4-H Youth Scholarship Information
Please visit montana4h.org for Montana 4-H Foundation Scholarship information.
Applications are submitted through ZSuite (those without a ZSuite account can apply through https://4h.zsuite.org/external-event-registration/36795) or emailed to Cascade 4-H Foundation at cascade@montana.edu.
At the heart of 4-H is a commitment to learning, leadership and service. To help promote those endeavors, Cascade County 4-H foundation supports scholarships for pursuing continuing education opportunities after high-school graduation.
- Candidates remain eligible to be scholarship recipients for six years after high school graduation.
Complete on ZSuite (those without a ZSuite account can apply through https://4h.zsuite.org/external-event-registration/36795) or email on or before 11:59 pm Mountain Time on March 31 of the current year or the following business day if the 31st falls on a weekend or holiday.
SUBMIT TO: Cascade 4-H Foundation at cascade@montana.edu
Selections shall be made by the Cascade 4-H Foundation Scholarship Committee. Recipients shall be notified in May.
45% 4-H Involvement
25% Community involvement and school activities
35% Essay
Payment shall be disbursed by July 15th annually, jointly payable to the recipient and the post-secondary institution of his/her choice contingent that all requirements are met.
Applicant must be/have been a Cascade County 4-H member at the time of his or her high school graduation or equivalent.
Please assemble application packet in the order listed below. Failure to include any of the following items below will result in application disqualification.
- APPLICATION: Completed application, limiting essay questions to 300 words.
- TWO LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION: Two letters of recommendation, preferably one from a 4-H volunteer.
- CURRENT TRANSCRIPT: A current high school or post-secondary transcript must be provided.
Complete the Cascade 4-H Foundation Scholarship Application to apply for the Cascade County 4-H Memorial Scholarship.
- Cascade 4-H Foundation Scholarship
- Up to seven scholarships of $500.00 each shall be awarded with priority given to first time applicants.
- The scholarship money awarded to repeat recipients will be up to $1,000, allocating the proceeds equitably if less people apply than we have budgeted for.
Please contact Jenn Volkmar,
Cascade County MSU Extension 4-H Agent, at jennifer.volkmar@montana.edu,
with any 4-H youth scholarship questions.
Applications are submitted through ZSuite (those without a ZSuite account can apply through https://4h.zsuite.org/external-event-registration/36795) or emailed to Cascade 4-H Foundation at cascade@montana.edu.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status.