Pocket Pets helps you learn about small hand pets and how to care for them. This is an excellent beginning project, especially if you are a younger member who wants to learn what it’s like to care for an animal. You will develop important life skills and practical skills through hands-on activities that will teach you about your pet’s needs. Pets included in these materials are ferrets, snakes and turtles, hamsters, gerbils, mice, fish, frogs and toads, lizards, birds, guinea pigs and others.

Pocket Pets, Level 1

Learn about different kinds of pets, costs to raise them and how to care for them. You’ll be learning about yourself, too. Learn how to communicate effectively with others, how to make good decisions, how to be responsible and how to plan and organize.

You must complete at least seven activities and three learning experiences each year to complete this project. It may take up to three years to complete the project.

M Pet Pals, BU6359

Pocket Pets, Level 2

Level 2 will help expand your knowledge of pets and improve life skills. Learn about an animal’s digestive system, pet breeding, nutritional requirements for pets, comparison shopping, signs of good animal health and how pets communicate.

You must complete at least seven activities and five learning experiences each year to complete this project. It may take up to three years to complete the project.

Pocket Pets, Level 3

This project provides several opportunities to develop your leadership and communication skills. Find activities to help develop a business, explore careers and teach others. Learn about genetics, how to start your own business, the pet industry, explore animal welfare issues, think environmentally, investigate “pet” sayings and learn about pet diseases.

You must complete at least seven activities and five learning experiences each year to complete this project. It may take up to three years to complete the project.

Additional Resources for All Levels

S Pocket Pets Resource Handbook, 4H220R
L Pet Helper’s Guide, BU6362 Find many fun and engaging group games and activities to further expand the pet project experience for youth.

Pocket Pets Independent Study/Advanced