. Main Street Ste 4 in Kalispell, MT.
Counselor Training Sessions:
1) May 17 at 6pm to May 19 at 12noon at Loon Lake 4-H Camp
2) June 23rd from 2pm-5pm, location: TBD
3) July 14th from 2-5pm, location: TBD
The primary Flathead 4-H camp counselor training session will occur at the Darrell E. Fenner Flathead 4-H Camp at Loon Lake (in Ferndale, east of Bigfork) starting on Friday night (May 17th, 2024) at approximately 6pm and concluding on Sunday (May 19th, 2024) at approximately 12 noon. Meals will be provided at no cost for this 3-day counselor trainings. The counselors will complete team building, camp brainstorming, and mandatory rules instruction during this two-night campout training session. Also, counselors will be encouraged to attend another county’s camp (at the Flathead 4-H camp) between June 19th through 20th and June 26th through 28thto observe. It is incredibly important for everyone, regardless of previous counselor experience, to attend all the camp counselor training sessions. If an interested counselor applicant is not able to attend all the above sessions, they may still apply and the MSU Extension Agents will contact them to discuss potential alternatives. There is no charge for counselors to attend the Flathead 4-H Camp or training sessions. Counselors will likely receive training in the areas of leadership, youth development, public speaking, and CPR.
Counselor Selection: Twelve cabin pairs of counselors (24 total counselors) will be selected for this year’s camp. We will pair first-year counselors with experienced counselors whenever possible. We will accept applications through April 5th by 5pm and will announce the list of selected camp counselors by April 18th.
Arrival times/dates for Counselors vs. Campers: counselors will arrive after 10am on Monday, July 22nd for a pre-camp set-up day; campers will arrive on Tuesday, July 23rd. Counselors and campers depart camp at a time to be determined in the early afternoon on Friday, July 26th.
We look forward to working with all of you as Flathead 4-H continues the overnight camp experience. It is your leadership, enthusiasm and spirit that make this such a positive, often life-changing experience for the campers.
Feel free to contact us if you have questions.
Rick Balestri, 4H and Youth Development Extension Agent
Contact 406-758-5552 or richard.balestri@montana.edu
Ashli Darrach, Flathead County 4-H and FCS MSU Extension Agent
Contact: 406-758-2448/ashli.darrach@montana.edu
2024 Flathead County 4-H Camp Counselor Application
Application Due April 5, 2024 by 5pm in MSU Extension Office
Please complete and sign your application and deliver it to the MSU Extension Office located at 1108 S. Main Street Ste 4 in Kalispell, MT no later than 5pm on Friday, April 5th. Counselors must be 14-18 years old as of October 1, 2023. 13-year-olds as of October 1, 2023 may apply as a Junior Counselor. If you apply to be a junior counselor and are not selected, you may still attend camp as a camper. There will be three mandatory counselor training/planning workshops throughout the year leading up to camp. Counselors must commit to assisting with camp planning and attend all training sessions.
Information Form: Complete all sections.
Position: Male Counselor (14-18 yrs as of Oct. 1, 2023) Male Junior Counselor (13 yrs as of Oct. 1, 2023)
Female Counselor (14-18 yrs as of Oct. 1, 2023) Female Junior Counselor (13 yrs as of Oct. 1, 2023)
Name: Telephone:
Address: City/State/Zip:
Club: E-Mail:
The best way to contact me is by: Email Phone Text
Age as of October 1, 2023: Birthdate:
Current 4-H Projects:
Past 4-H Projects:
MEDICAL HISTORY: Do you have any physical conditions or allergies which prevent you from performing certain kinds of work or activities? check one Yes No
If yes, please explain:
Briefly describe leadership experiences you've had, especially those with children:
Have you attended a 4-H camp in Flathead County? Yes No Other counties
If Yes, list year(s): If Other, list county and year:
Have you been a counselor for 4-H or other summer camps and received camp counselor training? check one Yes No If yes, please list name of camp(s), year, and responsibilities:
2024 Flathead County 4-H Camp Counselor Application
Application Due April 5, 2024 by 5pm in MSU Extension Office
Question and Answer Form: Please respond to the following questions.
- Why do you want to be a camp counselor?
- List 3 of your strongest qualities and why it makes you a good candidate:
- List 3 personal challenges/areas of weakness and how you envision overcoming them:
- List any special training or experiences (i.e. first aid certification, CPR certification, leadership training, etc.) you have:
- What do you think the role of a Counselor should be?
- Would your parents be willing to chaperone for a night or two? _____yes _____no
If yes, list dates/times: _________________________________________________
- Provide three references, including your 4-H leader, who are over 21 yrs old and are not related to you.
- Name: _______________________ Phone Number: _________________ Email: ___________________
- Name: _______________________ Phone Number: _________________ Email: ___________________
- Name: _______________________ Phone Number: _________________ Email: ___________________
2024 Flathead 4-H Camp Counselor Requirements
Application Due April 5, 2024 by 5pm in MSU Extension Office
4-H Counselor Requirements: Please read and sign.
I will be expected to:
- Attend all training, planning, and social activities in their entirety unless excused beforehand by the camp director or 4-H Extension Agent.
- Monitor email, phone, and text, for important camp information. Respond accordingly when asked. Keep communication channels open.
- Set a good example by not using profanity or telling off-color jokes and stories both at meetings and during camp week.
- Not have in my possession or use tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs while I am participating in the 4-H Camp Counselor Program and at 4-H camp. Possession and/or use of these substances will result in immediate dismissal from the Camp Counselor Program.
- Abide by the no “Inappropriate Behavior” policy at camp. No public displays of affection.
- Abide by the NO CELL PHONE policy at camp (Note: unless otherwise authorized by Camp Director or Extension Staff).
- Be a responsible counselor.
- a) Get to know campers personally and by name.
- b) Have all campers, including myself, check in any of their medications with the camp nurse / medical staff.
- c) Make sure each camper uses personal hygiene.
- d) Make sure that all my campers are familiar with camp facilities and camp rules.
- e) Check for illness or injury, but don’t make much of a “fuss” about minor things.
- Be in my cabin with my campers always between the hours of “Lights Out” and “Rise and Shine” unless allowed by the Camp Director(s) or 4-H Extension Agent(s).
- Treat everyone with dignity and respect. Never punish a camper by ridicule or physical punishment – patience and understanding works wonders. Seek Extension Agent or adult chaperone assistance with misbehaving campers.
- Urge safety at all times. Take time to explain how and why to do something safely.
- Escort hurt / sick campers to the nurse, Ext. Agent or adult chaperone regardless how minor the injury / illness.
- Organize, plan, and conduct special activities. I will follow through and be prepared for all assigned activities, workshops, and assigned responsibilities.
- Work as a team with other counselors, adult chaperones, and staff to provide a safe and enjoyable camp experience.
- Ensure all campers are involved in all activities. Make sure no one is excluded.
- Guide, suggest, and develop a cooperative, team spirit within my cabin at camp. Successful organizations reflect on their performance, identify their shortcomings, and commit to continual improvement.
- Make sure campers understand they are responsible for their own behavior.
- Be sure that all campers know that they must always remain on the camp grounds.
- Be on-time at all camp activities.
- Be flexible – plans do change.
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to abide by the above responsibilities as a camp counselor. I understand and agree that I will be asked to call my parents/guardian immediately to pick me up if I conduct myself in an irresponsible manner, which includes being out of my cabin after hours and/or the possession or use of tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, weapons, or fireworks.
Signature of Candidate: Date:
Signature of Parent/ Guardian Date:
Phone number of Guardian
2024 Flathead 4-H Camp Counselor My Camp Plan
Application Due April 5, 2024 by 5pm in MSU Extension Office
Each year the counselors and adult staff select a timely and fun camp theme and plan all the camp activities and programs around the theme. After giving this important topic of “theme” some thought, complete the My Camp Plan sheet. Please keep copyright and trademark considerations in mind when suggesting your camp theme and other ideas.
Camp Theme:
Group/Counselor Name Ideas:
Special Program(s): (doesn’t have to be related to the camp theme:
Guest Speaker Ideas:
Recreation Ideas:
All Camp Activity Ideas:
Other Suggestions:
4-H Camp Registration
Flathead 4-H Camp starts Tuesday, July 18, 2023 through Friday, July 21, 2023 for 4-H youth 4-H ages 8 to 13 at the Darrell Fenner 4-H Camp on Loon Lake. The cost is $150 with a $75 discount for those that worked on camp clean-up. There is also financial aid available by completing a scholarship form. Complete your registration for youth and chaperones (must be a fully certified volunteer leader) below.
Chaperone Registration
Chaperonesare needed for 4-H camp. If you are a Certified Volunteer Leader please concider being a Chaperone at 4-H Camp. To register as a Chaperone for 4-H Camp click on the following link:
This link will take you to a Chaperone Registration page.