Although beginners do not need to own a goat, the more advanced levels of the project are designed for those who have one or more goats to care for. Raise a goat for milk, mohair, meat or even for packing. Youth wishing to enroll in Breeding Goat must also be enrolled in Level 1, 2 or 3.

Dairy Goat, Level 1

You will learn about both dairy goats (raised primarily for milk) and Angora goats (raised for mohair). You’ll learn about the parts of the goat, breeds, costs to raise a goat, and how to care for a goat while developing important life skills.

This level may take up to three years to complete. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and three learning experiences each year to complete this project.

Dairy Goat, Level 2

You’ll learn how to keep your goat healthy, feed them for maximum production, prepare for kidding, develop judging skills and milk a goat properly.

This level may take up to three years to complete. You must complete at least seven activities and five learning experiences each year to complete this project.

Dairy Goat, Level 3

Advanced 4-H members learn about genetics and breeding, careers in the goat industry, diseases, biosecurity, body condition scoring, pedigrees and quality assurance. At this level, you are in an excellent position to share your knowledge and experiences with others.


This level may take up to three years to complete. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and five learning experiences each year to complete this project. 

Additional Resources for All Levels

S Goat Resource Handbook, 4H135R
L Goat Helper’s Guide, BU8355. Plan group meetings to get youth involved and excited to learn about goats. Youth will enjoy playing goat-related games, conducting skillathons, giving demonstrations, participating in showmanship contests and other fun group activities.

Dairy Goat Independent Study/Advanced