* Trip applications for Spring Break 2025 are now closed. 

What does the application process look like?

Step 1: Apply to go on a BreaksAway Trip

Step 2: Interview

Step 3: Get placed on a BreaksAway Trip

Step 4: Pay your non-refundable trip deposit

Step 5: Fill out your required paperwork and complete the trip driver training

Step 6: Get in contact with your trip leader and participate in any pre-trip meetings and orientation

Step 7: Pay the remainder of your trip fee

Step 8: Go on your BreaksAway trip!


Participant FAQ's

This depends on the host site. In the past we have worked in homeless shelters, built trails, tutored kids, built houses and more! Specific trip details will be posted when applications go live!

This varies from site to site, however, the groups tend to work a typical day, 8am-5pm, Mon.-Fri., with breaks throughout the day and evenings free for activities

OSE and trip leaders will locate housing at local churches, community centers, campgrounds or airbnb's to keep the cost of the trips low. Participants may be expected to bring their own bedding depending on their housing site!

The trip participants and leaders are given cash per diems ($20/day) for meals, which is a part of the trip fee. Groups typically buy food together and cook at their housing site.

Driver Training

If you are interested and willing to be a driver for your BreaksAway group, you will complete a driver training course through the Office of Student Engagement and the Leadership Institute.

In order to drive the 7-passenger vans or SUV’s, you MUST complete this training.

Typically  each trip has 12 students, including 1-2 site leaders. This varies from year to yea and depends on the capacity of our host sites. 
Before signing up, please keep in mind that as a participant on the trips you are an active member of the group, which includes attending attending 2-3 meetings with your group and leaders before you leave. One of these meetings will include teambuilding activities to help you get to know your fellow participants better.  
You can learn more about what a typical day for a BreaksAway participant looks like on our "Day in the Life of a BreaksAway Participant" webpage. 

Yes, you must be a currently enrolled MSU-Bozeman student when signing up and during your trip. International MSU students are encouraged to participate, keeping in mind any travel restrictions they may have with their student Visas. 

These trips are all lead by student site leaders! The Office of Student Engagement and the Leadership Institute train these leaders in the months leading up to the trips as well as provide guidance while on their trips as needed.