Beef is an excellent way to learn about an important industry in Montana and the rest of the nation. Through this project, you can learn about all aspects of the beef industry, either by directly caring for a calf or by learning about beef through the 4-H achievement program in each level. You may raise a market calf or manage a breeding animal at any level. Youth wishing to enroll in Market Beef or Breeding Beef must also be enrolled in Level 1, 2, or 3. If you enroll in independent study, you are expected to have already completed the three levels of the beef project and have set some learning goals for your independent work.


Beef, Level 1

Enroll in Market and/or Breeding when registering.

Level 1 activities allow youth to learn about beef production and investigate the basics of raising beef cattle for a market and/or breeding project. Youth are not required to own an animal, activities will allow youth to pursue their beef cattle interest. 

In this level, learn about cattle selection, breeds, management, health, reproduction and genetics, nutrition and feeding, carcass evaluation, showing cattle, marketing, and more. Activities utilize a variety of learning styles, recommended video resources, and hands-on opportunities that integrate the 4-H experience throughout the project year.

It may take up to three years to complete this level. Youth should complete 7 activities from 5 different chapters each year to complete the project, and complete three ‘Talk it Over’ sections prior to completing the project book. 

M Growing Beef, 5364, available end of 2024 
M Beef Resource Handbook for Market, Breeding and Feeder Calf Projects, 4H117R

Beef, Level 2

Enroll in Market and/or Breeding when registering.

Once you’ve completed the achievement requirements in level one, you’re ready for Here’s the Beef. In this level, you’ll learn about leg structure, how to present oral reasons in judging, feed ingredients, beef behavior, nose printing, parasites, fitting your market beef, ethical issues, beef carcass composition and retail meat cuts.

It may take three years to complete this level. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and five learning experiences each year to complete this project.

Beef, Level 3

Enroll in Market and/or Breeding when registering.

As an advanced member, you have several opportunities to share your knowledge and experience about beef cattle with other members. You’ll also gain leadership skills as you help others learn about cattle. In this level, teach others about beef cattle, explore career opportunities, and learn about selection, judging, fees, health, reproduction, meats and marketing.

It may take as long as three years to complete this level. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and five learning experiences each year to complete this project.

Additional Resources for All Levels

S Beef Resource Handbook for Market, Breeding and Feeder Calf Projects, 4H117R
L Beef Helper’s Guide, BU8146 Find a variety of group learning activities, including skill-a-thons, quiz bowls, games, presentations, Beef Bingo and several management skill activities.

Beef Independent Study/Advanced