A group of students discuss strategies with a professor.

Community Health

Promote healthy lifestyles and improve the well-being of communities by working in roles within schools, nonprofit or government organizations and community health centers.

Community Health – B.S. in Community Health

The Community Health program at Montana State focuses on improving health and well-being for all through the promotion of healthy lifestyles, healthy family functioning, community actions for health and conditions that make it possible to live healthful lives. Students in the program draw on public health, education, psychology, sociology, family science and other social and behavioral sciences while engaging in community involvement and interactive processes to best understand the field.


Beth Rink, a professor of Community Health, won a $3.12 million grant from the National Institutes of Health for her research with American Indian youth and their families on the Fort Peck Reservation in northeastern Montana.


An illustration of a heart, a heartbeat monitor line in the center.

Montana’s Research Leader
Montana State leverages more than $120 million annually to support pioneering research across our departments, institutes and centers.

An illustration of a drafting compass, its calipers spread wide.

Learn By Doing
Community Health students learn through class assignments, practicum, internships and community service.

An illustration of a guide post, its signs posting in different directions.

Adventure Awaits
Montana State is the No. 1 college in the U.S. for outdoor sports and recreation, with world-class skiing, hiking, biking, fly fishing and close proximity to Yellowstone National Park.



Career Resources

Within their first year of graduation, more than 96% of Montana State graduates are employed, continuing their education or not seeking employment, and career guidance website Zippia consistently ranks MSU as the #1 school in the state where alumni are most likely to land jobs.

Career Coaching & Professional Skills Studio

Professional career coaches help students with their career exploration, employer networking opportunities and job or internship searches. They also critique resumes and help students practice job interviews. Additionally, the Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success offers free workshops for students to develop the professional communication and collaboration skills that are highly sought after by employers.


Community Health students at Montana State University go into careers such as:

  • Health Educator
  • Community Health Advisor
  • Health Coach
  • Wellness Coordinator

To explore more career possibilities, the Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success has a variety of tools available, including self-assessment and working with career coaches.